What really happened before David Sonstebo and CFB parting ways (chat log)

65 min readApr 12, 2020


David Sonstebo keeps being too personal while describing events which led to him and me parting our ways. The previous lesson, when he published information about my private life and I made him remove it by publishing 5 his own quotes, wasn’t learnt — https://old.reddit.com/r/Iota/comments/fz5vt8/impromptu_qubicsmart_contracts_qa/fn3bd6l/?context=3. I believe the universe should be balanced, so below you will find our Discord conversations related to IOTA, Qubic and Jinn. It will allow you to make your mind up about his claim of me having “mental implosion”. In the past we both agreed to publish the chat log starting from the 1st of Jan, 2020 after removing most of the names, we didn’t do it back then because noone wanted to do the editing, this time I decided to spend time on this work.

David Sonstebo / 30/11/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 30/11/2019
Send me a message via another messaging app to confirm your identity, plz.

David Sonstebo / 01/12/2019
still use same email?

Come-from-Beyond / 01/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 01/12/2019
All right, will send mail later tonight/tomorrow morning, we need to resolve <PERSON’S NAME> (I confirmed everything)
Btw, have you at all looked at the state of Qubic at the moment, if not, what are you doing on your end pertaining to Qubic? Fork of the code?

Come-from-Beyond / 01/12/2019
Will answer the questions after receiving the email

David Sonstebo / 01/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 01/12/2019
Send me the content of my reply to your email.

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Btw, <DIRECTOR #1> hasn’t been listed as director due to legal matters taking forever
Same reason <DIRECTOR #2> still appears

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
I don’t know the state of Qubic at the moment. I’m doing nothing wrt Qubic, waiting for the 1st of Jan, 2020.

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
You ought to speak with <IF ENGINEER #1>
He’s really, really great and the only person in the group that seems to understand and really believe in the vision behind Jinn
He pushes back on <IF ENGINEER #2> and <IF ENGINEER #3> regarding their skepticism
That being said, both <IF ENGINEER #2> and <IF ENGINEER #3> are very excited for Jinn from a tech perspective, but they don’t have the creativity to think of any use cases
whereas <IF ENGINEER #1> jumps straight to polymorphic ANNs

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
I talked to him recently:
— -

<IF ENGINEER #1> / 19/11/2019
Hi CFB. I am disappointed that Iota version of Qubic does not match with your vision. Why do you think it has diverged from your vision? What are the features that are diverging?

Come-from-Beyond / 19/11/2019
Hi. I don’t think it diverged, the problem is that it won’t be ready by the 1st of Jan, 2020. I’m not going to implement another Qubic, I’m going to implement that Qubic described by Paul but without some features which are not mandatory for Paracosm Platform.

<IF ENGINEER #1> / 20/11/2019
Yes, will be interesting to see when ends up being functional. Messaging of assemblies seems biggest obstacle right now. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to keep things on target.

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
ELI5 the difference between Eric and Paul’s Qubic

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
No difference AFAIK

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Also, what sort of brief summary of the current status of Qubic would be helpful here?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Qupla is the most important piece atm, we need ppl to start writing the code that could run as qubics
don’t need Qubic 100% to start utilizing it

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
The problem is that even Qupla is very hard for people to learn, especially when there is no strong incentive to do so

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
I should implement that Pipes idea where qubic programming looks as that Google’s programming langugage for kids…

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
We need a “Qubism” language that is as simple as TypeScript
You mean like Scratch?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
looks as puzzles

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Yeah, “drag and drop” kind of shit?
but I don’t see how people would be able to know what to drag and where to drop it in order to program something

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Because if there’s a preset puzzle solution, then what are they creating?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
This is where Aigarth would be very handy

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
You provide a truth table, like “1+1=2”, “2+1=3” and Aigarth code is run to find a good piece of code that computes A+B, then it could be drag-n-dropped a-la Scratch.

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
How long would that take to implement in code?
Have you even started on Aigarth code?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Probably a couple of month assuming that qubic tritcode interpreter is ready
Haven’t started Aigarth, had only prototype somewhere which I used for Curl

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Right, because AIGarth will be entirely evo algos?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
evolutionary algos are good for optimization, but not necessarily performance

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
maybe. we’ll see
Helix gate is used in it

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Do you have any use cases in mind that will be able to test it right away though?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
can get strong emergence from Helix + Aigarth which will give efficient programs
Do you have any use cases in mind that will be able to test it right away though?
A+B suffices

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Ok, so how should I setup a way for you to get updates on where Qubic is
In terms of where the qubic tritcode interpreter is for instance
Because right now we are all just flying blind

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
I used to read Eric’s blogposts about Qubic, should read the most recent ones

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
and dialog with <IF ENGINEER #1>
I really want to hire <IF ENGINEER #1> to Jinn
My conclusion is that Jinn as a company should focus on R&D + ASIC Proprietary IP, and open source the rest
This way we get inroads into all the major semiconductors
and we couple it with non-profit orgs like RISC-V Foundation (though, not sure how much Jinn will appeal to those guys) Linaro (https://www.linaro.org/) Eclipse Foundation, IIC and IOTA Foundation
We really need to dark trojan horse this

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Did you ever look at David Hentrich’s work after the 2011 polymorphic computing paper btw?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
I wonder how different it is from JInn’s “polymorphism”

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Very different according to Abstract
They redirect flow to different ALUs

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
what about this guy

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Hard to say, the topic is related to what we are doing but not very close

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
This is the problem of finding anyone who can assist us in boosting our shit
No one is doing exactly what we are doing
or even close it seems

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Is what we need to send to <PERSON’S NAME>
from the 13.5 Ti

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
No old data about reclaims
also, it should be sent from IF controlled funds, <DIRECTOR #3> still has those iotas

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
The problem is that we don’t have any real empirical data on <DIRECTOR #3>’s holdings in terms of manual claims

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
still those iotas are in <DIRECTOR #3>’s posession

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Do you know the address though?
If not, auditing it will be hell
I said this 2 years ago
You remember how much I had to fight <DIRECTOR #3> just to get you and <DIRECTOR #4> to the board and to get rid of <DIRECTOR #2>

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Doesn’t matter, <DIRECTOR #3> controls those iotas
I remember we asked him to send amount which noone disputed but still he has a large marging of several Ti’s
47 Gi fits for sure

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Yeah, but <DIRECTOR #3> is no accountant
Why did we ever give him access…
If we’re doing 999 let’s do it only between the two of us

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
regarding 47 Gi — it’s <DIRECTOR #3> who should send, unless you have good arguments against

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Nah, I don’t; but I need numbers and address
Problem is that <PERSON’S NAME> will sue both us and IF if he doesn’t have this tomorrow

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
No data left

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
Already told his lawyers to shut the fuck up
How many employees does Paracosm have right now?
We need to do a IoTiFY demo (<XXX> is 5 star general, let’s profit from it)

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Don’t have time to talk now

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
I have a couple of projects showcasing the IoTIFY engine in Smart cities and Supply Chain, but we need to think of one for gamers

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Let’s arrange meeting

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019
otherwise Jinn just looks retarded
Ok, when are you available this week?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
any evening but 1–2 hours earlier

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 02/12/2019
Will write the details tomorrow morning, have to go now, sorry

David Sonstebo / 02/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 03/12/2019
We are working on Ict, Paracosm Platform which uses it, few games which use the platform, Li-Fi device with Azimuth (https://blog.iota.org/eli9-azimuth-previously-known-as-nb-pow-f36156d378e4), attire with sensors for better immersion into XR via the IoT.
We = around 25 ppl in total, but most of them work on the games.

David Sonstebo / 03/12/2019
Thanks for the update
So first order of business: the remainder of the “left over” funds that would go to us then
But you will remember that you advocated for us forfeiting this
Thus now the stance is: “Well no this is Jinn <> <PERSON’S NAME> not IF <> <PERSON’S NAME> anymore”

Come-from-Beyond / 03/12/2019
ok, gimme me address and amount
actually, it’s better to send the iotas from 65 Ti you control, the iotas in my possession is the returned donation

David Sonstebo / 03/12/2019
Nah, that leads a trace directly back to Jinn/IOTA AS
Right now that account is still “clean” from its past

David Sonstebo / 03/12/2019
Btw quick pivot
Karoly Zsolnai-Feher — Research Scientist
Karoly Zsolnai-Feher — Research Scientist
Two Minute Papers
Would this guy be good for Orbuculum?

Come-from-Beyond / 03/12/2019
Orbuculum is on hold now.

David Sonstebo / 03/12/2019
You finally got a smartphone?^_^;

Come-from-Beyond / 03/12/2019
Gimme address and amount, I’ll send tonight.

