List of TV shows to learn English — Part1 英文影集清單 (上集)

Carol Self-learning
7 min readJan 28, 2023


Tv shows for learning the language.

Designed by Carol in Figma.

When it comes to the inspiration for my English learning journey, watching tv series with English subtitles actually influences me a lot.


When I was in college, my first tv sitcom is Fresh Off the Boat which inspired me to watch it twice in English. I was totally obsessed with American teenagers’ expressions at that time. In order to practice English listening without subtitles, I even removed the Chinese subtitles only by using a paper tape to cover my computer screen.

我的第一部全英文字幕追完的影集:菜鳥新移民 Fresh Off the Boat,當時不知道怎麼移除中文字幕,只好剪一張紙把電腦螢幕上的字幕貼蓋起來,給自己在沒有中文字幕環境下練英聽。( 但還是有保留英文字幕唷~)

It sounds hilarious to me now. Honestly, watching Tv shows could actually change our way of learning a language by immersing us in a different culture.


If you are a beginner, there would be several steps for you before watching full English subtitles.


1. what if I can’t catch up with the speed of their conversation? 覺得講太快 我跟不上

  • The reason you cannot understand the content at normal speed is lacking vocabulary. The first step I did was to build an English-oriented environment for myself. 因為單字量不夠,先放慢影片速度+天天看。不用害怕,因為目的是讓自己建議一個英文環境。
  • Secondly, you can choose a topic which is easy to understand or you’re good at or you have watched it in Chinese version. 換一部吧!選擇你聽得懂的題材。如:看過的書籍改編、迪士尼電影、卡通。
  • Thirdly, do hard work to watch it twice and even three times. 當練功囉,再看一次吧!

2. How to combine pastime and study time? 兼顧看影集的趣味與學習效率?

1 看+停下,筆記抄寫不懂的單字— I watched it with English subtitles or no subtitles. Besides, I wrote down the vocabulary I don’t understand.

2 看+停下,查字典 — Secondly, I watched it with Chinese subtitles and took the Chinese meaning of words I didn’t understand at the first watching.

3 再看一次,沒有字幕— Lastly, I watch it again without subtitles and test myself.

These three sections wouldn’t be finished In just one day, it could last a week or longer.

4 享受影集~遇到生字用推測的 — Sometimes, I even don’t bother whether understand the whole vocabulary in episodes at all.


My Tv Series list 影集清單分享

Here are some Tv series I have watched and learned some useful vocabulary. FYI, I suggest that we could watch the topic we are interested in.


>> Learn more: List 2 — Tv series to learn English 英文影集分享 (下集)

1. Fresh Off the Boat 菜鳥新移民

單字難度:★ ☆ ☆ ☆ #Lifestyle #Asian-Americans #Culture / IMBd 7.8

It was attractive to me to know about Chinese American life and culture. In this Tv show, I learned how Chinese kids in America live and how they interact with local people and even make friends with them.


“People ask me what my greatest strengths are and I say perspective. The best way to get that is to meet people that are polar opposites; you learn the most from them.”
Eddie Huang, Fresh Off the Boat

2. Queer Eye 酷男的異想世界

單字難度:★ ★ ☆ ☆ #Lifestyle #encouragement #moodlift / IMBd 8.5

I love Queer eyes so much as it was not just a Tv series, it taught me about life, love, self-care and being confident. I love their encouragement and their kind heart to help others and it’s like medicine for me when I feel desperate.



“How you take care of yourself is how the world sees you. It’s OK to have a relationship with yourself.” — Jonathan Van Ness

“Being an adult means being a person of action. But when you make your plan and go after that plan, you’ll succeed.” — Karamo Brown

“When people say, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,’ it’s not true, because you can reinvent yourself and learn new things whenever you want.” — Jonathan Van Ness

Form: 10 Queer Eye Quotes That’ll Inspire You At Work

3. Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates 蓋茲之道 疑難解法

單字難度:★ ★ ★ ★ #documentary #knowledge #thinking #society / IMBd 7.8

I was inspired by his problem-solving mindset. In this documentary Tv series, we can learn informative and academic vocabulary. Topics in the series include human rights, societal issues, environmental crises, and technology.

這是一部紀錄片有點像是比爾蓋茲的自傳,我因為這部片喜歡他的前妻Melinda Gates,他的前妻的這本書The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World. 也詳細記載他們解決非洲貧窮、疾病與女權等問題。影集單字與社會環境議題、人權、科技有關,蠻適合寫作申論題。

Three million times a year parents are burying children because of diarrhea. And in the world where I am spending time in, I’ve never met a single parent who had to bury his child because it died from diarhea. So, it makes you wondering…the world is applying is incredible set of resources to eliminate these deaths?_Bill Gates

4. How I met your mother 追愛總動員

單字難度:★ ★ ☆ ☆ #Lifestyle #Sitcom #Comedy #Friends / IMBd 8.3

Compared to the famous sitcom, Friends, I was more attracted to this Tv series by its plot, characters and punch line.


