Smart Contracts in Cardano

Claudio Hermida
12 min read2 hours ago


Part II: Specifications and Validators

Claudio Hermida


The purpose of this work is to

  • Show how the eUTxO model of blockchain comes about from a consideration of handling state in functional programming
  • Exhibit Cardano’s validators as verifiable specifications of a contract-method input-output behaviour
  • Provide a putative answer to the question: what is a smart contract in Cardano?

This is the second in a three-part series covering these topics. The other parts are Part I and Part III. The whole article is presented in this YouTube video


In the first part Part I of this series we recalled how functional programming handles state and its relevance to understand Cardano’s eutxo model.

In this second part, we focus on the more original aspect of Cardano’s approach to smart contract, namely transaction validation, making emphasis on Cardano’s radical difference wrt the account-based model, namely, off-chain computation of transactions and their on-chain validation. We thus are led to write out the whole specification that a transaction must satisfy, namely the conjunction of validators for its inputs plus the preservation of values balancing condition.

We recall the traditional approach to specifying the extensional behaviour of programs (that is, their input-output behaviour) by means of (first-order logic) pre and post-conditions, which we treat as boolean-valued functions in our programming language, leading to their use as validators for the corresponding redeemer method. We illustrate these notions with our guiding example of a Solidity smart contract implementing a Vesting escrow.

The third part Part III of this series addresses the relation of smart contract methods and their off-chain counterpart via transaction schemas, and rounds up our treatment of smart contracts, including their deployment.


In the account-based model, a transaction transforms the global state of the blockchain. A transaction executes a contract call, whereby we invoke a method of a contract with specific arguments and the current state of the blockchain (meaning all the accounts’ local states indexed by their addresses) as inputs, producing an updated global state as output. This execution is carried on-chain by all the nodes involved in processing of the transaction for its eventual inclusion in a block.

The most radical difference of Cardano’s eUTXO model is its treatment of transactions: in Cardano

a transaction is computed off-chain and validated on-chain

On-chain validation is the key feature of the Cardano blockchain. A validator is a predicate which will indicate whether an input eutxo can be consumed by the transaction; it has the following signature:

validator :: Datum -> Redeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool

Here Datum is the datum in the input eutxo we are attempting to consume, Redeemer is the action/method whose execution we are validating and ScriptContext indicates both the purpose of the script to be executed (spending an input, minting tokens, staking, etc.) and the transaction context (its inputs, outputs, and signatures).

Recall that we are operating under the functional-programming paradigm, so the only actual input that we provide to a validator is the redeemer, which is the equivalent of a method signature (name and arguments). Datum is a piece of local state encoded in the input eutxo, while the script context is the piece of global state the transaction has access to.

Presently, there are two major kinds of input eutxos(CIP-31):

  1. eutxos held at a PublicKeyHash (pkh) address: these are the values held at an addreess controlled by a private key, which is required in the signature to unlock/spend such eutxo.
  2. eutxos held at a script address: a script address is uniquely associated to a validator (via hashing) and it is controlled by it. In order to unlock such eutxo, a node evaluates the validator (with a supplied redeemer); if it succeeds, the eutxo may be spent.

If all inputs of a transaction validate successfully (either by validator or signature), such inputs are consumed and its outputs are added to the ledger. Otherwise, the trasaction fails and no changes occur in the ledger.

Let us elaborate the process of building and executing a transaction:

  • we build a transaction by specifying its inputs (eutxos) and its would-be outputs (eutxos). Here, eutxos are treated as mere data, not resources, since we are off chain. We also indicate the signer of the transaction, which pays for the transaction fees (supplied as one of the inputs eutxo). In order to specify outputs, some computation might take place from the given inputs (method execution); this is the off-chain (pre)computation of a transaction. We produce a so-called transaction body,
  • we sign and submit the transaction body for validation: each input held at a script triggers the execution of the corresponding validator and each input held at a pkh is signature-verified.
  • if all inputs validate and the transaction satisfies preservation-of-values (that is, inputs and outputs are balanced), the transaction submission is successful and the ledger gets updated: inputs are spent (eliminated) and outputs are created (added): the triples of (address,value,datum) of our would-be outputs get uniquely referenced by the transaction-id we have just validated, together with the respective index, becoming genuine eutxos.