David Sonstebo / 03/12/2019
I’ll find amount in30

David Sonstebo / 03/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
Wrong amount, re-check it

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
How can it be wrong?
Ah, yea he still donates 10%

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
David Sonstebo / Last Monday at 23:46
Is what we need to send to <PERSON’S NAME>
from the 13.5 Ti

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Yea, thn minus 10%
I asked him if he still wants to donate

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
Count digits in the both numbers

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
wait wat
how is that possible
let me check his legal claim again
(478 034 859 504–478 034 859 50,4 [Spende i.H.v. 10%] = 430231373553,6)

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
So the first amount was a typo, ok

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
<IF EMPLOYEE #1> forgot the 4

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
wait, what’s his full name?

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
~50 y.o., grey hairs in the beard?

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
That I don’t remember
but this is directly from his attorneys
<IF EMPLOYEE #1> has been in dialog with them
We will go after the remainder of the unclaimed
so we’re not losing anything here

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
There were 2 guys whom I sent the iotas directly after receiving them from <DIRECTOR #3>

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Yeah I know
but it wasn’t <PERSON’S NAME>
there was something lacking
Not sure what exactly
but he already spent 1000s of dollars on lawyers
and the claim is not major
and it checks out with mail history dating back to 2016

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
Will do it tomorrow, have to go urgently

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
<PERSON’S NAME> extends his thanks to us
Next week is “protocol week” in IOTA Foundation
and I need you to be present, or at least review the proposals and chip in with your thoughts
This is about the changes made to the protocol temporary leading up to Coordicide, so they are not permanent, but intended to boost IOTA significantly in the coming 6–12 months so we don’t wither and perish

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
I logged out from IF slack and I have no access to email to log in again.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
That can be fixed with a simple invite

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
I no longer work on cryptos.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
I know, but do you want IOTA to just evolve and not provide input?
Will you still accept the final outcome without input?
Right now everything is up for consideration, including binary vs trinary

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
I’m a quicklearner. Never a discussion about the protocol with IF engineers led to something useful, it will be a waste of time this time too.
Tell them I quitted crypto, it’s the best excuse.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
So hypothetically if sig-scheme changes, trinary/binary ends up with binary etc.
Then what

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
Let them do it.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
And then we pivot Jinn?

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
IOTA protocol is already defined by me. If they want to promote their version then they should find another name. Trademarks won’t help the IF much.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
This is what we need to avoid man
I didn’t put in 3 years building this organization that opened up all the doors for us to put our vision and product front and center
Only to engage in a pointless destructive fork

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
Let’s split the funds then, I go with my version. IF was a failure which wasted my precious time.
BTW Coordicide won’t work.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
IF achieved exactly what we wanted in terms of getting our vision out there with real companies adopting it
Why are you going back on your part of the deal now when I execute on mine?

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
It’s based on a fallacy.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
What fallacy

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
Fallacies of distributed computing
The fallacies of distributed computing are a set of assertions made by L Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems describing false assumptions that programmers new to distributed applications invariably make.
Fallacy no. 1.
I see no real adoption, only hype.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
So you think <DIRECTOR #4> is on crack then?
When did this start?
ST creating SoC for IOTA is not real adoption? JLR and <CAR MANUFACTURER #1> independently building out software suits to implement IOTA is not real adoption? Big cities trialing IOTA + MAM for data streams is not real adoption?
Define “real adoption” for me then

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
<DIRECTOR #4> is fine, he knows that an assumption about reliability exists.
Can’t talk from smartphone, going home, will chat later.

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
I’m here by computer now

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Ok, let’s do a chat with <DIRECTOR #4>
Add me to your friendlist
so I can setup a 3way chat

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
seems <IF ENGINEER #4> was wrong and it’s not necessary to see everything
<DIRECTOR #4> just told me

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
<IF ENGINEER #4> is an idea man
<DIRECTOR #4> is very much against his approach
which is why I and Popov insist on not letting him decide future directions
he has great inputs

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
ok, Coordicide problem is solved, good

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
On a different topic
What is the structure of paracosm
I am considering building a boutique indie game development company
on top of IOTA

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
It’s a group of companies which work on products for the same platform

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
But who’s on the board of Paracosm

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
no specific structure

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
There has to be a board?

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
who’s in charge of standardization etc.?

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Because if Paracosm is going to grow you can’t avoid those boring organizational things

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
de-facto standards will be set and then someone will de-jure them

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Who though?

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
So if Ubisoft, Riot, Epic, Blizzard etc. took a liking to the concept
Who would they speak to

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
no idea

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
If it’s “the forum”, neither of these companies will ever engage

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
I need something working first

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
will worry later
about other stuff

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
This is the structure we agreed to:

You’re Conan, in the field; melee is your approach

I’m the soaring eagle above Sun Tzuing shit
I understand that from the frog perspective the bird’s trajectory might appear slow
But fucking look at where IOTA is right now
Don’t dare tell me there’s no adoption. Sans Ethereum, IOTA is #2
I never question your brilliance in your realm, but for some reason you suddenly question/obstruct mine, with no explanation

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
coz no progress for long time
IF wastes my time
I see only one way for a cooperation — they do with the protocol what I say, no discussion

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Define progress? Coordicide: progress. Bee: progress. Code audits: progress. Trinity: progress. Adoption: Major progress. CryptoCore (Jinn’s natural inroad to sell to the major companies): serious progress, ST Microelectronics is building SoC right now implementing Curl
In order to achieve that sort of thing you have to finesse people
No one will just blindly agree with someone they don’t even know

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
We are wasting time now, it doesn’t really necessary for me to agree or disagree if there is progress

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
Sure, just define “no progress”
Because it’s bullshit

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
ok, bullshit
I have only 1 hour to write one article about PAracosm Platform

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
My strategy is the one we agreed on years ago: dark trojan horse into the major companies where Jinn and IOTA is accepted as cutting edge technology paving the way. We are achieving this. What is your strategy?

Come-from-Beyond / 04/12/2019
My strategy is to have something working for ordinary users

David Sonstebo / 04/12/2019
And that’s also what Bee and Coordicide is about
In fact even the temporary protocol boost plans right now is also about that: get more people into IOTA by showing better performance than other DLTs
If we’re going to beat Apple, do you think we can just fuck around on forums with a few hundred (if we are lucky) enthusiasts?
Apple is going to conquer the AR space next year
This is what needs to happen:
Jinn teams up with IF to produce CryptoCore and gets a revenue stream percentage. We team up with open source hardware organizations like Linaro and RISC-V; Jinn becomes the de facto proprietary development company focused on cutting edge tech in AI, VR/AR and connectivity. Like Qualcomm and NVIDIA on steroids.

David Sonstebo / 05/12/2019
Enjin | Blockchain Game Development Platform
Use a robust, all-in-one blockchain game development platform to crowdfund, grow, monetize, and design the video game of your dreams.
Seems like Paracosm’s main competitor
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Come-from-Beyond / 05/12/2019
thx for info

David Sonstebo / 05/12/2019
Paracosm really needs to reach out to the big companies and try to make an alliance
Timing is great now that Microsoft has validated the market

Come-from-Beyond / 05/12/2019
Later, first need something working

David Sonstebo / 05/12/2019
Google Docs — create and edit documents online, for free.
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Outcome of day 1 of protocol week

Come-from-Beyond / 05/12/2019
can’t open google docs, no google account

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
did you get the pdf?
Attachment file type: acrobat
39.72 KB

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
Stopped reading after “Support for reusable addresses”.
Don’t bother with sending me other parts, plz

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
This is lead up to Coordicide
What is the hangup against Reusable addresses

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
Bad performance

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Without reusable addresses a lot of use cases are falling away in IoT

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
1–2 orders of magnitude slower

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Hmm, did you read over the new ‘flexible’ scheme that allows the user to use Bitcoin sigs for small tx and WOTS for big?
The performance degradation comes from the requirement of ordering with WOTS, right? So it shouldn’t apply in the Bitcoin sig for small tx
We need insanely fast TPS of microtransactions more than anything. WOTS applies to the major transfers
Also this is just about IOTA performance boost pre-Coordicide, so we don’t die within the next 2 months
People don’t give a fuck about pie in the sky dreams anymore, they want actual results
The real adopters (semiconductor companies) are losing their patience with IOTA because of our shit performance

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
Let the IF do what they want

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
What strategy is that
I refuse to be fucked over by you suddenly announcing a fork and crashing all my value after you cashed out

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
You want me to adopt an inferior tech as the alternative?

