Lovesick Guy (part 2)

Chris Quek
4 min readApr 27, 2024


By Chris Quek

Julian was determined to not lose his momentum again. As much as he wanted to win over Christy, he would not accept defeat at her hands.

He went to the bar again. This time, Christy wasn’t there. Pain stabbed his heart. But the pain did not last long. He could feel his heart harden. New targets, he would find.

He saw four women huddled together at the counter. Their looks were above average. Resolute in his urge to prove the world wrong, Julian decided to go and acquaint himself with them.

He went to the counter and ordered five shots of tequila, passing one to each woman. They were shocked when they saw him, turning their bodies inwards to form a protective circle.

“Hey girls, I’m Julian.” Julian pulled out the most suave voice he could muster and said.

The circle broke open. The women looked at each other, then him with lesser apprehension. Julian could feel the attention on him. He relished it. One day, hopefully not far away, it wouldn’t be these girls, but Christy, whose attention he had.

“May I ask your names?” Julian said.

The women looked at each other again. Finally one of them spoke, “I’m Sierra…”

Their names were Sierra, Maddy, Phoenix and Inez. After half an hour of talking, where all of them downed yet another shot of tequila each, Julian had all their numbers. He promised to call them when he reached home.

He did so. All four of them seemed extremely desperate to want to know him. Their drunkenness outmatched his own lasciviousness. Over the LED screen of his phone, the siren-like voices of the women sent him into a transcendental state. His balls turned hard as steel.

That night he could not sleep well. The next morning when he woke up he felt like he just experienced a dreadful hangover from the dopamine rush of the previous night.

Julian whipped out his phone and realised that he had received multiple additional calls. He was just getting ready for his lunch break, having turned his phone off when he was working. He called the latest call back. It was Sierra.

“Julian, when can we meet up today?” Sierra’s sweet tones came through his phone.

Julian had not intended for this to happen. It was supposed to be a one night stand, not a sustained relationship. He hastily gave an answer and hung up.

He was about to forget the call and turn on his computer when notifications kept popping up on his phone. Not only Sierra, but Maddy, Phoenix and Inez were all on him. Julian realised the situation he’d gotten himself into.

Sitting at his work station, seeing as the markets were about to go live, Julian acted with the utmost haste. He selected the four contacts and pressed “block”. The notifications subsided. Now that his phone was once again a peaceful lake, he went back to work.

That night he returned to the bar, intending to find Christy again. The moment he stepped inside, a large burly bouncer approached him and asked, “Excuse me sir, are you Julian?”

“That’s me. What do you want?” Julian said.

“You’re not allowed in this place.” The bouncer replied. “Get out.”

“Whose orders are these?” Julian asked in disbelief.

“Mister Amis.” The bouncer said.

What in the world could this Amis want from him? “I want to see him.” Julian insisted. “There must be a mistake.”

Pretty soon Julian found himself standing before a tall, bulky man who looked insouciantly at Julian. “I’m Amis. I run this bar.” He said gruffly. “How may I help you?”

“Why am I disallowed into this bar?” Julian demanded. “I’m a loyal customer! I don’t get into any fights at all!”

Amis beckoned the bouncer over. The bouncer whispered a few words into Amis’ ear. A look of recognition passed over Amis’ face.

Amis pursed his lips. “You’re Julian, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Amis, I’m Julian.” Julian impatiently said.

“You know Phoenix? The girl you jilted? She’s my sister.” Amis said.

Julian could not believe it. Was he no longer able to meet Christy, just because he blocked a girl he met during a one night stand? He tried to reason his way through. “Look Amis, your sister and I, we were never a serious relationship.”

Amis grinned, but his eyes did not laugh. “My sister, is my sister. Do you think I’d trust you, or my sister?”

Julian gritted his teeth. He squared Amis up. Heck, with his build, Amis most likely was a bouncer or something. But Julian himself wasn’t that small of a man. In addition he was trained in karate. He was sure his skill was sufficient.

That all hinged on if he could make Amis angry. He could use it to his advantage. He did not know how, but he was sure he could find a way to.

Julian took a huge breath and said in the most calmly commanding voice he could muster, “If you don’t let me pass, you’re going to regret it.”

Amis looked mildly amused. “What’s it going to be?”

Julian did not reply.

Photo by Sam Mar on Unsplash

