Open Leadership Framework weeknote 26

1 min readSep 28, 2018


The latest news & information about Mozilla’s Open Leadership Framework

What we did this week

  • Open Leaders 6 (OL6) week 3 mentor calls reviewing open canvases and roadmaps.
  • OL6 mentor training on giving feedback and setting goals with the GROW model.
  • Planning for OL6 week 4 cohort call on community interactions, value exchanges, and equity in open projects and cultures.
  • Youth Zone scheduling and space design planning for MozFest 2018.

Updates to the decision log

  • No updates this week.

What’s next

  • OL6 week 4 cohort call.
  • Youth Zone space design work and wrangler scheduling.
  • Youth Zone facilitator support calls.

How to Contribute

The next OLF weeknote will be published on Friday, October 5th, 2018.

Last updated 10/5/18. All content licensed CC BY 4.0 by Mozilla.

Weeknote 25 ← → Weeknote 27




I teach for the users. Opinions are mine; content is ours.