What the Qur’an says concerning the presence of several realms:

4 min readSep 18, 2023


Surah Al-i'Imran

Islam recognizes a number of different domains. Here are a few of the most significant:

1. Al-Alam al-Dunya:

The physical world that we observe and engage with is referred to as this realm. Humans and other living things exist in the realm of physical matter, time, and space.

And as time was created by the creator, "Allah Rabbul Izzat," He lies outside of time. Similar to how when a scientist builds a computer, he maintains and controls it from the outside rather than sitting within the machine. Allah established time and space, and He controls them from a distance.

2: Al-Jannah:

Often translated as "Paradise" or "Heaven," this region is thought to be the most joyful place where devout believers would receive rewards in the hereafter.

The Qur’an describes it as a location of incredible beauty, joy, and enduring serenity.

3. Jahannam:

This place, which is sometimes translated as "Hell," is pictured as a place of punishment for people who chose to violate Allah Ta’ala’s orders and engaged in evil activities.

According to the description, it is a hellish realm that serves as a warning to humanity against immoral behavior.

Bazzar and Hakim narrate with an authentic chain of transmission from Hazrat Anas (ra) who reported that the Holy Prophet ﷺ has stated: “The fire of Hell is extremely black.”

4. Barzakh:

This realm is the transitional one between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

It is said that the hereafter is a temporary condition where the souls of the deceased dwell until the Day of Judgment.

People get a taste of their final fate in this realm, where they can either enjoy pleasure or suffer punishment depending on their actions. (After doing research for this essay, I learned a lot of surprising and fascinating facts, as well as the answers to many questions I had about what happens to the deceased in graves).

5. Malakut:

This world is frequently referred to as the "World of the Angels," where angelic creatures are said to dwell. Angels are heavenly beings made of light who perform various responsibilities for humans.

They are in charge of carrying out the divine orders and keeping records of human deeds.

6. "Arsh":

The throne of Almighty Allah

The Throne of Allah, which is regarded as the highest and most elevated realm, is referred to by this term. It is thought to be incomprehensible to humans and to symbolise Allah’s sovereignty and transcendence.

These worlds are linked and have different effects on one another. In the physical world, human decisions and deeds can have an impact on the realms of Barzakh, Paradise, or Hell. Go through this video to learn more.

Islamic teachings place a strong emphasis on living a moral life in order to experience Paradise’s happiness and stay away from Hell’s punishment.

Edit: This topic can go longer but don’t wanna bore my audience, so have a happy read. This topic is one of my favourites and I’ve researched about it in detail and published other articles about mythological realms as well. You can find these articles of mine here.

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