APEX (CPX) Node System — Great potential ROI

If you want in detailed information (this is meant as brief and easy guide) to preliminary requirements for running nodes: official source

Peter L


APEX (CPX) Network is a B2C project that has over 300 enterprise customers such as Maserati and recently on Forbes China Top 50 most promising companies (only blockchain company listed!). They have recently revamped their website with a slick clean look and currently have a strong marketing push.

For those interested in acquiring a potential great return project, I wanted to take this time to give a brief and focused look at the staking and node system of APEX. I believe that projects with nodes and staking will provide a rewarding ROI in the long term. With that in mind, APEX caters to both the general public and large enterprises. A person with little technical background can easily earn passive income through staking with voter nodes on the APEX blockchain.

APEX has three different nodes: Data Cloud Nodes, Voternodes, and Supernodes

Consensus Mechanism: Hybrid DPOS (Main network) + PoS (Sidechains)

Data Cloud Nodes

  • Required # of CPX: At least 20,000 CPX tokens
  • System and Network specs: TBA in Q4 2018, but will require minimum storage capacity and network bandwidth
  • Role: Critical for storage and management of consumer data. Required to achieve seamless-off-chain storage while being connected to on-chain apps.
  • Who can run it: Community and Enterprise


  • Required # of CPX: Split into tiered groups

Tier Genesis: min of 400,000 CPX tokens

Tier 1: : min of 200,000 CPX tokens

Tier 2: : min of 70,000 CPX tokens

Tier 3: any amount of CPX tokens

  • System and Network specs: No hardware or software needed; only requires to be in CPX wallet
  • Role: participate in voting and supervision of Supernodes.
  • Who can run it: Anyone
  • Reward system: profits will be distributed based on number CPX tokens held. The more you hold, the higher % of rewards you get.


  • Required # of CPX: At least 2,000,000 CPX tokens
  • Limited: Yes
  • System and Network specs:
  • - Network: 50 MB of outbound bandwidth and ping value should no exceed 500ms
  • -System: min. of 8-core processor (16-core recommended), min of 16 GB RAM (32GB recommended), 1 TB SSD (2 Recommended), Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu,
  • DDOS protection required and AWS or Azure recommended.
  • Role: Similar to “delegates” or “block producers”; in charge of validating and processing transactions across the network as well as resolving consensus related issues.
  • Who can run it: Enterprise (with application/interview/KYC process) initially and then open to community later date.

ROI: Everyone is always interested in the ROI of a project; however, that is difficult to determine before adoption occurs and before project is in full force. However, since APEX consists of 350 existing customers and is already a working business and relies on node rewards for earnings off the blockchain, there will be a great incentive for the project to be profitable. Therefore, there is a high probability of excellent ROI for individuals staking CPX tokens on the APEX blockchain.

When Can I start: Mainnet is set for Q2 of 2019; however, there are incentives to accumulate APEX in interim through APEXION (supernodes) and KRATOS (voternodes) programs.

Conclusion: As APEX network consists of highly regarded team members and with already a working business, the decision to become part of the APEX community has potentially excellent returns as the revenue of the business will greatly depend on the blockchain system. A person with little technical background can easily earn passive income through staking with voter nodes. For these reasons and many others, I support APEX’s vision.

Follow the Telegram community for more info:t.me/APEXcommunity

Search for #DiscoverAPEX on twitter for all the great info!

Full disclosure: This is not intended as financial advice and meant for curious minds seeking an excellent project.


  1. https://t.co/fgA0gSwELf
  2. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/chinapex-provides-maserati-ai--blockchain-powered-customer-insights-300635403.html?tc=eml_cleartime
  3. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/forbes-selects-apex-technologies-one-063900235.html?guccounter=1

