CS373 Fall 2019: Week 2

Chris Nunes
2 min readSep 8, 2019
It’s me!

Week two of being back in classes has been busy! We’re starting to get into actual projects, and we were given our first project for Software Engineering.

What did you do this past week?

The last week has been very packed, since just about every organization on campus is starting up. This semester I want to be involved with several CS organizations: Coding in the Classroom, HACS, and ISSS. I have been involved with Coding in the Classroom and HACS for the past few semesters, but ISSS is something new that I want to get into.

What’s in your way?

The only thing blocking me right now is a lack of time! I’m taking Spanish this semester, which is pretty intensive, and it’s been tough getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully things will die down over the next few weeks, once everything settles into a routine.

What will you do next week?

Next week will be more of the same, just trying to balance work and recruiting. However, I want to try out for the UT rock climbing team, which should be pretty fun!

What was your experience in learning about assertions and going over the Collatz project?

