THEY — Chapter 9 — Friends

Caralynn Scott
13 min readSep 30, 2023

This is chapter 9 of my book “THEY”. If you are finding it for the first time, begin with Chapter 1 (or check the INDEX )! Then check out the rest of my stories on my MEDIUM profile: Caralynn Scott — Medium

All material is original and copyright Caralynn Scott.

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CHAPTER 9 — Friends

Jennic awoke to a gentle nudging from the new Arti, prodding softly with an articulated appendage at the side of the bed. “It is time for dinner, Jennic. Please wake up.” It said sweetly, though oddly entirely without emotion.

Rubbing their groggy eyes, Jennic swung two feet around and onto the floor, then stood unsteadily and straightening their clothing. Looking down at the little machine they mumbled, “Lead on, MacDuff”.

The irony in the phrase was lost on the Arti, but not on Jennic. They had read it several times in their books and, understanding that it had once been a common phrase, they had researched it. It had fallen out of use long ago, but what Jennic found most interesting was that it had always been wrongly quoted from the writings of Shakespeare. Jennic had read several of this person’s writings, though they found it much easier to watch them in ancient video portrayals than follow the archaic language in the original scripts. A little digging turned up these recordings preserved from thousands of years ago, and Jennic marvelled at how smoothly the language flowed and how the stories twisted and tangled and then unravelled in a satisfying climax.

The phrase “Lead on, MacDuff” was commonly invoked to imply someone should lead the way while the one saying it would follow, but in fact, Macbeth and MacDuff were entrenched in battle when the words were spoken, and the invitation was actually to make a retreat or to stop fighting first, and hence forfeit the dual. In other words, it was an invitation to give up and loose. Jennic could not help wondering what kind of duels yet lay ahead of them and they would have much preferred “MacDuff” to be the first to surrender.

Without giving any indication of understanding the actual reference, the little Arti’s language filters ignored the name and turned towards the door. Moving forward, it pressed the call button for the transport cube. Jennic realized that there must have been several cubes all running in these tubes at the same time, because in just a few moments, the door opened, and the pair stepped inside.

“Now, what was it I was supposed to say?” Jennic mused aloud.

“Common Room” said the Arti in reply. Jennic was unsure if the Arti was answering the question or commanding the cube, but regardless, the cube began to move. First, a short shift back, then a long left, a short step forward and finally a drop before the door opened into the common room. The space was exactly the same as it was when they had left, but now it seemed to have come to life, filled with other “guests.” Some sitting by themselves; others in line, in front of the food station; still more clumped in small groups all around the open space. There were, of course, no familiar faces in the room.

Walking over to the line of people waiting to gather food, Jennic took their place without saying a word. A relatively wide selection of flavours was presented in the breakfront display case, and Jennic informed the server of their selection of protein, vegetable, and beverage before collecting them and heading toward a table.

As they scanned the room for a place to sit and eat, Jennic heard someone call out, “Hey Newbie! Over here!”

For a moment, Jennic was unsure if someone was calling for them, or someone else, but scanned to the room for the source of the voice regardless. They quickly spotted a hand stretched in the air, waving above the head of a rather short, stout individual who was at that moment looking in their direction. A slightly taller person sitting in front of them with their back toward Jennic also turned and looked directly at Jennic, smiling warmly.

Jennic was not as shy as everyone believed. In reality, they merely preferred to observe than participate, which made them appear to be aloof and quiet, not often choosing to speak with others. However, when it seemed appropriate, or necessary to gain a greater understanding, they did not have any problem striking up a conversation. Jennic glanced behind themselves, checking to be sure the invitation was not for someone else, and then back at the table.

“Yes, you! Come on over. We won’t bite… At least I won’t. I can’t really speak for Laybo here.” Jennic reasoned that having contacts in a place like this might be extremely useful — to gain information, and perhaps for safety — who knew what lay ahead. These two looked like they might be familiar with the place, and the one was outspoken enough that they would probably be willing to share information Jennic could use. A bit more orientation, coming from the perspective of other guests, would be welcome.

Jennic smiled back and walked toward the table. Not so fast as to seem eager, but not so slow as to seem disinterested either. “Hello.” They said, greeted the table calmly and casually, looking at the stouter one who had initially invited them, then at the one they referred to as Laybo. “I’m Jennic.”

“I’m Fenlow. Welcome to ‘hell’.”

Jennic knew the archaic word from ancient religious texts and stopped cold, staring at Fenlow. What did they mean? Everyone seemed so happy in this place, including the occupants of this table. Certainly, they did not seem in torment as she understood the word hell to imply. So why had Fenlow just referred to it as “hell” — a place of terrible punishment that lasted for eternity?

The shocked look on Jennic’s face was obviously just the reaction Fenlow was hoping for, as they immediately broke out in uproarious laughter. When they stopped, they smiled in satisfaction and quickly let the newcomer off the hook by providing an explanation. “Healing Everyone Little by Little… H.E.L.L.” get it? It’s our little joke. Don’t worry, it’s not that bad. Well… At least the food is good. Sit and eat with us.”

