Part 1 — Computer Tic Tac Toe Basics

Carsten Friedrich
3 min readJun 6, 2018


Basic Tic Tac Toe support classes and game logic

In the first part of this series, we will introduce the basic framework and helper classes that we will use throughout. We will also create the first computer player.

Let’s get started:

We will use the following classes which are defined in

  • Board: Contains all the Tic Tac Toe board state management plus some utility methods
  • GameResult: Enum of all the possible game states. A game can be either NOT_FINISHED, DRAW, CROSS_WIN, or NAUGT_WIN
  • CROSS, NAUGHT: Will tell our players what side they play, as well as indicate what pieces are on each square of the board - which can also be EMPTY.

We also define a utility method print_board that prints a board state pretty in HTML:

We can now create a new board and print it in all its empty glory like thus:

Time to make a move. We can use the methods random_empty_spot and move to find a random empty spot on the board and put a CROSS there. We can then print the board to confirm:

We can use these methods to play a whole game.

We reset the board state and play alternating CROSS and NAUGHT until the game is either won by one side or has ended in a draw. We print the board after each move. After the game has finished we print out which side won:

Let’s wrap this code in a utility function called play_game. It takes a board and 2 players and plays a complete game. It returns the result of the game at the end. We will use this going forward to have computer players play each other:

The RandomPlayer

Time to introduce our first contender, the RandomPlayer. It looks for a random empty spot on the board and puts its piece there - pretty much the same way as we just did above - just wrapped into a class.

To use it, we need to import it, create 2 instances and let them play a game:

Establishing some ground truth

Using the code we have introduced above, we can now establish some ground truth: If we let 2 random players play against each other a large enough number of times, how many games do we expect to be won by NAUGHT, how many by CROSS, and how many do we expect to end in a draw?

Going forward, building more intelligent players, we can then measure how much better those new players play compared to a random player.

After 100000 game we have 
draws: 12827,
cross wins: 58313, and
naught wins: 28860.
Which gives percentages of
draws : cross : naught of about 12.83% : 58.31% : 28.86%

In addition to the statistics computed above, we also know that if both players always make the best possible move, a game of Tic Tac Toe will always end in a draw. The gives us the following baseline:

Player  | P1 Win | P2 Win | Draw 
Perfect | 0% | 0% | 100%
Random | 58% | 29% | 13%

In the following parts we will aim to create players that play perfectly. Where we don’t quite achieve that, we will still be able to at least measure how much better than the RandomPlayer our player is.

