Once a Soldier, Twice the Citizen!

Spartan Woman
2 min readFeb 15, 2016


“Twice the Citizen” is the Army Reserve motto. Many people have attributed it to Winston Churchill’s famous quote: “The Reservist is twice the citizen.” (R. Pengelley, International Defense Review)

I’d like to dedicate this post to a fallen Soldier, Major James Chavez,who served in my husband’s brigade and recently died in the line of duty with the Tulare County Sheriff. We are deeply saddened by the loss of a good friend, a fine Soldier, and our Brother in Arms. He had just assisted in the arrest of a man, when the plane he was piloting crashed into a mountain in San Joaquin Valley (abc30 Action News). The tragic accident is still under investigation.

James Chavez
Pilot, Tulare County Sheriff Department
Black Hawk pilot, Army Reserve, National Guard, Marine

Major Chavez was a great Soldier and was well-liked by his colleagues. “I always found him very engaging, energetic, and humorous.” The Brigade Commander shared the news with his teammates, “Personally, I am going to miss him a lot; as much as I appreciated his work, I really enjoyed his company. Such a good spirit.” Having known him personally, I will always remember him reaching over for a firm hand shake in the hallway. He was a pleasant, confident, and dedicated Soldier.

Served where he was needed the most in both civilian and military capacities and answered the call of duty. Major Chavez enlisted in the U.S. Navy and later joined National Guard. After receiving his 20-year Service Letter, he joined the Army Reserve to further his military service and deployed in combat for a year as a Blackhawk helicopter pilot. A year ago, the Sheriff Department recruited him to fly Sheriff One because of his extensive aviation experience and outstanding pilot skills.

Soldier post on Brigade Facebook

Major Chavez is “Twice the Citizen”! James, we thank you for your dedication and service. We thank many of you, Citizen Soldiers. Remember him and pray for his family!

Rest in peace, brother James.

With deepest condolences,
Spartan Woman

Read The Warrior Next Door



Spartan Woman

A loving wife to a U.S. Army Infantryman writes about the unsung heroes, Citizen-Soldiers, balancing work/life/family and military careers.