If any of the inputs fails to validate or the transaction is not properly balanced, the transaction fails and has no effect on the ledger.

The eUTXO model lends itself to a very simple modelling(Brünjes and Gabbay 2020) of a distributed ledger: it is the set or collection of eutxos

Ledger = { eutxo }

The blockchain itself is nothing more than a sequence of transactions (grouped in blocks), such that the inputs of one transaction are outputs of transactions occurring earlier in the sequence.

Blockchain = [block]
block = {tx}

There is no structure associating utxos to a given address; that information has to be collected by inspecting the blockchain.

A transaction consumes its inputs and produces new outputs:

tx :  Ledger  ~~~~~>   ( Ledger \ inputs ) ∪ outputs

Let us compare the salient aspects of transactions on both models:

Account based-

  • Transaction signed and submitted to a node
  • Changes to the ledger effected on-chain by means of state updates of the accounts involved in the transaction
  • Protected execution on-chain: if anything fails, it reverts to initial state of the ledger before transaction execution started, using a snapshot of the state taken at the start of execution
  • Validation mixed with execution, by means of require statements
  • Access to accounts during execution could be unrestricted (Ethereum) or restricted to pre-specified ones at transaction-build time (Algorand)

eUTXO based

  • Transaction signed and submitted to a node
  • Outputs of a transaction precomputed off-chain;
  • (Inputs, Outputs) fed as transaction context to cardano-node at transaction-build time
  • (Inputs, outputs) are subject to validation in the node (on-chain) before effecting a change on the distributed ledger

Reference input

Since the Vasil hardfork, CIP-31 (Peyton Jones 2021b) was implemented allowing for a new kind of input: reference input. It allows transactions to simply treat some inputs as read-only data rather than resources: we can read their value and datum, but not modify them. That way we avoid the waste of compute in consuming and (re)producing a given utxo just to read its content. ↩︎

Specification in the small: methods, pre- and post-conditions

Consider a sorting function which orders a list of integers in increasing order:

sortIncOrder: List(Int) -> List(Int)

Beyond our intuitive understanding which we can illustrate with examples sortIncOrder [8,2,5] == [2,5,8], how do we formally specify such a function? For starters, we want the output increasingly ordered

Ordered:: List(Int) -> Bool
Ordered [] = True
Ordered [n] = True
Ordered n:(m:l) = n \leq m && Ordered(m:l)
forall l:List(Int). Ordered(sortIncOrder(l))

That is not enough, otherwise simply returning the empty list would do. We also expect the output list to a be a rearrengement or permutation of the input list

isPermutation:: List(Int) -> List(Int) -> Bool
isPermutation []    []  = TrueisPermutation (h:t) l = (h `elem` l) && isPermutation t (l \ h)forall l: List(Int). isPermutation(l,sortIncOrder(l))

Now we have a sound specification of what a sorting function should do, regardless of its implementation (quick sort, bubble sort, etc.)

Consider a functional program (or a procedural program modelled as a function) f:I -> O

Given an input i: I it produces (if it terminates) an output fi: O. In order to specify its expected (extensional) behaviour, we must indicate a couple of predicates, called precondition and postcondition. The precondition constraints what kind of inputs should the function expect, while the postcondition indicates how inputs and outputs should relate. The specification states

for every input that satisfies the precondition, it and the result satisfy the postcondition

which is expressed in first-order logic as

i : I . Pre(i) ⇒ Post(i, f**i)


  • For sortIncOrder we have no precondition as it should work for all lists, so we get
Spec(sortIncOrder) = forall l:List(Int). isSorted(sortIncOrder(l)) && isPermutation(l,sortIncOrder(l))

As another example consider the following piece from the Aiken stdlib (we elaborate on Values later on Values):

