AI-Powered Fitness: Exploring Whoop’s Role in My Health Technology Journey

Antone G. Wilson "Coach"
3 min readNov 15, 2023


Journey into AI and Wearables

In my recent article “AI Unleashed: Transforming Society from Health Tech to Public Policy,” I dove into the intersection of artificial intelligence, fitness, and societal impact. As the founder of HyperSpeed Health Technologies, I’ve navigated the evolving landscape of health tech innovation. The integration of Whoop with OpenAI represented a pivotal moment, signaling a shift in my approach to utilizing data and technology.

The Evolution of My Fitness Journey

Over the years, my relationship with wearable technology has continuously evolved. From my early days with Polar at age 10 to my experiences with Fitbit in graduate school and later the Apple Watch as a working professional, each device has marked a distinct phase of my life. Recently, I’ve adopted a more active lifestyle involving weightlifting and basketball, leading me to the Whoop device, a choice influenced despite its lack of a time display feature.

Inspiration from Bryan Johnson

Bryan Johnson’s disciplined approach to anti-aging and longevity, particularly his reliance on Whoop as a primary wearable, inspired me to reconsider its potential in my own life. His meticulous dedication to health and fitness struck a chord with me, prompting me to explore Whoop for myself.

Embracing Whoop’s Innovations

Initially, Whoop’s integration with OpenAI seemed to overlap with our work at HyperSpeed. However, I’ve grown to appreciate its unique focus on activity, sleep, and daily personal suggestions. The Whoop Coach feature, while distinct from our personalized health recommendations at HyperSpeed, offers invaluable guidance for those new to health and fitness.

My Personal Experience with Whoop

Engaging with the Whoop ecosystem has opened up new ways for me to understand and optimize my health and fitness routines. Monitoring the effects of caffeine on my heart rate and analyzing my sleep patterns, I’ve gained insights that are now instrumental in refining our training variability report at HyperSpeed.

A New Phase in Life

Balancing the demands of running my company and working as a PE teacher, I’ve found the structure and accountability provided by Whoop to be invaluable. It aligns perfectly with my need for focus and stability in my busy lifestyle.

Future Studies and Collaboration

I’m excited about the potential for future studies using Whoop, especially for in-game data collection. Their innovative clothing line, designed for athletes to wear devices during games, aligns with our goals at HyperSpeed to capture real-time performance data. This focus on Whoop data is driven by our belief in its effectiveness for both research and product development.

My Life with Whoop: A Model for Health and Performance

Integrating Whoop into my daily routine, I aim to use my experience as a model for health and performance. Juggling roles as a founder, teacher, coach, and athlete, I plan to demonstrate the effectiveness of Whoop in managing overall health and activity levels.

Collaboration and Studies with Whoop

The potential for collaboration with Whoop is immense. As I prepare to conduct studies with a varsity basketball team, Whoop’s technology will play a crucial role. This exclusive focus on Whoop data in our system is a testament to my belief in its power to enhance athletic performance and overall well-being.

Conclusion: The Impact of Wearables on Personal Health

As I continue my health and fitness journey with Whoop, my excitement for the future grows. This journey transcends personal achievement; it’s about understanding the broader impact of wearables on individual lives. It exemplifies the transformative power of technology in improving health and well-being. I look forward to sharing my discoveries and contributing further to this dynamic field.



Antone G. Wilson "Coach"

Former football coach turned entrepreneur. Passionate about sports biz, tech, human health, & American economy. Sharing insights. writing is my Medium.