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
No, I want both of us to have an actual strategy we align on and stop resisting everything coming from IF as if it was crazy talk
the professors in IF aren’t retards

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
They have their agendas
For example, <YYY>

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Which we can heavily stear, but only by playing ball
What you mean?
We aren’t even working with him anymore

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
They were distorting truth for their own benefit

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
They finished their work
and I slashed that program months ago
due to siphoning cash
What about people like

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
There are no engineers in the IF who are on par with me. And I’m tired to explain things which are obvious to me and not obvious to them.
So let the market decide.
IF vs me. I don’t create iotas, I’m going to use iotas on IF’s mainnet

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
So you don’t consider <IF ENGINEER #5>, <IF ENGINEER #4>, <IF ENGINEER #3> or <IF ENGINEER #1> competent?

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
So your iotas should be safe

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
What does “IF vs me” even mean
It will be a fork
1) The market will crash
2) A pointless endless fight of which coins will win

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
So you don’t consider <IF ENGINEER #5>, <IF ENGINEER #4>, <IF ENGINEER #3> or <IF ENGINEER #1> competent?
They are competent, but it’s not enough to create something world-changing

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
But you always leap over the transition period

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
yeah, meaning it doesn’t come to fruition

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
Paracosm is slowly taking off
I’ll try this chance

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
that’s a fork
that affects my iotas
and our Jinn iotas

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
I won’t be using an inferior tech for my magnum opus. The rest follows from this.

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
So you’re going to fuck over your founder and just “do whatever”?

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
the founder can adapt by selling the iotas or doing something else

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
And as for “Inferior tech”, it wouldn’t be inferior tech if you could understand the importance of strategy. Did I not single handedly give you full reign over IF’s devs?
Oh, I can? So I should sell now, at 20 cents
Right that’s fair
Since you seem hellbent on not giving a fuck, the only fair road forward is then that you announce your fork post-Coordicide (and all the other major events upcoming in IOTA), when the price presumably goes high. We split Jinn funds and make a joint-announcement
I refuse to be fucked over anymore
and have literally years of my life go to waste

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
This world is not perfect, sometimes there is no a good option, only a bad and a worse

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Sure, so let’s plan for this then. Post-Coordicide fork. You get 100% shares of Jinn, AIGarth, 999, we split funds, pay our past employees a nice severance package so they are not left out to die

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
Make IF adopt my version of the protocol

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
You haven’t ever defined it

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
I’ll do that

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Where’s the 5 academic papers, where’s the specifications? Where is the collaboration with the rest of the standardization industry (OMG, IIC, Eclipse, Linux etc.)? Where is the adoption?

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
We split Jinn funds and make a joint-announcement
Good idea

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
You can’t just write a word document
This si no longer BTT, this is real world shit

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
You spent 5 years on this and earned 30 mio USD, still good profit )

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Nowhere close
In those 5 years I could easily have had much, much more, even without IOTA; so until the price of IOTA goes back to 60 cents fuck that

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
Nowhere close
There was an article about that

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
About what

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
In Norway your crypto at 00:00 1st of January every year counts as your fortune

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
That article was pure bullshit, two journalists just showed up in my doorway in the morning. Due to renovation the door was open
and they insisted to do an interview, or they would just have to “speculate”
So I gave them 15 minutes

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
I’ll start spending those 13 Ti for my version of IOTA adoption, take this into account during Jinn Labs funds split

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Not until we have a solid agreement

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
it will be delayed as many other things

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
I am the one with all the legal burden, I’m the one with 130 employees who has staked the future reputation and careers on this shit, I’m the face of this shit

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
report that I stole them
to remove the burden

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
yea, that wouldn’t crash the price
You do exactly as I say on this. After 5 years of me fulfilling all my fucking promises and defending you against all the criticism, giving your carte blanche etc. This is going to be a fair fucking ending
Not some bogus BTT troll shit

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
I won’t be using an inferior tech for my magnum opus. The rest follows from this.
Bend the IF to their knees then

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
How can I do that without ANY instructions on what to do? “Yo, we are doing CFB’s version.” -”What is CFB’s version?”, “No one knows, let’s keep burning 1 million dollars a month doing nothing”
That’s not how the real world works

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
No honestly tell me
What even is your superior tech?
There’s no way to compare it to anything

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
I’m fed up with IF’s bullshit like constant online meetings
Absence of progress

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Sure, but no where close to as tired as I am, but I still have to do it to make this grand vision a reality. It doesn’t happen by itself
You haven’t looked at any of IF*s work in the last 6–8 months

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
I’ll do my part anyway
It’s you who insist on having no a fork
I believe a fork would be only useful

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Yes, because a fork kills everything
Yes, you do, because you see this only as code
Not whether the code will ever execute on a single machine

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
So what’s the plan? When will the funds be split?
Any ETA?

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Let’s work this out together over the weekend so all the details are clear. I can start by writing up a rough proposal, then you provide your input and we reach a consensus

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Ok, agreed. <PERSONAL STUFF>

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
censored where?

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
Coindesk, Coinbase etc. don’t you remember all the resistance from the rich “establishment” Bitcoin and Ethereum elite?

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 06/12/2019
will be back home in an hour or two
Will tell more then
But don’t touch those iotas, don’t liquidate anything. Remember the goal here is to boost their value and there are some major, major things going on right now that will assist in that

Come-from-Beyond / 06/12/2019
some iotas need to be sold to keep progressing and pay salaries to <JINN ENGINEER #1> and <JINN ENGINEER #2>. Also, there is more than 300k USD debt of Jinn Labs coz I was paying with own money.

Come-from-Beyond / 10/12/2019
Let’s work this out together over the weekend so all the details are clear. I can start by writing up a rough proposal, then you provide your input and we reach a consensus
Any progress with this?

David Sonstebo / 10/12/2019
Yeh, working on it. Not easy due to the legalities. I am working with a lawyer on a proposal
Trying desperately to figure out how to balance this with IF’s Tangle vs Paracosm Tangle
So try to put your brain to work on how these could potentially interact 5 years down the road when hopefully ternary takes over

Come-from-Beyond / 10/12/2019
They don’t intersect, IF doesn’t longer work on the IoT version

David Sonstebo / 10/12/2019
Edge-IoT; agree
Cloud-IoT; unfortunately
There’s a chasm that needs to be bridged

Come-from-Beyond / 10/12/2019
Someone could issue iotas on Paracosm Tangle and then exchange them for IF Tangle where IF’s iotas need to be sent to a non-reachable address.
IF itself could do that

David Sonstebo / 10/12/2019
What about a staking scheme

Come-from-Beyond / 10/12/2019
If someone invents a secure way to do that in the environment without miners — why not

David Sonstebo / 10/12/2019
Then let’s brainstorm this
As it could prevent a complete bifurication of all the work we’ve done
If we can prevent people from taking an “either or” option (ternary)

Come-from-Beyond / 10/12/2019
not today, going afk

David Sonstebo / 10/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 15/12/2019
Anything new?

David Sonstebo / 17/12/2019
Working on a document

Come-from-Beyond / 19/12/2019
I’ll publish bird-eye overview of Jinn architecture, that should give the Qubic devs some useful info.

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
How is the progress?

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Very fucking hectic due to the market
How is your christmas

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Everything is fine

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
That’s good
It seems there’ll be a complete fork btw
IOTA-Binary and IOTA-Trinary
Trinary is simply eating up way too much performance and being a major blocker for adoption, and no one cares about our “magical trinary processor” in the real world
We need to figure out how to communicate this in a productive manner for both forks, so it’s more of a bifurication of timelines (binary for the short-interim period and trinary in the future of semiconductor industry)
Also are you actually in Australia?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
We need to figure out how to communicate this in a productive manner for both forks
Ok. But keep in mind that “IOTA” will be used by the trinary version. They should find a good name for the binary one.

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Nah, they will be IOTA-Binary and IOTA-Trinary
For different epochs

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
even better
my version will be “IOTA”

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
There is no “your version” vs “IF’s version”

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
There is

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
We need to collaborate on a cohesive strategy that is actually beneficial for the project

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
We are splitting ways, what collaboration do you mean?

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Until IOTA is back up to 50 cents there is no splitting ways
You just randomly abandoned the project after being given exactly what you asked for, fucking me over in the process

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
50 cents is easy

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
I’ve lined up everything for Jinn to actually have a real world market, but you just don’t want that
You just want to have 200 people use Jinn, I’m looking at billions

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
I’m publishing Jinn article in a couple of days btw

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
What article

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Come-from-Beyond / Last Thursday at 16:26
I’ll publish bird-eye overview of Jinn architecture, that should give the Qubic devs some useful info.