  • from_asset_list(xs: List<(PolicyId, List<(AssetName, Int)>)>) -> Value
  • Promote an arbitrary list of assets into a Value. This function fails if (Precondition):
  • there’s any duplicate amongst PolicyId; nodup $ map fst xs
  • there’s any duplicate amongst AssetName; all $ map (nodup $ map fst) xs
  • the AssetName aren’t sorted in ascending lexicographic order; all (Ordered map fst)
  • or any asset quantity is null. none $ concat (map (map (\(assetName,qty) -> qty == 0)))

This function is meant to turn arbitrary user-defined Data into safe Value, while checking for internal invariants. The result should be the addition of the values represented by each individual entry (PolicyId,AssetName,Int), which we write as SingletonValue. So, the Postcondition is:

  • from_asset_list (xs) == foldr <> mempty $ concat (map (\pid -> map (\(an,qty) -> SingletonValue(pid,an,qty))) xs

The specification above is a partial specification, as it does not constrain the program behaviour when the precondition does not hold. However, in blockchains, we do know that when the precondition of a method call does not hold, the execution should revert; in other words, if the precondition does not hold, the specification is falsified. In summary, we want

Spec(f) =
forall i:I. Pre(i) ==> Post(i,fi) && !Pre(i) ==> false

This is equivalent to the more concise

Spec(f) = forall i:I. Pre(i) && Post(i,fi)

Specifying a transaction: validators

A transaction in Cardano is a function on resource types, which consumes inputs and produces outputs. Just like data types specifiy collections of elements on which one can perform certain operations (like arithmetic operations on intergers or floats), resource types (or linear types) specify collections of elements which, in addition to the operations we can perform on them, are produced and consumed. Once produced, they can be used only once (consumed).

Remember that in Cardano, LEDGER = {eutxo} and a transaction in Cardano is a function tx: LEDGER → LEDGER whose effect is

tx(L) = (L - {inputs tx}) + {outputs tx}

with inputs tx being a set of utxos and outputs tx a list of utxos, regarded as a set with their unique identifiers via their position in the output list of the transaction.

A transaction tx

must satfisfy its specification:

SPEC(tx) = validator (datum(in), redeemer, sc) ∧ … ∧ validator_n(datum(in_n),redeemer_n, sc_n) ∧ Preservation-of-Value(sc)

where sc_i is the script context associated to in_i to unlock it, and

Preservation-of-Value(scriptContext) = “sum of values of inputs plus value minted = sum of values of outpus plus tx fee”:

Value(in₁) + … + Value(in_n) + Value(forge(tx)) = Value(out) + … + Value(out_m) + Fee(tx)

or, in Plutus notation:

value (in₁) <> … <> value(in_n) <> txInfoMint ==

value’(out₁) <> … <> value’(out_m) <> txInfoFee

value :: TxInInfo -> Value
value in = txOutValue $ txInInfoResolved in

value’:: TxOut -> Value
value’ = txOutValue


In Cardano, the type Value amounts to a bag of assets

Value = Bag(AssetClass)
AssetClass = {unAssetClass :: (CurrencySymbol, TokenName)}

This is not the definition of Value in the Plutus repository, but merely its abstract algebraic characterisation. The Value type is implemented via nested maps (as outlined in our second example , which shows additional constraints imposed on such maps to be considered values).

A bag (also called a multiset) is a list where ‘order does not matter’; all that matters is the number of occurrences or repetitions of an element in the bag. Just like, for a given set A, List(A) is the free monoid on A, Bag(A) is the free commutative monoid on A; it is crucial for the above formula of preservation of value that the operation <> be commutative as well as associative.↩︎

Validators and contract methods

How are we to use validators in the context of implementing smart contracts? The answer is:

A validator specifies the pre- and post-condition of a contract method

Let us illustrate this with our running example of a vesting contract. Consider the method claim(): we deduce from it a Validator (dat,Claim,ctx) and a transaction schema which gets instantiated into a concrete transaction to submit to the blockchain once we fill in its required inputs and compute its outputs:

