Tarot Lesson Of The Week — The Seven Of Cups

Escapism vs. Imagination

Chelsea Mancini
2 min readMay 22, 2022

The Seven of Cups gives you so many beautiful options. Its lesson is knowing which one to choose, and how to arrive at the choice without falling subject to shiny object syndrome.

Sevens are a magical number — they contain logic and creativity. Growth and stability. They represent reflection. Similar to the Seven of Swords, here in the Cups, reflection is directed inwards.

In the Seven of Swords, it can be easy to get caught up in fantasy. When we’re swimming around the waters of our emotions, sometimes we get carried away by the tide. We see an idealized version of how we would like things to be. We see the shininess, and it might come at the expense of acknowledging reality.

The picture you are painting in your head may be beautiful, in fact — I’m sure it is. But what will serve you best at this moment is getting to the truth of how you are feeling. What is happening deeper down, and is that the place you are making decisions from?

Try to avoid making a hasty choice for the sake of a short-term win. Don’t get distracted by the shiny. Instead, face the truth of your emotions, and act from a place of emotional honesty.

Journal Questions



Chelsea Mancini

Tarot reader, Intuitive Coach, Writer, Speaker. I coach women to transcend their fears and limiting beliefs and live with confidence and intention.