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
How in-depth will this be?
The problem again is that trinary doesn’t add anything unique to Qubic

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
not very

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
The QCM benefits are mainly dataflow, which is radix independent
No one believes in trinary anymore

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
ok, it’s their problem, not mine

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
It will be yours as well, Paracosm won’t have any success if you keep ignoring strategy and the real world

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
I’ll sue the IF if they keep using “IOTA” after the fork
I created IOTA

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
No you didn’t
Me, you and <DIRECTOR #4> did

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
The court will decide, let’s not waste time on this matter

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
I made the entire brand. <DIRECTOR #4> write the white paper. You wrote the reference implementation under our collective company
See this is exactly what I mean, you keep refusing to collaborate and instead just want to not make any progress
While IF makes gigantic progress

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
tired of waiting and tired of arguing about semantix

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
This is not semantics
Where’s your work that can match that of IF?
Where’s the whitepapers, published papers, code, path to adoption, standardization?
Where is your team

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Come-from-Beyond / Today at 15:20
The court will decide, let’s not waste time on this matter

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Again, you are just being difficult fo rthe sake of being difficult, at the detriment of yourself and everyone who helped get you where you are today
It’s absolutely pathetic at this point
Your vision for tangle was “In game tipping”
I got you into the board and I gave you full carte blanche and some of our best devs, you didn’t give a fuck, you just decided “I quit”. I kept defending you over and over and over and over, but you just fucking stabbed me in the back

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
I see it from another angle. So we need a referee

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Even now that I am asking you to figure out a way together where both end up happy with the result, you just call it all “semantics” and refuse to even begin to explain how “IOTA-Trinary” will somehow manifest
You haven’t even expressed your angle, you just say “save it for court” like this is some sort of pathetic battle

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
My experience tells that any collaboration with the IF will be just a waste of time.

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
So what have you done in the past 6 months then?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
It’s a long story

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
How is IOTA-Trinary going to outdo Coordicide + Sharding?
Tell me, where’s the code? Can I run something and see a better functioning network?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Yes, when the time comes

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Sure 10 years from now

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
I agree with that, hence why IOTA-Binary would be for the short-interim period, and IOTA-Trinary when the future arrives

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
I’m busy atm, if you don’t want to add something useful to the convo I prefer to stop it

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
You’re always busy
but never explaining wtf you are doing
In the meanwhile we’re working everyday in IF to make IOTA a fucking reality, and that was Jinn’s road to market. The future of hardware is open source, the only way to monetize it is to have a world leading proprietary EE team, which is what Jinn should pivot towards, as I said a month or two ago
I am just wondering where the fuck the hungry CFB went
It’s like the major success of IF’s IOTA made you complacent
Too much money to care anymore?
I remember back in 2015 when we were discussing the design of the Tangle, you went “We’ll have side-tangles and sharding before even Ethereum”
Where did this CFB go?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
He went to working on something that really functions in the real world.

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
He did? Where is it?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
afk to eat

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
If it really functions in the real world, why isn’t it in the real world?
IF’s IOTA is in the real world being utilized by real companies for real use cases

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Honestly all I see is just hype
What could I buy to see IOTA in it?

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
ST microelectronics is creating specialized hardware for it as we speak, so in the semiconductor world right now it would be ST
Other than that, buy a car from JLR, or in early 2020 another major OEM who is implementing it
This shit takes time

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Better to discuss our problem in person. I’ll ping you once arrive to Norway.

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
When are you going to Norway?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Well, I remember we discussed that years ago lol
You would like Norway, but what are you doing with Paracosm then?
Flying back and forth frequently?

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019
Paracosm can work without me being personally in the office

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019

Come-from-Beyond / 24/12/2019

David Sonstebo / 24/12/2019
Yeah, if you lived here it would definitely make matters easier and you could see for yourself how IOTA is actually being embraced by both academia and the industry. Did you see Future Farm? It has all the biggest agricultural companies of Norway behind it to utilize IOTA in the supply chain, running nodes and offering up development resources

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
Happy new years

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
I read the Jinn article, unfortunately it isn’t convincing many of the new architecture
We need to produce something more comprehensive with references to peer-reviewed EE work

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
It’s not about convincing

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
What is itabout then?

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
to explain what Jinn is, it’s one of the articles planned to be written

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
Sure, but through explaining the goal is to convince people of the technology andvision
Otherwise why even bother

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
how can articles convince? ppl need real Jinn which can be compared to other processors on the market

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
Yeah, but we lack a roadmap for that. And since you refuse to speak with people, there’s no way to get a functioning CTO in
Just takeETA Compute founder who would’ve been our hire
They’ve built a serious company now
Jinn is still stuck
and I can’t speak onbehalf of the technical side of Jinn

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
I’ll lead our small team of engineers to the final hardware product

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
But what steps are missing

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
What type of software

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
need Abracadabra compiler

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
And then we’re readyto showcase Jinn after a production run?

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
showcase is a bad idea IMO, better to send hardware pieces to famous engineers who compare Intel vs AMD chips and ask their opinion

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
Sure, but our hardware is nowhere near as optimized as AMD/Intel
or ARM for that matter

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
they’ll take into account that we use obsolete tech process (e.g. 400nm)

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
Keep in mind the 10x rule. If the technology isn’t 10x better, it won’t impress anyone. EVs could compete with fossil fuel cars due to being 10x better

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
and compare to processors of the same class
or extrapolate

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
But there still needs to be some unique showcase to show the improvement
If they’re just going to do “1+1 = 2” they won’t be convinced

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
I’m not a fan of synthetics tests, let the testers decide themselves if they want 1+1=2 or Fast Fourier Transform

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
You may not be a fan of it, but trust me on this matter. I know how to get people excited and see a vision. Otherwise we’re literally just experimenting, as 1000s of EE students do each year. That doesn’t convince anyone of adopting ternary

Come-from-Beyond / 01/01/2020
ok, let’s try your way, but now my main focus is getting real piece of hardware

David Sonstebo / 01/01/2020
I 100% agree, that is the single most important step
I am just wondering whether Jinn is really up for the task when demoed, because the expectations are high

David Sonstebo / 06/01/2020
Tell me what you think about the name Fractal

Come-from-Beyond / 06/01/2020
Good name for Jinn’s control bus.

David Sonstebo / 06/01/2020
I know, but I meant more for the chip itself
Fractal’s relationships with 3, the bus architecture, the fact that just like fractals each individual Jinn adds to to the structure

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
Why not Jinn?

David Sonstebo / 07/01/2020
Ok, maybe network of Jinn = Fractal
I will think more
In the meanwhile I need your input on something
Why are we using inefficient bundles?
I understand the fixed tx size is easier to optimize in hardware but
This is the arguement
Reasons to use atomic, variable sized transactions instead of bundles
Less network overhead: The transaction format can be adjusted to only carry the information that is really required. We can completely omit sending a lot of unnecessary information for the consecutive transactions of a bundle (2nd signature transaction + remainder). Especially the use of UTXO post-coordicide will most probably make this situation even worse and force us to use even more transactions to create a simple transfer.
Less signature verifications: Post-coordicide, every transaction has to contain the node id and the signature of the node that issued the transaction. This means that for a simple transfer we need to verify the signatures of at least 3 transactions. Considering that the signature verification is the most expensive part of the transaction processing, this means that the introduction of node ids will reduce the performance of nodes by at least 300% if we stick to the current approach (and it gets even worse for bigger bundles). This essentially means that nodes will be able to process hundreds maybe even thousands of transactions less than they could with atomic transactions that are not split into bundles.
Better spam-protection and congestion control: The size of the bundle is not known until we have received the last transaction. This means that it can happen that we accept and route a certain amount of transactions, to then later detect that the issuing node has exceeded its quota and drop all additional transactions. This means that we have routed and processed messages that could have been filtered right from the start if we would have seen that the issuing node tries to send a transfer that is too big. This might even open an attack vector where a node issues different bundles to different people that will all start to process the transactions of the bundle and then drop them at different times again unnecessarily increasing the load in the network.
Shorter Merkle-proofs (for sharding): The Merkle proofs for inter-shard transactions get much smaller (at least 300%) if we do not have to traverse all the transactions in a bundle to reach the next transfer. This will make inter-shard transactions much faster and more lightweight.
Or rather just skim through
Atomic transfers / transactions instead of bundles
Its essentially still a bundle but instead of being constructed using a bunch of transactions with exactly the same layout, you will have a “bundle header transaction” (that contains the issuing node id + signature and the size of the bundle), a list of “input transacti…

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
Iota Stack Exchange
Why does the signatureMessageFragment have a fixed size?
A transaction in IOTA consists of 2673 trytes. The biggest part is the signatureMessageFragment (more infos here) which has a size of 2187 trytes.
It is used to store the signature of value transa…

David Sonstebo / 07/01/2020
He has responded to those points in that iota.cafe thread tho

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
Ok, change the format then.

David Sonstebo / 07/01/2020
Do you agree with the changes?

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
No, but i dont care about if’s solution

David Sonstebo / 07/01/2020
I don’t see the flaw in his arguments though

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
Good, adopt the proposal then.

