The Future of Technology: How to Adapt Business Strategy

Chopra Divyaa
4 min readOct 19, 2023


In the recent years there was a lot of transformation and most radical changes in technology in human history. Technology has become an indispensable strategic asset that we use every day to improve productivity, profitability, and customer experience. Driven by emerging technologies which include artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things, big data, and blockchain the digital disruption has been highly successful.

The frequency of digital transformation in the marketplace has precipitated the introduction of a new buzzword in the technology and business lexicon called disruption. Through several ways the technology is disrupting business is seemingly endless ways in the form of mobile applications, big data analytics, collaborative cloud computing.

In this article, let’s understand the ways the technology is disrupting the business strategy frameworks:

Better customer experience

At the core of every brand is the experience it offers to its clientele. Maintaining that each guest or customer’s experience is always the same reinforces brand loyalty. Technology is helping to standardize, enhance, and streamline experiences in many service industries.

A good way to offer better customer experience is by creating a business strategy made up of individual works that can be followed clearly with defined actions. By thinking in terms of baby steps, it’s easy to make progress and get small accomplishments daily.

Increased complexity of systems

As the number of technological systems increases, it becomes tough to get everything to play well together. Getting the technology integration thing nailed down can feel impossible when there is consistent adapting to new systems and hardware. It may also be helpful for one to create milestones depending on time and progress so that they can easily tell if they are on the right track for reaching their goal.

Stay competitive

Aside from the new competitors in the market, the business cannot lose sight of its existing competitors and the measures they are taking to keep up in the digital age. The implementation of business strategy in the new technology stacks is critical in maintaining the edge over existing competition.

Stay flexible

Very few things happen exactly as one anticipates, both in business and in life. It’s vital to be able to adjust to changes and modify the business strategy frameworks as necessary to be able to take the business to the next level. While it’s crucial to have a clearly defined plan for accomplishing the goals, one must avoid rigidity and narrow-minded thinking. The more agile one is and the quicker they can transform directions when they require to, the easier it will be to keep progress steady in the face of the unexpected.

Keep the vendors updated

One has to understand the business exists in isolation. One has to depend on multiple vendors, which include raw material suppliers and telecommunication service providers. Whereas disruption may render some vendors redundant, the ones that remain should ensure their processes and procedures are amended as needed.

The business strategy are unwilling to do so, it may be time to explore the options by working to replace them and is contractually possible. Thinking positively, encouraging one, and being encouraged by the support team areessential. Positive thoughts can carry through difficult challenges, unexpected transformations, and other tests of the will.

Always think about the next disruption

One has to recognize the digital transformation and made changes to the business model accordingly doesn’t mean one can now rest. There’s no end to innovation. Businesses that fail to advance with the new innovations remain behind their competitors and might suffer withering.

Therefore, once you do everything that’s required to be in tune with today’s technology, start thinking right away about the next possible disruption. One should do that by devoting some time and resources to R&D or simply studying the technology landscape outside the industry to see what disruption in other sectors could soon be making its way to yours.

Celebrate every accomplishment

It is vital to celebrate the successes throughout the goal setting and achievement process, even the small wins. By celebrating, one is taking time to recognize the effort that went into the achievement of the goals while motivating themselves to keep pushing through to the next step of the goal.

Wrapping up

With this critical skill, onecan become a champion in their business. Many firms are investing in the robust technology as there is digital transformation, which is occurring across several industries through business strategy. Celebrating success is also a good way to get closure on every stage of the process and to come back refreshed and refocused on the continued progress.



Chopra Divyaa

Divyaa is a professional writer, the blogger who writes for a variety of online publication on a variety of topics. #Businessstragy #Strategies