Jennic felt relieved and took a seat beside Laybo, across from Fenlow.

“This is Blayne and Mace”, Fenlow said, indicating the two next to Laybo, “And Relyn and Stinky… Well, Stinky’s their nickname. Their real name is Xania, but the nickname fits.” Fenlow reached over and punched Xania in the arm. Xania, unimpressed, looked up momentarily and gave Jennic an acknowledging nod. They seemed unphased by either the nickname, or the punch.

“So, what are you?” Fenlow asked as if the question should make complete sense to Jennic, who was clueless as to what Fenlow might be talking about. Their blank stare must have been enough of a question to prompt Fenlow for more understandable information as they continued with an explanation, “I mean, we’re all here for the same reason — we’re sexual and gender deviants according to the white coats. Every one of us. And they think they can set us straight… Help us to find our center and all, our neutral, you know, be gender nothings. So, what is it you think your deviation from the norm is?”

Although Jennic had always felt different, they had never been asked the question so directly before. In fact, Jennic could not remember ever being asked it at all. Some of the children at school who had learned about things like this had bullied them and teasing them about being ‘girly.’ From the books Jennic read, they knew what that meant, but no one had ever come right out and directly asked if they were a ‘girl.’ The Enfo’s had said something about Jennic possibly being female.

Although Jennic really did not know what to make of it, they knew they were most definitely different from the rest of the population, but since nobody really accepted anything but neutral and it was impolite to imply someone was gendered, it had never come up. Yet in this place, it seemed, it was open conversation. It was even the first question to be asked by Fenlow. Jennic supposed it made sense considering where they were.

Thinking about the conversation with the Enfo’s and with the Doctors on arriving at the facility, Jennic offered, “They believe I am girl.”

“THEY believe, eh?” Fenlow crossed their arms and studied Jennic. “And what do YOU believe?”

“I… I think they might be right. I feel like I have a gender, and the female gender feels right to me. It fits… I can’t really explain why, it just is. Is that wrong?”

“According to the white coats it is. They are the ones trying to make us ‘normal’ again and remove all signs of gender. But some of us are not so sure. I’m a boy, through and through. Always have been, and although these white coats want to change it, I think I always will be. So is Laybo here, but of course, that’s only his gender. Laybo has female sexual parts.”

Laybo looked up at Fenlow with a concerned look but remained silent.

“You can be both boy and female?” Jennic asked, confused, and amazed that Fenlow had used the old pronoun to refer to Laybo. Those old books were full of those pronouns, but Jennic had never heard them spoken aloud in reference to a living person. In the books they seemed archaic and unnecessary when referencing the characters in the stories, but somehow it made sense when the person was right there in front of you.

“Well, sure. Of course, the white coats will say it is all in your head, you know. That we’re really neither gender and that our biological sex is only a remnant of our distant evolutionary cousins, way in the distant past, like a vestigial tail or an appendix or something, whatever that is. They say it doesn’t matter at all.”

Laybo was beginning to look a little embarrassed. They were not used to being ‘outed’ without having a say, but they continued to listen to the conversation.

“Laybo here had a period.”

That was enough to enrage Laybo, “FENLOW!” they shouted. Evidently, Fenlow liked to push things to their limits and had gone too far at this point. Laybo picked up a mashed potato cube and threw it half seriously at his friend. Fenlow retaliated and for a moment it looked like a full-on food fight might erupt in the hall. But Jennic had missed the reference, and honestly not knowing what Fenlow had meant by ‘period’, asked, “What does punctuation have to do with anything?”

Laybo and Fenlow stopped their food slinging and started chuckling. Laybo finally found their voice, resigning himself to the fact that the facts were now in the open. “Not punctuation. Blood. A flow of blood, from a uterus. Menstruation… Happens to biological females once a month… It’s gross, but it’s part of my biology and it makes me different. I might not like it, but I’m proud that it happens, and they won’t take that away from me.”

Jennic didn’t realize the screwed-up face they were making as they were picturing blood flowing from their own genitals. “Ewe. Why would that happen?”

“Do I really have to explain biology to you? Well, I suppose I do because none of it really matters out there where nobody wants to talk about it. They would rather hide sexuality and gender from us than educate us about it. It comes from your uterus, through your vagina. It’s a discharge that happens when you aren’t going to have a baby.” Laybo pointed at Jennic’s abdomen, “So, I guess you haven’t menstruated yet then, huh?”

“Uh… No… Should I have?” Jennic asked, now somehow worried that something might be wrong with them. This conversation had turned out to be an education they had not expected when they first joined the group.

“Well, that depends…” Fenlow began to explain. “If you were neutral like normal people, then no. Females stopped menstruating about a hundred generations ago. The fact that Laybo still does makes him unique. Laybo’s a genetic throwback you might say.” Laybo continued to scowl at Fenlow but made no more attempt to stop the conversation, apparently resigning themselves to Fenlow’s bullish personality.

“So, menstruating makes you female? But Laybo identifies as male?” Jennic was still confused but they were starting to understand and make sense of it.