David Sonstebo / 07/01/2020
What part do you disagree with then

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
Variable size

David Sonstebo / 07/01/2020
but fixed sized data structure?

Come-from-Beyond / 07/01/2020
Didnt get the question
Fixed size shud be

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Dude why are you instigating drama now
We had an agreement
I’ve been working aroudn the clock to build up a positive market sentiment, which is working
and then you try to sabotage it?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Agreement? Latest agreement I remember is splitting ways and funds.
Anyway, drama wasn’t my intention

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Yes, after the price recovers to 60 cent where you sold

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I worry about future of Paracosm

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
I worry about the future of IOTA

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Have to go now, let’s talk later

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
You need to start being honest like wtf
we had an agreement to not discuss fork until that point
And now you’ve already let the cat out of the bag
Now I will have to write a goddamn memoir of IOTA’s origins and explain how this is an “amicable fork” and that it doesn’t mean Jinn is dead

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Ok, write it. And news about Jinn that you promised in Jan.

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
No that is not ok. Wtf is up with only caring about yourself

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
About Paracosm which is more ppl than just me

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Yeah and the guy who helped you get there, fuck him?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
No, nothing bad in those my questions IMO
they are legit questions

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Sure, legit questions after you brought upbinary
We have consciously avoided doing so until a coherent strategy is laid out
And now you’re on IG?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
what is IG?

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
I have nothing against you expanding into more hooman nature
But seriously, don’t lose yourself in your new lifestyle

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
it’s for IoT-powered attire project
the designer already working on design

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
I love connected attire
oing back to the topic at hand: you were the one who said you’dbe moving to Norway and thus we should resolve everything face to face

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
aye, tet-a-tet is better than texting

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Yeah, but not if you go on sabotage mode
There’s now tens of thousands of units ordered for devices with IOTA config hardware in it alraedy
not to mention potential millions of cars from one of the biggest OEM in the world
Jinn could have been in all of these
And this is just the fucking beginning of scratching the surface of the iceberg

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
alright, what do you want from me?
to cool down when IF thinking of going binary?
IF staying trinary is better coz then I won’t need to fork iotas

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
For the two of us — the two who started it all — to align on a long term strategy as was always the plan.
Binary in GoShimmer allows us to prove IOTA (Tangle) and then upgrade to Trinary when the hardware has arrived
We need to think of this as the long term strategy of how we (Jinn) position ourselves here
Not to mention the vast amount of capital generated by an IOTA boom

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Binary in GoShimmer allows us to prove IOTA (Tangle) and then upgrade to Trinary when the hardware has arrived
It’s Trojan horse against us

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
No, it’s not. It’s just the fact that we alone can’t compete with ARM, Qualcomm, Intel, Xilinix etc. etc. all alone
We have to be the dark trojan horse
Nothing prevents side-tangles either
Interoperability between tangles is possible

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I’ll calm down for a while with binary topic, but if IF goes binary I’ll fork iotas.

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Then we need to figure out how we communicate that and strategize around that in a manner that 1) does not hurt binary-IOTA 2) does not kill Jinn and trinary-IOTA in the process 3) How Jinn can emerge as an actual leader in the hardware space
IOTA makes all the big companies take our vision seriously. We can prove we were and still are years ahead of the mainstream
You want your global MMO VR/AR Blizzard equivalent? You have to be strategic
Having 50 nerds in a Discord running IcT nodes won’t do shit

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Caer Sidi is talking with big players in gaming industry, they won several prizes and going for China
I’ll ride their coattails

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
That’s great and all
But even you have to understand that it’s nothing vs the adoption of IOTA

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I doubt current IOTA strategy will win, still noone explained why big corporations would adopt IOTA instead of forking Tangle into what suits them better

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
What would suit them better? The big companies are coming to us because they don’t want to be locked into a wannabe-DLT
This is why Hedera failed
IOTA’s tech and peripheral ecosystem also has a direct path to standardization
Richard Soley founded OMG, Eclipse Foundation and the Industrial Internet of Things consortium which just absorbed Open Fog (remember those from 2014?) and The Trusted IoT Alliance

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
standardization of atomic transfers instead of bundle-based system is a failure from engineering PoV

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
You’ve not proven why though
Why don’t you simply have a casual chat with <IF ENGINEER #4> of all people?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Whom am I supposed to prove that to?

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
The two of you think alike
<IF ENGINEER #4> is funding cold fusion technology ffs
He’s just like Paul
The two of you should get along perfectly

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
nay, I’m fine alone, talking to someone and syncing slows me down 100-fold

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
So what code do you have now?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
nothing compilable now

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
GoShimmer + Chrysalis will be able to do 1000s of TPS

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
I don’t get why you rather trust basic game devs over the team you helped build

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
game devs work on games, they are irrelevant to IOTA/Qubic/Aigarth

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
So you. One person. Is going to make all of that on your own?
In clean code that other devs will take seriously?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I work alone on most things now, engineers I hired only help and don’t argue
yes, clean code

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
When will anything be reviewable?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Also, why don’t you talk with <IF ENGINEER #1> from Qubic team
He’s seriously good
and has no political agenda

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I talked to him several weeks ago, we don’t have common topics

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
What was your disagreement?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
we just work on different things

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Ok, so tell me what we do about Qubic then
These guys havfe been working on it, but with zero input from you: wtf are they to do?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I heard Eric had some progress recently

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
They all love the dataflow architecture

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
So I decided to give them a little more time
Instead of creating own Qubic

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
But they don’t know what the end goal is. Then it’s much better that we start an official collabo between your team and them. Hand over the current state of code and you can finish it the way you want it to be
Otherwise they will make designdecisions you probably don’t agree with, simply because they have no map

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
I need Qupla

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
According to Eric that should be done for PoC by end of Jan

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
I have done my best to keep Qubic sacrosanct
And instead pushed for WASM to be L2 Smart Contracts on top of IOTA
so we don’t have to make some stupid ass compromise in Qubic to accommodate basic dApps

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
good move

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
But Jinn is still in a really good position to be a serious hardware player if we simply work out how we can leverage it right
There’s some more papers on ternary lately, do you keep up on those?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
google time to time
nothing interesting was found lately
what about news on Jinn you promised to community?
I said I would publish another article after the news

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
It’s impossible to inform them on anything until the two of us have reached any sort of agreement
I know
But we have to becommitted to a strategy

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
not sure it’s a good idea, I better focus on another article and you hope I won’t do something very wrong with my next performance

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
What do you plan to include in it then?

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020
Virtualization based on fractals
going to compare to our reality which can be a simulation inside another simulation

David Sonstebo / 18/01/2020
Refer to T.N. Palmer’s work
I spoke with him a bit back in ~2009
He just released a new paper on this
Rethinking Superdeterminism
Quantum mechanics has irked physicists ever since its conception more than
100 years ago. While some of the misgivings, such as it being unintuitive, are
merely aesthetic, quantum mechanics has…
Invariant set postulate
The invariant set postulate concerns the possible relationship between fractal geometry and quantum mechanics and in particular the hypothesis that the former can assist in resolving some of the challenges posed by the latter. It is underpinned by nonlinear dynamical systems …
This is a more basic overview of the concept

Come-from-Beyond / 18/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
2pac is your account, too much similarities )

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
Haha nope
Where is 2pac?
I remember there was a 2pac user in our discord
2pacToday at 5:25 PM
What’s the ratio of cock women to vagina men?
This sounds like something I would write?
Not to mention his extensive use of “ — “
I see no similarities

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
He is witty like you and uses same word combos
Your example was intentionally picked to be not similar. :trollface:

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
Haha fuck no
He’s nowhere near as over-the-top with his insults
If I ever made an anonymous account I’d be a lot more explicit

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
Who squatted IOTA TM in class 38?

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
No idea
It’s like 2 years since we spent time and money on that shit

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
It’s No1 class and it’s not IF owning it

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
I’ll have our lawyers figure out

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
I would worry

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
Can hinder adoption

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
I am not too worried at this stage, but lawyers looking into it
but why are you trolling so much about it
You know how quick people are to jump to conclusions

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
I wasnt trolling, i really wanted to protect iota tm from squatting by someone malicious

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
By then why bring it up on Twitter and Discord rather than DM me?

