Maximizing Ph.D. Productivity: Managing Projects with Notion

Yen Kuan
5 min readFeb 16, 2024


How I use Notion to management my Ph.D work

I believe that during the course of studying or conducting research, everyone has many assignments, studies, work, projects, and so on, to attend to. If you directly use Google Calendar, it seems impossible to have a complete overview, and using a to-do list also feels fragmented. Next, I will introduce my management method during my Ph.D. program using the currently best task management software, Notion.

Design Ideas

The time in a day is limited. How do I manage my Ph.D. time using the Quadrant Method? It was mentioned that it is essential to recognize and categorize which tasks are more important. This is what you’ll see on the home page. You can clearly view the weekly tasks, and arrange them in order of importance or identify which ones require more effort to complete.

Notion Project Management Template
Notion Project Management

Ph.D. Project Template: There are a total of 2 pages, one is the Projects page, and the other is the Tasks page. The following is a description of each:


In the Projects page, the default view mode is Active Projects, which means the page will only display ongoing projects.

Notion Project Management Template
Notion Project Table

In the field section, by default, there are 11 types of properties, which are Project Name, Status, Start Date, Deadline, Priority, all tasks, completed tasks, incomplete tasks, remaining days, Sub-tasks (Tasks), and of course, you can add new properties or adjust the content within the properties. In addition to the default Actives view mode, there are also Timeline View and All Projects (All) view modes.

In addition to the default Actives view mode, there are the Gantt chart (Timeline View) and the All Projects (All) view mode.

  • All Projects
Notion Table View
Notion Table View
  • Timeline View
Notion Timeline View
Notion Timeline View


The task has 11 preset properties, which include 📒Task Name, ✔️Completed Status, 🗓️Days Remaining, 💡Priority Level, ⏰Time Required, 📎Category, 📋Project, ⛓Heptabase

Notion Task Table
Notion Task Table
  • 📒Task Name : It’s best to elaborate on the task name to help oneself know what task to handle.
  • 📅Deadline : You can set the date here first, and the timing of execution can be adjusted later using Notion Calendar, which was recently introduced by Notion.
  • 🤯Energy Level : Recognize how much I can handle in a day. It’s impossible to keep dealing with many tasks that require a high degree of concentration for the entire day, so I categorize tasks into High, Medium, Low energy levels, and I will typically only schedule one high-energy task per day.
  • 💡Priority Level : You can refer to the method of the four quadrants to recognize which tasks are more urgent and important to arrange.
  • 📎Category : Distinguish between different task categories.
  • Heptabase : To elaborate on this point, as I said in Why I Choose to Use Heptabase for Learning Instead of Notion, Notion is more suitable for project management or organizing data. For learning or tasks that require knowledge deconstruction, it is recommended to use note-taking software such as Heptabase, Obsidian, Logseq, etc.

In addition to the default view of this week’s tasks, there are also views for unfinished tasks (Table), Kanban (Board), and subtasks (List).

  • Table
Notin Task Table
Notin Task Table
  • Board
Notion Task Board
Notion Task Board
  • List
Notion Task List
Notion Task List

If you are interested in this Project Management Template, please contact my email.


相信大家在讀書或是做研究的過程中都會有許多作業、研究、工作、計畫等等的大小事要做,如果直接用google calendar 好像又沒辦法完整檢視,用代辦事項感覺也是零零碎碎的,接下來我會以目前最好用的任務管理軟體Notion介紹我在就讀博士班時的管理方式



Notion Project Management Template
Notion Project Management

Ph.D專案模板 : 總共有 2 個頁面,1 個是專案(Projects)頁,另 1 個是 任務(Tasks)頁,以下分別介紹:

專案 (Projects)

在 Projects 頁,預設的檢視模式是執行中的專案(Actives),也就是頁面只會顯示正在進行的專案。

Notion Project Management Template
Notion Project Table

在欄位部分,預設共有 11 種屬性(Properties),分別是專案名稱(Project name)、專案進度(Status)、起始日期(Start Date)、結束日期(Deadline)、優先程度(Priority)、所有任務、已完成任務、未完成任務、剩餘天數、子任務(Tasks),當然可以再新增屬性或是調整屬性內的內容。

除了預設的 Actives 檢視模式外,還有甘特圖(Timeline View)、 全部專案(All)檢視模式。

  • 全部專案(All)
Notion Table View
Notion Table View
  • 甘特圖(Timeline View)
Notion Timeline View
Notion Timeline View

任務 (Tasks)


Notion Task Table
Notion Task Table
  • 📒任務名稱:這裡最好詳述任務名稱可以幫助自己知道要處理什麼任務
  • 📅Deadline:這裡可以先設定日期,執行的時間可以再利用Notion剛推出的Notion Calender去做調整
  • 🤯耗能程度:認清自己一天能處理的事情,整天下來不可能一直處理很多需要思考高度集中的任務,所以我會將任務區分位High、Medium、Low,一天中大概只會安排一件高耗能的任務
  • 💡優先程度:可以參考四象限的做法認清哪一些任務屬於較緊急也較為重要的事件來安排
  • 📎類別: 區分任務類別
  • Heptabase:這裡特別說明一下,如我在Why I Choose to Use Heptabase for Learning Instead of Notion中說道因為Notion比較適合專案管理,或是Data的整理,學習或是需要知識拆解的工作建議使用筆記軟體,如Heptabase、Obsidian、Logseq等等

除了預設的本週任務檢視外,還有未完成任務 (Table)、看板 (Board)、子任務 (List) 檢視模式。

  • 未完成任務 (Table)
Notin Task Table
Notion Task Table
  • 看板 (Board)
Notion Task Board
Notion Task Board
  • 子任務 (List)
Notion Task List
Notion Task List

如果你對這份Project Management Template有興趣請聯絡我的email


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Yen Kuan

I’m 嚴寬 (Yen Kuan) NTU Ph.D Candidate. Study in Structure and AI at National Taiwan University of Civil Engineer (NTUCE).