Antoine Cayrel
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

Design advices

9 stories

cover image: Advanced Figma tips & tricks
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

UI resources

10 stories

cover image: Advanced Figma tips & tricks
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel


4 stories

cover image: Advanced Figma tips & tricks
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

UI tips & tricks

6 stories

cover image: Advanced Figma tips & tricks
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

Web design trends

4 stories

Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel


1 story

Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

Best fonts for UI

2 stories

The cover for “ the curated list of amazing 25 fonts for 2021” with different letters and emojis
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

Portfolio advices

8 stories

Section intro image of a half open computer to set the stage for portfolio resources
3d website concept
Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

Read later

2 stories

Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

UX Website Redesign

3 stories

Antoine Cayrel

Antoine Cayrel

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No stories