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
The convo began on discord then someone leaked it to twitter

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
kk, but that’s unfortunately an assumption both of us always have to make
Anything the two of us say on Discord goes to twitter and beyond

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
Thx for reminder, i’ll go to finish jinn article

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
Send it to me before publishing

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
That’s purely technical stuff

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020
I need to publish it today, you may be offline

David Sonstebo / 20/01/2020
If I don’t respond within 30 min feel free to publish

Come-from-Beyond / 20/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 21/01/2020
cant finish it today

David Sonstebo / 21/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 22/01/2020
Ball is in your court
These simulations you’ve played up needs to be released
I give you permission to release the evidence necessary to show that ternary radix benefit scales

Come-from-Beyond / 22/01/2020
Ok, when I find time to get them from our engineers
<JINN ENGINEER #3> may refuse to give his part

David Sonstebo / 22/01/2020
Make it a priority, otherwise IOTA 3.0 won’t ever happen it seems
We have to admit that we’ve built up too much hype with too little evidence

Come-from-Beyond / 22/01/2020
What is iota 3.0

David Sonstebo / 22/01/2020
IOTA 1.0 = current IOTA
IOTA 1.5 (Chrysalis) = temporary improvements that keeps IOTA at the forefront
IOTA 2.0 (Coordicide)
IOTA 2.5 (Sharding, Qubic and EC)
IOTA 3.0 = hopefully IOTA goes back to full ternary to rule the world and drive ternary hardware adoption

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
Shit happens, it’s life

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
So we keep Jinn out of Eclipse?

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
Eclipse foundation?

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
I have to decide today, last opportunity to sign and join

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
Well, it’s a joint decision

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
I dont know pros and cons

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
Tangle EE will accelerate adoption of IOTA and naturally the companies in the Tangle EE working group will benefit from it through collaborations with big corporates, but with an upcoming fork etc. I just see drama

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
Which Iota? Binary one?

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
Likely in the beginning yes to get traction with the semis

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
So that’s a no then?

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
Not enough info to decide, decide urself

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
You know what Eclipse Foundation is?

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
They have working groups to develop software with the industry that the industry adapts
and adopts

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
What do you think about the name “Coalesce” for Jinn as a company?
After 5 years of thinking, this is the name that sticks in my brain
It’s sexy, unconventional and explains the idea of smaller parts making up the whole — coming together through distributed computing

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
“Coal” implies that it’s old tech?

David Sonstebo / 23/01/2020
Coalesce means parts merging into one
Jinn has more “old” connotations lol

Come-from-Beyond / 23/01/2020
Good name

David Sonstebo / 25/01/2020
How’s the article coming?

Come-from-Beyond / 25/01/2020
Slowly but I have time, coz promised to publish after your January Jinn news

David Sonstebo / 25/01/2020
That won’t happen though

Come-from-Beyond / 25/01/2020
I’ll wait for Jan to end then

David Sonstebo / 25/01/2020
but they are naturally interconnected

Come-from-Beyond / 25/01/2020
I’ll finish it within 2 days probably and publish

David Sonstebo / 25/01/2020
show me draft

Come-from-Beyond / 25/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 29/01/2020
Congrats on the demo

Come-from-Beyond / 29/01/2020
thx, but I wasn’t involved at all
it’s demo of another company from Paracosm project

David Sonstebo / 29/01/2020
You hold no stake in it?

Come-from-Beyond / 29/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 29/01/2020
What stake do you hold in Paracosm then?

Come-from-Beyond / 29/01/2020
Paracosm Ltd? 100%

David Sonstebo / 29/01/2020
All right

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
So here’s what we’ll do for Coalesce to gain global dominance
Fuck the fork.
Chrysalis (IOTA 1.5) will switch to binary temporarily to rape all these fucking blockchains in performance and adoption. IOTA 2.0 introduces Qubic and WASP. 2.5 introduces sharding which will make us viable in the real world where we need min. 300K TPS and finally 3.0 reintroduces ternary
However, this requires that we actually have ternary hardware by 2022. I.E. 23 months max
We open source the parts pertaining to IOTA and Qubic, but gain market through building up Coalesce as one of the premiere “next gen” hardware semis
We will brand Coalesce as the company that truly gives zero fucks and simply makes the best hardware in existence IP-wise
Our (company) goal is to create computronium

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Can’t fuck the fork, need trinary IOTA and Jinn by the end of this year.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
No fork
We can do a quasi-fork with lockdown time (so we don’t fuck up the economics)
Meaning people can test and use software, but no drama
You need to trust me here. I am the eagle
We are poised to become the breakout hardware start-up in the next 2 years
And we hold all of the equity
Complete freedom
This means that instead of IF branching out a hardware IP start-up selling to all the major players, we do instead

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
You need to trust me when I say that I need trinary IOTA and Jinn by the end of this year.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Define wtf that means
You are not moving into VR

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
It means that IOTA will stay trinary.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Fucksake man. <PERSONAL STUFF>
IOTA will stay trinary in its roadmap and testnet implementation

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
You are wasting time, let’s go back to that plan where we split iotas and the ways.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
It’s time you seriously listen
Do you want IOTA, Qubic and Jinn to fucking matter?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Yes, in time.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
If not IOTA becomes binary, Qubic gets put on ice and Jinn bankrupts

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I don’t need IOTA, Qubic and Jinn too late. It’s a guaranteed failure. I better try to do it all myself but in time.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Define ‘failure’ here
Tell me what other project even dares to touch IOTA’s progress in the last 4 years
We have major semiconductors like Xilinix, Intel, STMicro etc. begging to collaborate
However, they don’t give a single fuck about ternary unless we give them a reason
This is the path forward to achieving that, positioning Jinn as the solution
But Jinn is not meant to be a religious retarded project

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
We see it differently, accept this.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Not unless you elucidate what we see differently and how
If you want to fork IOTA into “Amaranth” or whatever, go ahead. I am the one who has to go publicly and explain it all; not a fun task.
I am making a decision this week. I just proposed a proactive and definite road towards success, if you want to crash this plane into the mountains to eat the remains: go ahead. I won’t stop you

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I like the idea of going publicly and explaining it all

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Ok, then we do that

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I will start writing up the letter

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
you still have time to write those January Jinn news btw

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I don’t give a fuck about the 4chan trolls in this Discord, but by Monday the official “Jinn is dead” blogpost goes live

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Ok. We’ve reached a consensus.

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Now let’s discuss business

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
it’s that old plan we agreed few months ago btw

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
cite it
I will not attack you personally, but I have to explain to everyone that we — as Jinn — have built expectations up for
So you are willing to say that “ternary has to happen in 2020, otherwise we have failed”, right?
I accept zero bullshitting in this process

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Let’s work this out together over the weekend so all the details are clear. I can start by writing up a rough proposal, then you provide your input and we reach a consensus

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
These are your words

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
And they promise exactly what we’ve done in the last convos
but you refuse to follow the sane route of success and instead want to implode the company and ruin your reputation

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
This was about splitting funds, etc.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You lost all ambition

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Jump to that date and re-read

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Just glanced over it, and I remember everything. It’s set in my mind.
This is from my perspective the ‘worst case scenario’ as I truly see a path towards global adoption, but I can’t change your mind

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I’ll explain to the community that the IF failed to delivery promises and I’m fed up with that. Going binary was the last straw.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
That’s not true though

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
No need to explain this to me, explain this to the community

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I just told you how we could go to binary to achieve adoption of IOTA and QCM

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I don’t believe in that

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Then go ternary
Why? what is your objection beyond “I need ternary by end of 2020 or I will slit my wrists”

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I’ll write it all in the blogpost following yours

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Sure, but I am asking you man to man

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Too much to type now

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I am not going to read my goddamn 5+ year co-founder’s sentiment through a blog post

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
The IF clearly interested only in keeping function indefinitely instead of finishing the protocol and dissolving.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Did I not just lay out a clear plan to avoid that from ever happening?
Who got you the board seat with carte blanche?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I don’t think it will work as intended

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
What reason do you have to not trust me? Honestly, wtf?
Say we had the entire board sign a treatise reflecting what I said above?
Then you could sue IF

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
carte blanche
Omega team created Ict, what happened next? It was abandoned, final protocol is being completely redesigned now.
IF’s Bee changing to binary with quantum-vulnerable crypto

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You left… That’s what happened. You can’t expect developers to not inject their own best opinions when you are absent
It’s not quantum-vulnerable de facto: it’s a choice.

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I left coz lost all trust in IF, that wasn’t overnight

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You didn’t care about the ‘quantum threat’ until I brought it up
So why do you OCD about this?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
It shows that IF abandons all heritage for the sake of keeping paying salaries to its employees

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
It has nothing to do with paychecks

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll just voice my opinion and let the community decide if my guess is correct

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
We are already starting the process of dismantling IF through Eclipse, Linux, Mozilla and Apache, and moving others into for-profits that will grow IOTA’s ecosystem on their own accord

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Sorry, I need to find a good picture for my Medium post about Paracosm Manifesto

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Yea, you prioritize a blog post read by 1000 people over actions that affect millions of people and billions of devices
You just seriously lost your goddamn ambition, genius and loyalty

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I believe these few words explain it all: “I. Am. Fed. Up. With. What. IOTA Foundation. Is. Doing.”

