Find the perfect mattress to sleep

Futon Mattress
4 min readApr 6, 2019


There’s nothing worse than having a bed or mattress where you can barely sleep on. Quality is one of the number one factors that affects this. How the manufacturer builds the futon, what are the different mixtures and at what quality and conditions was the mattress created are what going to really affect the way you sleep.

Now of course that size matters two. I for example, am always tired since I usually sleep in one single bed with my partner and considering the small space and partners size, I can’t really blame the bed for my tiredness. We also have a king size mattress but there’s something more special to be sleeping in one tiny bed together. Fortunately, the bed is made of High Density Foam so it is more than cozy and soft.

Quality is also affected by the kind of materials that are used to build the futon. For example, you can find a really great and biological build mattress, made either with cotton, or coil, or a mixture of foam and cotton, or polyester and foam and so on.

>> See more about other types of mattresses: Best futon mattress

But you can also bump into chemical build futons which can damage your health, skin, breathing and sleep. Be very careful and always ask for a full list of what the mattress is made of, you can ask the seller or the producer of the mattress.

Even if you don’t have a traditional futon, but you wave around on a luxury queen size mattress which you bought for 20.000 dollars, thinking that you’re safe and nothing can ever happen is a huge mistake to make. Always check twice, always secure, always ask.

The more you research where the futon came from, who is the manufacturer, what materials do they use, do they have any complaints, especially about chemical materials. These are things that matter to keep you and your kids safe.

You don’t want to catch a skin disease or let your baby sleep in a chemical mattress, intoxicated with bacteria’s and all kinds of stuff. Usually the big manufacturers, should provide the seller with a technical data list, which you can ask the seller about.

The best thing is to buy directly from the manufacturer, because first of all you get the technical data list yourself and you do the checks about the manufacturer, but you can also get a good price on the mattress you’re buying and being sure that it is safe and natural.

The fill-in materials, as I said above can be coil, cotton, foam, polyester and other ones. These are the key factors that determine the quality and the way these materials are mixed talks about the softness, the long levity, the duration and your sleep quality.

Having a firm polyester one can be good for sitting, or maybe taking a nap, or if you’re like a polar bear that sleeps six months a year, then you can order a cozy futon, made with High Density Foam, and it will be so soft that you won’t even feel your body weigh on it. It is like water. But careful. Always ask before buying. Remember, safety first, and you better be cautious than sorry.

The mattress can affect even your body temperature and can be purchased with different options like, suitable for summer or winter. Cotton is more preferred for hot sunny days because it has spores, which allow the air to flow between them freely and not contain the heat inside, but to release it.

On the other hand, wool does the opposite of cotton. It keeps the heat inside, through what are called, air pockets and people buy this kind of futon, for winter only, to sleep as better as possible on a large warm mattress. It is also used a mixture of the two, cotton and wool and it is commonly purchased by people.

However, sleeping both on traditional mattresses or highly purchased futons, is always depended by the quality of the bed you’re sleeping on. Whether you choose to save some money because you’re in college and that part time job barely pays your student loan, or you’re a newbie millionaire, the material you’re sleeping on and the fill-ins are what makes the difference of a great sleep and a grumpy day at work, because the back pain that your mattress causes is really killing you.

Some people prefer the traditional one. Other people go with the flow and like to choose the new methods coming up. It is always a matter of choice. But the quality and the vigilance of asking and getting the right answers it is always up to you to do and you cannot do truly do unless you commit yourself before ever buying anything, or making a purchase, or even receiving it as a gift.

Related post: Changing Futons: WinsLoew bets in quality

