As an Atheist, Why Am I All About Spirituality?

Chelsy | SpiritSoul.Me
3 min readAug 16, 2023


Can the two exist coherently?

When people hear the term “spirituality,” it’s often associated with religious beliefs, practices, and a connection to the divine.

So, it might seem paradoxical for an atheist to be “all about spirituality.”

Yet, here I am, a firm non-believer, someone who values reason and logic above all else, finding myself drawn to the realm of spirituality.

My journey from craving spirituality to becoming an atheist due to my inherent logical nature and eventually finding a balance between these seemingly contradictory aspects is a tale of personal evolution and discovery.

Craving Spirituality: The Search for Meaning

Before diving into my current perspective, it’s important to understand where I started.

I was once captivated by the allure of spirituality — the notion of something greater than ourselves, an interconnected universe, and the profound sense of purpose it seemed to offer.

Like many, I craved answers to life’s big questions: Why are we here? What is our purpose? Is there more to existence than what meets the eye?

These questions pushed me to explore various spiritual paths, from meditation and mindfulness practices to exploring different belief systems like paganism.

Yet, despite my sincere efforts, my inherently logical mind often clashed with the mystical and metaphysical nature of spirituality.

Embracing Atheism: The Triumph of Logic

As I delved deeper into my exploration of spirituality, I found myself wrestling with my own cognitive dissonance.

My logical nature yearned for evidence, for tangible explanations backed by empirical data.

I became an atheist, embracing reason as the guiding principle of my worldview.

Atheism felt like the triumph of my logical self over the intangible and the unverifiable.

The comfort of science, the beauty of empirical evidence, and the assurance of facts became my compass in navigating the complexities of existence.

The Struggle for Balance: Bridging the Gap

However, my journey didn’t end with atheism. Over time, I realized that dismissing spirituality entirely meant closing off a realm of human experience that I couldn’t ignore.

The sense of wonder that the universe inspires, the awe of gazing at a starry sky, and the deep emotional connections we form — all these aspects of human experience couldn’t be reduced to mere chemical reactions and electrical signals firing in our brains.

I began to recognize that spirituality, in its essence, wasn’t just about religious dogmas — it was about connecting with the profound mysteries of life and the universe.

Finding Harmony: A Balanced Perspective

The turning point came when I embraced the idea that spirituality doesn’t necessarily require belief in the supernatural or the divine.

Instead, it could be a celebration of the human capacity to experience wonder, connection, and meaning.

I learned to cultivate mindfulness and gratitude without subscribing to a specific doctrine.

I found solace in the interconnectedness of nature, understanding that science doesn’t negate the possibility of awe-inspiring phenomena beyond our current comprehension.

Finding My Path

As an atheist who has become “all about spirituality,” my journey has been one of evolution, contradiction, and, ultimately, balance.

I’ve come to appreciate that the pursuit of spirituality doesn’t demand a rejection of logic, nor does atheism necessitate a disregard for the profound aspects of human experience.

Embracing both sides has allowed me to find harmony between my logical mind and my yearning for a deeper connection to the universe.

In the end, it’s the balance between these seemingly opposing forces that have enriched my understanding of existence and made my journey all the more fulfilling.



Chelsy | SpiritSoul.Me

Exploring the intersection of logic and spirituality. Bridging the gap between rational thinking and the mysteries of the spiritual realm.