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Why do you see it as IF, rather than the real world adoption of IOTA itself?
These major companies aren’t exploring IOTA due to “IF”, they are using it based on its vision and merits

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Time is ticking, if IOTA goes binary the IoT will adopt binary IOTA, IoT devices can’t upgrade.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Simple exercise: when will there be a ternary open source free Jinn circuit for all to adopt?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
November 2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Because that’s when you’re 41?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Because it’s 1 year after I focus on things outside of cryptoindustry

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
What does that even mean?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Come-from-Beyond (@c___f___b)
@00xou @iotatoken Should the #IOTA Foundation spend resources on #binary version or focus solely on #trinary one?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
let’s say there was a God (you know I am atheist as fuck, so just play along) who told you: “If you follow this strategy of IOTA 3.0 by 2022, everything will be more than fine”. What would you say?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
24% want to stay trinary

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
NO one wants to abandon trinary. It’s a temporary measure, like the Coordinator which YOU introduced
Why are you unable to see the big picture?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
IoT devices are hard to patch: Here’s why — and how to deal with s…
IoT security is different. Here’s why, and how to deal with those challenges.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I’ve told you that we can bind the IOTA project legally to trinary, publically we do the same
I know

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
IoT winner will be picked this year

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
But these IoT devices are not yet in existence
You’ve said this since 2015

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Don’t want it to be binary IOTA

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
No one doubts that IoT devices are hard to patch
On a personal note: tell me wtf I did that made you think I somehow betrayed our vision?
Because as I see it, I was able to force through all our demands
Tell me if I am wrong

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
You agreed to go binary, to abandon the final design implemented by Omega team, to adopt quantum-vulnerable cryptography
If this is not betrayal then what?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I agreed to go binary temporarily: this is what we discussed back in 2014–2015. We simply didn’t have the resources to find a way to make the Tangle compatible at the time, so naturally we went “all out” on our true vision. Hell, did you forget your angst over whether we should push full speed ahead with Curl versus TEMPORARILY using binary SHA-256? I can find the logs if you don’t recall
“Final design” is nowhere to be found. If you can link me, please do

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Omega’s Ict code
It was even documented

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Adopt quantum-vulnerable cryptography? No. Again, who was it that brought the topic of quantum-proof on the table? Me. We now make it optional, so the user decides between efficiency and future safety. How is this a controversial point? It’s another one of the topics we discussed in the early days, but ultimately had to make a final decision on
How does Bee violate it?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I have another opinion on what this “temporary detour” should be called.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
What then?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
betrayal of the original ideas

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
How so? Tell me and <DIRECTOR #4> exactly what original ideas that were abandoned without improvements? All 3 of us decided to launch IOTA alpha when it was sufficient to go live, without of course being the ‘final solution’
I just can’t fathom why you’re this religious about ideas that could be implemented in an optimized fashion

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
We are going in circles

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Because I genuinely thought and hoped you wanted Jinn and IOTA to succeed
But if you believe you can do without a real world adoption strategy, refurbished code and vision: there’s nothing more I can do

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I still believe I’m doing the right thing

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
We simply grew apart
Though in the process everything you have in your life is a result of IOTA’s success and your liquidation, and now you want to torpedo it all for the rest
Which is fucking WTF

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
IF going binary gave me extra impulse

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
We could introduce Ternary to ALL the major players via Coalesce and Jinn
Instead you want to build it all from a video game less than 0.00001% of the population will ever know about

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Try your plan and I’ll try mine. Then we’ll compare the result.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
It’s just asinine
Jinn shares vs tokens
Tell me how much you truly believe in Jinn
You can get all the shares and I keep the “impure tokens” that you don’t want anyway

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
We are splitting, it means that there is no Jinn shares

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Nono. You get the shares, I get the tokens
That is the split

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Don’t forget about NXT

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Why would you want dirty tokens that are “lost”?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Either 50:50 or we’ll leave this for the lawyers
won’t waste time on negotiations

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You honestly believe you deserve 100% of Jinn shares and 50% of tokens you are about to go to war against?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
see the msg above

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I did
but there is no 50/50 splitting of shares of a startup where we can’t align on a product
Fuck sake man, I already ensured Qubic’s future

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I’m going to sleep in 4 minutes

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You fucking dumped IOTA and betrayed me. You didn’t give a single fuck, but now you want iota tokens that you are not contributing value to? Not only that, you want to torpedo the value of said tokens?
Tell your lawyers to bring me bourbon if they ever want a meeting

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
It’s not their style of work. Better tell to the IF that if they go binary they should use another name instead of “IOTA”.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Who came up with the name IOTA?
Who made the logo?
Was it me? coincidentally yes
I have no idea wtf you’ve started smoking but it’s absolutely depressing to see someone I’ve worked with for so long just lose his fucking mind

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Because of IF going binary? You should have expected that from me.
No idea why you thought I would accept such a move.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Ugh, dude, IF is not going binary permanently. I told you. You would have a fucking throne at the table. Ternary would be the future. We could bind it in contract
But you just want drama for some reason
I can’t grasp why

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I don’t believe in binary being temporary

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Why? are you afraid that we’d be incapable of demonstrating ternary’s benefits?
No one in IF holds shares in binary companies

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
It means nothing, they can have other motives

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
What motives?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
The entire ‘motive’ of temporarily accommodating binary is adoption
That’s all

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I heard from few guys from IF that they simple don’t believe in trinary. No idea why they were hired in the first place.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Who was this?
There’s of course engineers that are skeptical of ternary, which is a good thing: they are simply seeking evidence to base their judgement on
However, they hold no decision making power over the project

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
<IF ENGINEER #6>, not sure about correct spelling, not that student from Omega team

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Then it’s probably <IF ENGINEER #6>
<IF ENGINEER #7> was very eager on Qubic

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
However, they hold no decision making power over the project
I just say what a motive could be

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Sure, but they hold no “power”, so what’s the problem?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
someone holding the power might have the same motive, <DIRECTOR #1> for example
Who voted for going binary?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Who got <DIRECTOR #1> into the board=?
Who got you and <DIRECTOR #4> into the board?
The “vote” for temporarily going binary to accelerate adoption and increase the chances of trinary was unison

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
1. Who proposed this?
2. Who voted YAY?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
We are no longer at BTT; we have real billion dollar conglomerates willing to put up real cash and engineering resources. They see us as leaders, but we can’t lead in the blind
1. Everyone who ever ran IOTA software
2. Everyone who wants IOTA’s vision to manifest

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
#1 answer should be a single person

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Why? everyone, including yourself, accept that of course binary will accelerate IOTA in the short-term

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Who proposed to vote about going binary temporarily?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Everyone. There’s at least 10 community devs and several devoted IF devs that simply did the math and ran the code for fun

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Dude, we discussed and agreed on this back in 2014–2015: we wanted to have a binary/trinary interoperable layer
but we couldn’t do it at the time due to very restricted resources
Why are you so surprised that other people asked the same questions we did?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
we wanted to have a binary/trinary interoperable layer
Not this way

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Then what way?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
as you chose
already existing solution when trinary code is run on binary platform

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
you can’t run trinary more efficiently than binary on legacy

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
so what?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You asked me who
I simply tell you everyone including yourself

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
i meant another thing

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
what other thing?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
running trinary on binary
as I coded it from the very beginning

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Yea, and if you’d simply play ball we could continue down the path of our plans from 2014–2015, but you just want to watch the world burn
I can’t change that, clearly
I’ve tried numerous times
but you have this insane hatred towards IF

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
no hatred, just loss of trust

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Based on what? Did I not secure you the board seat?
You had full power

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I still failed to push my agenda so I tried again with Omega team and then results of that work were abandoned

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
How is that my or anyone else’s fault?
I gave you free reign

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
who decided to abandon results of Omega team work?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You did when you abandoned Omega

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
the lead of Alpha team decided that

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
That was <IF EMPLOYEE #2>, but you led Omega. Alpha followed Omega, but when you disappeared Omega had no clue what to do…

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Omega team finished its work on time, the next step should have been Alpha transforming Ict into something releasable
What was actually done?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Ict turned into Bee, but you weren’t around. So your beef with Bee lies in the fact that you refused to assist in Ict transitioning to Bee

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I have another PoV
Write yours, I’ll write mine

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Just tell me what I’ve got wrong then?
How was Bee to implement Ict according to your personal preference when you abandoned IF?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Alpha team sabotaged adoption of Omega’s team work, remember the last time I apologized in IF’s slack? That was reaction about the sabotage.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
YEa and then you just left
What did you honestly expect would happen?
You were Omega and Alpha’s boss
You were the only board member with power over engineering

