I’m Creating New Best Friends for Chippy’s World Holders… Meet The Noms!

Chippys World
5 min readMay 3, 2022

EDIT: This article was last edited on 2/12/24 to remove Chippy’s World Twitter and Discord links

  1. Backstory 📚
  2. What are the Noms? 👀
  3. How to Get Your Nom 🥰


GM everyone, its Zain — creator and artist for Chippy’s World!

Backstory 📚

Before you go on, if you haven’t read the backstory on Chippy’s World from our medium launch article, please do so HERE.

Ok, let’s continue!

As you saw in our Chippy’s World launch article (seriously, you should read it), I created Chippy in 2020 during the lockdown.

2020 snow adventures with Chippy and his frens were the best!

And, looking back, I’m so lucky that I was able to find Chippy, my imaginary best buddy, during such a challenging and confusing time in our lives. At the very least, Chippy gave me a reason to create regularly and distract myself from the daily doom and gloom outside of my room’s four walls.

But one thing I’ve been thinking about since then is how much I wish others were as fortunate and had their own imaginary buddies to go on adventures with.

Well, it’s time I do something about that : )

Introducing the Noms!

Pls note: These are just quick doodles. The final version will be custom 1/1s and will be colored

What are the Noms? 👀

The Noms are a mysterious class of species in Chippy’s World.

Not much is known about their origins or identities at this time, but something tells me this isn’t the first time you’ll hear about them 😉

The Noms are just like us, they come in all shapes and sizes. Some are happy. Some are sad. Some are angry. Some are nice. And some may even try to bite you (you know, just like humans).

How to Get Your Nom 🥰

After a one year hiatus, I’m bringing back my live drawing show, Drawing with Zain!

Drawing with Zain (2020) flyer… time flies!

But this time, instead of drawing random scenes, I’m going to draw custom 1/1 full-body Noms for our Chippy’s World holders!

My favorite part? You’re giving me all the ideas to work with.

Steps on how this will go down:

Step 1

Once you have a Chippy’s World nft, join the Chippy’s World Discord and claim your Chippy’s Holder role via the holder verify channel

ONLY use the info on this channel to claim. The team will never ever dm you the claim link

Step 2

Once you have your Chippy’s Holder role, your discord username will appear in yellow and you’ll see a new holders channel with a google form

Complete this google form with as much info as you’d like to give me about your future Nom! We have specific space in the form for you to detail your favorite color, Nom’s body, Nom’s personality, Nom’s occupation, Nom’s name, and anything else I should know.

You’ll also have the ability to update the form with any new info as well. As long as the form is updated by the live stream every Thursday, you’ll be set!

The only required parts of this form are your discord username and wallet address. Anything you don’t complete will be left upto me to decide : )

There are three rules when it comes to designing Noms:

  1. Simple to draw and color
  2. All legs and arms will be sticks
  3. Have fun!

Step 3

Every Friday 1pm ET, I’ll do a live Youtube stream where I will randomly select two Chippy’s World holders to make Noms for and will create them on the spot — may even do more depending on my schedule!

You do not have to be present at the live for your Nom to be selected and created.

Step 4

After the stream, I’ll mint and transfer the Noms to the holders and will also attach a png (with transparent background) with the nft

Step 5

Once you receive your Nom, you can take it on adventures with you (please share with us if you do 😁), sell it, transfer or gift it to someone — whatever you want to do. There is no additional utility planned at this time.

Similar to Chippy’s World, The Noms collection will also have a 5% secondary creator royalty. All Noms will be minted and transferred directly via Opensea at this time

As time goes on, I’m excited to see this collection become filled with fun, unique, custom 1/1 mysterious beings and for Chippy’s World holders to go on new adventures with their Noms, the same way I’ve been going on crazy adventures with Chippy over the last two years ❤️

Pls note: Not every Chippy’s World holder will get a Nom. When you do the math, it’ll be tough to complete 1/1 Noms for all 1,100+ holders. But I’ll do my best : ) the point of this is to have fun together

Nom nom