“Because sometimes even if you know how something’s gonna end, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ride.” — Ted Mosby

“Every Halloween, I bring a spare costume, in case I strike out with the hottest girl at the party. That way, I have a second chance to make a first impression.” — Barney Stinson

“I realized that I’m searching, searching for what I really want in life. And you know what? I have absolutely no idea what that is.” — Barney Stinson

Quotes from

5. Countdown: inspiration4 mission to space 壯遊倒數 Inspiration4 平民太空任務

單字難度:★ ★★☆ #Space #ElonMusk #Documentary / IMBd 7.8

Due to my curiosity about the SpaceX project, I watched this Tv series and was impressed by the team and story behind this mission. To be honest, although it seems an advertising show to promote Elon Musk, the whole process of the mission is still amazing.

這是一部會讓人感到驚奇與感動的紀錄片,紀錄馬斯克 SpaceX計畫,雖然內容有點像宣傳片。影集記載把平民送上太空的一項計畫過程,其中令我最著迷的是真實內容超乎意想之外的酷。

6. Chef’s table 主廚的餐桌

單字難度:★★☆☆ #Food #LifeStyle #Documentary / IMBd 8.5

This documentary show is highly recommended to whom love food and autobiography. Every scene of the series is beautiful and we can sense the high quality of the food even by just watching.


I even watched one of the episodes Dario Cecchini third time because I was so touched by his story and lifestyle in Italy. He is a veterinarian but runs a butcher shop.

若是認真型的同學,自己愛的那集可觀賞兩三遍,因為真的拍得很美呀~所以會讓人想看不只一遍!我在其中一集 Dario 看了三次,對於獸醫當屠夫的故事非常好奇,也被他對於動物尊敬的態度感到著迷。

“What did I do yesterday that I can improve on today?”

“Opportunity doesn’t knock all the time like this.”

“Every day is a good day. It doesn’t always go as smooth as we want, but life is what you make it.”

Quote from

7. Kim’s Convenience 金家便利店

單字難度:★☆☆☆ #Culture #LifeStyle #Comedy #Korean-Canadian / IMBd 8.2

This is a comedy about a Korean-Canadian family running a convenience store in Toronto. It’s a warm story and the story is related to our life in Asia like an over-parenting issue.


8. Next in fashion 前瞻時尚

單字難度:★★★★ #Fashion #Style #Design #Competition / IMBd 7.3

This is a competition show which invites designers to collaborate and create outfits which could be next in fashion. I love the visual of the show and the creativity of every designer. Every designer is very humble! It’s special to watch less drama like other TV shows.

受Queer eye影響,基於Tan的個人魅力看了這部影集,這是一個真人實境的比賽,邀請服裝設計師來一起合作打造不同主題的服裝設計,相較於其他比賽型的節目,這個節目少了誇張的戲劇效果,取景、運境跟主持人私下的討論都很講究高品質。單字上覺得會遇到比較難一點專業術語,對設計有興趣的蠻推薦這部的。

9. The Good Place 良善之地

單字難度:★★★★ #Philosophy #Fantasy #Sitcoms #Comedy / IMBd 8.2

It is the philosophical theme of fiction, and I am into how they define good and bad in various ways. The main character, Eleanor, a deceased saleswoman who lived a morally corrupt life, finds herself in a heaven-like afterlife. She and her otherworldly friends struggle in the afterlife to define what it means to be good.


10. Emily in Paris 艾蜜莉在巴黎

單字難度:★☆☆☆ #Culture #LifeStyle #Comedy #Travel / IMBd 6.9

It is a controversial comedy due to their stereotypes of French. I enjoy the show by its drama, design and handsome characters (haha). I notice that the scripts in the series are engaging and have short sentences. For learners, it is easy to catch the meanings and understand the plots without Chinese subtitles.


11. LUPIN 亞森·羅蘋

單字難度:★★★★ #Crime #Action #Thriller #Mystery / IMBd 7.5

It is a detective type of Tv series, which tells the classic French story about Arsène Lupin, the world-famous gentleman thief and master of disguise.


12. Girl From Nowhere 轉學來的女生

單字難度:★★★☆ #Crime #Horror #Fantasy #Mystery / IMBd 7.6

The main character, Nanno, is a mysterious and clever girl who transfers to different schools. When she lands at a new institution, she exposes the lies and misdeeds of students and faculty.


>> Learn more: List 2 — Tv series to learn English 英文影集分享 (下集)

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