UX Digital Presence References & Resources

Brock Delebreau & Erin Campbell
2 min readMay 1, 2019


The traditional portfolio is a confusing space for user experience designers. It’s no wonder too. As if our work isn’t hard enough to explain to others already, rhetorically, the term portfolio carries with it a multitude of connotations. We’re exploring the best ways to present your UX work in this series. The rest of the Curating Your Digital Presence series can be found at the links below:

We wanted to wrap up by presenting a wide variety of resources for building, curating, and designing your online presence beyond the topics we’ve discussed. We hope you find these just as useful as we have.


Tools and Services

Our Favorite UXers



Brock Delebreau & Erin Campbell

Brock Delebreau & Erin Campbell are recent graduates of the Experience Architecture program at Michigan State University.