How You Can Get the Benefits of This Technique, Even If You’re a Busy Business Owner or Entrepreneur

This is often thought to be a lengthy, time consuming, and drawn out technique, but it doesn’t have to be!

Kailah DeJurnett
4 min readJun 5, 2024
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

I’m a solopreneur who juggles all of the responsibilities and tasks of running a healthcare business on my own. It’s a private practice that I created that provides psychotherapy to people. Some days are more overwhelming than others and keeping track of my thoughts can be challenging.

Being a one man band definitely feels like a herculean task at times. When I feel like I’m just “going through the motions” or I think to myself, “Am I really interested in being a business owner or running a business?” I journal about these emotions and thoughts because I want the benefits of engaging in this activity to help me.

But I don’t journal for hours and fill several pages with an entry that starts with “Dear Diary.” I’m too tired and busy for that. That’s why I microjournal.

Beyond mere documentation, it can yield tangible outcomes that directly impact the success and sustainability of my business.

What is Microjournaling?



Kailah DeJurnett

Learn how to enhance your life through writing, psychotherapy, and peak performance tips!