“Sexually, yeah, Laybo is female, but they identify as male, like I do, only I’m also sexually male.” Fenlow offered.

“So, do you menstruate too?” Jennic asked, trying to put the pieces together.

“No, of course not. I have male parts. You know, a penis, and testicles… I’m a genetic throwback too. 100% man — gender and sex… Although the white coats want to change that too of course. What about you? Which parts do you have?”

Jennic felt warm and their face began to flush red, though they were not sure exactly why. Was this too personal a question? Why had they not figured these things out before? Perhaps living in a ‘neutral’ society where it didn’t matter just downplayed the whole idea to the point where Jennic just hadn’t thought anything about it. Perhaps the embarrassment was because they didn’t understand more about these things, particularly as it related to their understanding of their own physical makeup. How was this not taught in schools? Even if one was neutral, did it not make sense to learn about how ancestors lived? It also felt awkward to reveal one’s biological sex to these two relative strangers, having only considered the question themselves.

“I never really thought about it. But I guess, well, I have a penis.” Jennic said as a simple matter of fact.

It is, of course, not unusual for individuals to appear physically different. The physical parts that used to define male and female are considered physical anomalies, like a wart or a lump. Nobody cares about them. They became less prominent over the millennia as the human race became more homogeneous, and it is generally considered impolite to comment on those differences, so nobody would talk about them. But they were there. Once Jennic had asked Navlin about it, but Navlin brushed it aside saying they were just useless parts of a body, left behind from the process of evolution, and not to worry much about them.

“So then, that makes you biologically male.” Fenlow seemed very matter of fact, as if everything made sense now and they could move on to less important things. Jennic was confounded and wanted deeply to understand more but at the same time they were relieved that this part of the conversation was ending. They had so many more questions now than before sitting down just a few minutes before, but most of them were accompanied by a strong feeling of embarrassment. They could wait for another time.

“Amongst ourselves, we use gendered pronouns.” Fenlow continued, “But if you choose to use them, don’t go using them too much around the white coats. They try to discourage it on account of trying to ‘fix’ us.”

From the books, Jennic understood the use of gendered pronouns, but having never had the occasion to use them, they thought it might feel odd to begin with actual people. “How do you know which pronoun to use for which person? It seems so much simpler to just say they.”

“Well, they are just as simple really…”, Fenlow smiled at his own pun. “If someone tells you they are a boy, you use he/him. If someone tells you they are a girl, you use she/her. If someone feels more neutral — some call that non-binary — you can still use, they/them. It’s about respecting a person’s understanding of their own gender and recognizing them for who and what they really are. Since you identify as a girl, if you are OK with it, we can use she and her when referring to you — unless you prefer something else.”

Jennic mulled this over for a minute. Jennic understood that in some ancient languages, the gendered pronouns were even used to refer to inanimate objects which had no sex or gender, so surely it made at least some sense to be able to use them to refer to people, even if that had felt just as unhelpful, and the odd words seemed to flow easily enough when they were read in the books.

Now that she considered using them for herself, however, they felt like the clothes she wore — they somehow fit comfortably as if they were an acknowledgement of something she had always felt. Smiling, and with a new confidence, she responded, “She… I think I would like that.”

Jennic had originally sat at the table thinking it would be a good place to gather information about the facility, but it seemed Fenlow was the one who had all the questions. Jennic was only able to swallow a few mouthfuls of her food between providing answers. “How old are you?” he asked.

“Tomorrow is the beginning of my nineteenth orbit.” she said with a mix of happiness for the occasion and sadness that she would not be able to celebrate with her family in familiar surroundings.

“Wow, aren’t you old.” Fenlow joked.

A person’s average life expectancy is nearly one hundred and eighty orbits, so no one at the table could be considered old. “I’m in my twentieth orbit, and Laybo here is 20.25. He’s very particular about the point two five.” Fenlow leaned in towards Laybo and spoke with a jeering tone, “Like it really matters.”

At that moment, several Arti’s approached in V formation and chorused in unison; “I am sorry to interrupt your nourishment, but it is time for us to go.”

“Ah… Now the real fun begins.” said Fenlow.

Laybo quietly stood and walked toward a slot in a nearby post, where they deposited their tray. Fenlow followed, and Jennic did the same, followed by others at the table before the three new friends followed their personal Arti’s toward the exit out of the common space.

“This ought to be a treat.” Fenlow quipped.

On leaving the common room, Fenlow and Laybo’s Arti’s headed toward the lecture hall with their humans following close behind. Jennic’s robot suddenly turned, entering one of the small conference rooms.

“Uh oh… I guess you have your own private session to attend.” Fenlow winked. “That’s OK. We’ll catch up with you later.” And with a slight wave of his hand he was gone.

Bolstered by the conversation and a newfound understanding of both the facility and their own being, Jennic felt a growing confidence in who she was. ‘She’ she thought ‘that feels so right!’ However, there was also an increasing nervousness about her situation. There was so much more to figure out.

She followed the Arti and stepped into the small office.

Next up — Chapter 10 — Orientation



Caralynn Scott

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