Here is the Haskell code of the validator for the Claim method of our smart contract, the one for Cancel is entirely analogous and does not bear repeating in detail [^full-haskell-vesting]:

data VestingDatum = VestingDatum
{ beneficiary :: PubKeyHash
, benefactor :: PubKeyHash
, deadline :: POSIXTime
, amount :: Integer
data VestingRedeemer = Claim | Cancel{-# INLINABLE mkVestingValidator #-}mkVestingValidator :: VestingDatum -> VestingRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkVestingValidator dat Claim ctx =
info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx
amt = amount dat
signedByBeneficiary = txSignedBy info $ beneficiary dat
deadlineReached = from (deadline dat) `contains` txInfoValidRange info
amountPaidToBeneficiary = getSignerAdaAmount info (beneficiary dat) >= amt
traceIfFalse "ill-formed input, amount and value mismatch" $ wellFormedInput ctx amt &&
traceIfFalse "beneficiary's signature missing" signedByBeneficiary &&
traceIfFalse "deadline not reached" deadlineReached &&
traceIfFalse "insufficient funds" amountPaidToBeneficiary

-- helper function: extract the integer denominator (lovelace) of the Ada value of the outputs sent to a given address:
{-# INLINABLE getSignerAdaAmount #-}
getSignerAdaAmount :: TxInfo -> PubKeyHash ->Integer
getSignerAdaAmount info addr = valueOf (valuePaidTo info addr) adaSymbol adaToken
-- | Extract the integer Ada amount from a UTXO value
{-# INLINABLE getAdaAmount #-}
getAdaAmount :: TxOut -> Integer
getAdaAmount txOut = getAdaAmountFromValue $ txOutValue txOut
getAdaAmountFromValue :: Value -> Integer
getAdaAmountFromValue value = assetClassValueOf value adaAssetClass
adaAssetClass = assetClass adaSymbol adaToken
-- helper function to validate input utxo: Ada value >= amount
{-# INLINABLE wellFormedInput #-}
wellFormedInput:: ScriptContext -> Integer -> Bool
wellFormedInput ctx amount =
getAdaAmount ownInput >= amount
ownInput :: TxOut
ownInput = case findOwnInput ctx of
Nothing -> traceError "vesting input missing"
Just i -> txInInfoResolved i

mkVestingValidator dat Cancel ctx =
signedByCreator = txSignedBy info $ benefactor dat

A few differences are worthy of notice between the formulation of requirements/preconditions in both models:

  • In the account-based model, since the contract methods operate on the whole state of the contract, we must use a boolean flag consumed to indicate whether the portion of the contract balance which is vested has already been consumed or not. This effectively turns that portion of the balance (state) into a resource managed by the flag: it is turned off when created and turned on when consumed or spent. In the validators, the resource-nature of eutxos makes this flag unnecessary: an input eutxo is either available or not, the node validating a transaction checks that for us.
  • Conversely, we might notice that in the account-based model, the transfer of amount to beneficiary/benefactor is achieved by invoking a system-defined method payable(beneficiary).transfer(amount) which has its own (prespecified) pre and postconditions: pre is simply that this.balance() >= amount (sufficient funds available) and post is
address(this).balance()_after == address(this).balance()_before - amount && 
beneficiary.balance()_after == beneficiary.balance()_before + amount

Notice that this postcondition refers to the implicit state and we actually have to reference the state _before and _after the execution of transfer.

The validator, on the other hand, cannot know whether the funds unlocked will satisfy the transfer postcondition; we only know that the value in the input will be consumed, but we must ensure that it reaches the beneficiary/benefactor, hence the additional check amountPaidToBeneficiary or amountPaidToBenefactor respectively. A peculiarity of Cardano transactions is that there must be one input eutxo that pays for the transaction fee; the eutxo might not have the precise amount required, so there is a change paid back to the signer, hence the total received might be greater than the amount coming from the vesting eutxo. Also notice the validateInputAmount precondition which does type check whether the input eutxo we are about to consume really respects the logic of our contract by locking exactly the amount of ADA stipulated in the datum. This kind of check is necessary as Cardano cannot guarantee/restrict which type of eutxos are targeted at the contract address.



Brünjes, Lars, and Murdoch J Gabbay. 2020. “UTxO-Vs Account-Based Smart Contract Blockchain Programming Paradigms.” In Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Applications: 9th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2020, Rhodes, Greece, October 20–30, 2020, Proceedings, Part III 9, 73–88. Springer.