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I expect forking IOTA, coz IF clearly doesn’t want the original vision to be implemented. I tried 2 times and failed.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
But then where is Ict?
If you had Ict and proved it was more performant than Bee, there’d be no controversy

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
On my computer

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Then why did you never showcase it if you wanted to avoid a fork?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
My Ict can’t move iotas coz I didn’t want to fork IOTA unintentionally, now I have to add that code
This is what I’ll start doing once IF declares that they go binary

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
So essentially you are going to fork IOTA within the next month and then assume that your game which is in beta will conquer the world?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I’ve done everything in my power to prevent it

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
At least we’ve reached a consensus

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
What should I explain re: Jinn in the letter?
I.E. that you are continuing it as sole owner, or that you’re shutting it down?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Explain that we split ways. This means that you take with yourself half of obligations towards JINN token owners

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
There is no obligation. Company is shutdown. I am asking whether IP transfer or if you’re going to just shut it down entirely

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Tell them they’ll get this info from my blogpost.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
As for Jinn tokenholders, we still have those Nxt
They purchased with Nxt, so they can get the remainder
Virtually all of them exchanged a sizeable portion in return for iotas anyway
so they’ve made their ROI
That way you’ll be freed from any obligation towards them as well
This would be my advice to you

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Will you send the remaining NXT to JINN owners in proportion?

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I will hand them over to you with the rest of Jinn
You can decide what you want to do with it

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I don’t have Nxt account nor wish to do the last move. You were handling it from the very beginning, so it’s you who should finish everything before the company shutdown.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Nah, I won’t
You’re the one who made this choice, you need to take responsibility
I have enough shit I have to sort through legally to finalize all of this

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I have only 50% of “shares”, this can’t qualify as “made this choice”, ask any businessman or lawyer

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
You made the choice to torpedo the company’s business plan
So there is no reason to continue having the company
So indeed you made the choice

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
You can say this as many times as you wish, this will change nothing in the real state of things

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
This is the real state of things
I am the one who has to deal with all this shit while you simply cashed out and haven’t contributed to anything IOTA related forever
I got you into the board, gave you carte blanche, defended you against all the hate afterwards, continued to try to find a way to make it work
you refused everything
I honestly don’t give a fuck anymore
What company should the lawyers write IP over to?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
there is no IP that needs such procedure

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
All hardware made in Jinn
All the work, we’ll just do a universal IP transfer
Also, I will speak with <JINN ENGINEER #2> and <JINN ENGINEER #1>
What do I tell them? That they are now without a job, or that you will hire them into Paracosm?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Tell them that I’ve asked for their emails to contact them after the dust settles and do a job offer.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
As a fair heads up, if you don’t define IP, you might see a binary Qubic competitor in hardware. There’s plenty of companies that are looking into this right now, so you better get this in writing
Or is the hardware too generic to even IP?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
too generic
no need to bother with patenting or something

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
What about Qubic

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
will talk later, need to publish a blogpost and go afk

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Is this the 2nd “what is Jinn”?
Also, we need to discuss how we transfer Qubic over to Paracosm. Since I want you to own that name and project, despite <IF ENGINEER #2>, Paul, <IF ENGINEER #5>, <IF ENGINEER #7> and <IF ENGINEER #1> being the only provable contributors. We also need to discuss the 13.5 Ti IF paid for Qubic and resolve that

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
will do that later, btw, 13.5 was the returned donation, not a payment for Qubic

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Yes and no. There’s chatlogs that show different intent

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
calculate how much you spend of own money on things like engineers salaries, Iotify, etc.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I want to keep this as clean and nondirty as possible. Fortunately I do wield a lot of influence in IF, so I want this to end in an amicable fashion where you own Qubic. Since it was your original idea and brand

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Is this the 2nd “what is Jinn”?
Paracosm Manifesto
Repetitive actions, rules and constructs largely govern our life? — ?it bores us.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
All right. I like the overall message of it, reminds me of “induced reality”

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I will send you the blog post on Sunday/early Monday so you can look over it and provide input. Ok?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Just publish, i’ll provide input in another post

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Ok, will you share it with me beforehand?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Ok, thanks

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Dude we had a deal, don’t start shit by trolling now. This is a serious issue, at least to one party here.
We settle this on Monday as we agreed

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Whom did you tell? They dumped JINN tokens, this is inside trading which is illegal.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
Haven’t told anyone beside the board
None of them hold Jinn tokens

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
This can’t be a coincidence and I told noone

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I dno. I figured it was you dumping those additional Jinns you had stacked up with Nxt back in 2015

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
They all are on our Jinn Labs account sent with “For CFB” notes. You control them.

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
500 JINN tokens that I own are under your control

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
haven’t touched Nxt wallet since 2015
ah yeh
Forgot that
well I dno

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
Talk to board, they may say who did the insider trading

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I gues all the hype around “jinnuary” and “january” and your message of “who said it would be good news” made someone dump some

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I don’t want the community to think it was me

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
How much is it in total? a few thousand dollars?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
ah, ok
maybe it’s because of me

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
I dno
I know <DIRECTOR #3> holds zero Jinn
same for <DIRECTOR #1>
<DIRECTOR #4> only holds through our contract with him
I.E. no tokens on the network

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
I see a new scandal incoming…

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
About what?

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
about us

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
“Discord group hyped up January news, didn’t get it and someone sold a few hundred dollars worth of a token that has had no active community since 2014”
How would that be a scandal

Come-from-Beyond / 30/01/2020
not this, everything in general

David Sonstebo / 30/01/2020
There will of course be some drama, trolls and fudsters will enjoy it
But that’s life. Sometimes hard decisions come and either one lead to an outcome that isn’t perfect
As long as the two of us stay honest and serious, I don’t see it getting dirty
I see no value in people starting up drama and will ignore it all. I got an overdose in 2017 that made me immune ;P There is a reason I never go on twitter and very rarely in Discord/Reddit. I put all my focus on the real world, not this insane asylum

Come-from-Beyond / 31/01/2020
This will be the opening line of my blogpost:
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
And I let the reader decide if it’s about the IF or about myself :trollface:

David Sonstebo / 31/01/2020
Why make it so melodramatic though? Yesterday you worried there’d be unnecessary drama?;P

Come-from-Beyond / 31/01/2020
I didn’t worry, I just stated my expectation

David Sonstebo / 31/01/2020
What do we do regarding IoTiFY?

Come-from-Beyond / 31/01/2020
Cover all its expenses with your personal funds (includes returning my $150k) and take 100% of shares if you wish.

Come-from-Beyond / 01/02/2020
So much hype around jinn news on monday )
Bosch and other big names are mentioned

David Sonstebo / 01/02/2020

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
When will you launch fork?

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
You still hold those 13.5 Ti. I need to know when those will be transferred back (taxes) and you take your half on the fork-network

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
C’mon man, you’ll transfer me (65 Ti — 13 Ti) / 2 iotas
On the existing mainnet
I won’t be negotiating another outcome, so don’t waste my time

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
No. You are forking existing mainnet and supressed the price by trolling and declaring your divestment. You get to keep all IOTAs on your fork and as I get to keep all on the existing one to carry on

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
Alright, lawsuit and probably criminal charges will be coming

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
No problem.
You are the one who forked and thus create the 50% tokens on a new network since you believe the current one to be worthless
Legally I still hold the right to those 13.5 Tis

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
Shit, can’t block you, still see number of blocked messages
Pity we didn’t manage to do it as adults

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
Adults? Who has tried to come to a beneficial solution forever?
And who abandoned IOTA and forks?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
Man, you are wasting time, really.
I’m posting on Twitter in 5 mins about our case and mention that you owe me around 25 Ti personally
then I talk to lawyers

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
Are you this much of a child? I remember our agreement from a month ago, but ok

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
Good bye, the further communication only via lawyers
You have 3 mins to change attitude

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
Attitude about what. Are you not forking?
Does this not mean you have twice amount of tokens?
How is 50/50 split you getting twice the amount of tokens + IP + brand + employees after you already secured your wealth from the network you want to fork? Explain this to me in an adult manner

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
I click Tweet in few mins unless you stop the nonsense about 50% on the forked chain.

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
Explain the above?

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
time is ticking

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
Are you going to be an adult or a petulant child? You are forking, thus you get twice the amount of tokens. Yet you want my tokens on the network you are so against, after you already collected your money from it?
If you want to go down this childish route, go ahead. Tell your lawyers to contact me. I have to rewrite large portions of the blog post. Good bye Sergey

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
So, are you going to give me my 50% on all existing or possible chains?

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020

Come-from-Beyond / 02/02/2020
Good bye

David Sonstebo / 02/02/2020
Good bye

