What is known about realms from science and religion? A chilling subject.

5 min readSep 18, 2023


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In this article, we will study and explore the idea of several realms; we will delve deeply into the issue, and you will discover a lot of fascinating information together with me; so let’s get started.

Basically, depending on the context, a realm can refer to a number of distinct things.

1. A realm can, in general, refer to a kingdom dominion or area that is under the control of a ruler or other authority.

=> It covers a specific geographic area and has its own administration, laws, and customs

=> You can refer to it simply as the physical realm or the human realm (less ominous, yes). Consider the historical spheres of the Mangolian Empire, Egypt, the Roman Empire, and the Byzantine Empire.

Metaphysical realms

2. If we look at it from a scientific angle, we can see that in the study of philosophy and metaphysics, the term "realm" can refer to a distinct plane of existence or reality that is distinct from the material world.

=> It might be regarded as a spiritual or metaphysical realm outside the realm of our common perception.

=> The idea of several parallel universes or realities is referred to as a parallel realm. Because there are so many different aspects to this subject, I’ve published a separate article on parallel realm. To read it, click here.

3. Now, a realm is a word frequently used in computer lingo to describe a protected area or domain within a system or network that needs access control and authentication.

=>To limit access to authorized users, realms are frequently used in authentication protocols like HTTP, FTP, or email servers.

To give a more precise description of what a realm involves, the unique context must be made clear. Let me now define historical spheres for you:

Here are so many fascinating fields with a rich historical background a few very rich of them are:

1. The Roman Empire:

One of the most potent and enduring empires in history was the Roman Empire, which lasted for more than a thousand years. Its extensive area and sophisticated political structure left a lasting impression on Western culture.

2. The Mongol Empire:

Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, and it quickly expanded to become the biggest contiguous empire in history.

3. The Inca Empire:

The Inca Empire thrived from the 15th to the 16th century and was located in the Andes Mountains of South America.

4. The Egyptian Empire:

Known as one of the earliest centers of civilisation, ancient Egypt enjoyed a splendid millennia-long rule.

5. The Byzantine Empire:

which arose from the eastern region of the Roman Empire, lasted for more than a thousand years.

In addition to altering the course of history, these domains also left behind a lasting legacy that still fascinates and inspires people today. I’ve described these historical realms in detail in one of my articles, you can read it here.

The finest portion of this story is about to start. Numerous religious and mythical traditions mention regions inhabited by non-human or supernatural beings, though opinions concerning these realms differ between nations and spiritual traditions.

These realms are frequently portrayed as being apart from the world of humans and are thought to have their own distinct residents and characteristics.

There are different myths believed to be true in different religeons

What Budhism says about realms?

The Wheel of Life, which comprises six realms of existence, is a concept in Buddhism. These areas consist of the

Gods, mortals, demons, hungry ghosts, animals, and asuras (demi-gods or titans) are all present in these realms. Each dimension has many levels of existence and experiences associated with it.

What Hinduism says about realms?

As an illustration, Hinduism holds that there are a number of worlds, or lokas, including worlds like Svarga (heaven), Naraka (hell), and Patala (the underworld). It is thoughChristianity, demons, and other celestial beings live in these regions.

What Christianity says about realms?

The idea of numerous spiritual worlds, including the realms of Heaven, Hell, and the earthly sphere populated by people, is present in Christian theology. Heaven is sometimes shown as a region of perpetual happiness and fellowship with God, whereas Hell is frequently characterized as a place of punishment for souls doomed to eternal misery.

What Norse mythology says about realms?

Otherworldly worlds and creatures are also portrayed in numerous mythology and folklore. For instance, Asgard, the realm of the gods, and Niflheim, the world of the dead, are both mentioned in Norse mythology.

Giants and other mythical creatures are among the divine beings that inhabit these realms. It is crucial to remember that not everyone accepts or can support these beliefs and representations.

Islamic view of the realms:

Antique Arabian Book on Astrology Stock Image

They are a component of mythological and religious stories that aim to explain the invisible and unknowable facets of life.

There may be variations in how non-human or demonic realms are perceived and described among cultures and belief systems. The several dimensions of existence that are thought to exist in parallel to the physical world are referred to as realms in Islamic thought.

These realms are inhabited by various creatures and serve varied functions. It is crucial to comprehend the idea of realms in Islamic cosmology and eschatology. I’ve published a lengthy piece only for that reason; to read it, go here.

Thank you for reading!

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