The untrimmed truth of Comic Beard

Comic Beard
1 min readApr 22, 2020


Comic Beard is what happens when three creative minds find themselves isolated from everyday worldly chaos. All it takes is a global pandemic, an illustrator, two writers and one remote evening chat for the seeds to be sown and for the ship to be fuelled. The destination may be unknown, but the voyage has begun.

Some Other Time

A collection of improbable stories spanning from before the Big Bang up to a ride in a lift in a distant future.

Some Other Time is a project created with pure passion and the need to give something back to the universe that made us. It’s a collaboration between illustration and storytelling that aims to take readers away to distant (or not so distant) imaginary places, some of which are very much rooted in reality.

Our tales are coming. Stay tuned . . .

words © John A. Bonello & Mark Camilleri 2020 — design © Derek Fenech 2020



Comic Beard

Comic Beard is what happens when three creative minds find themselves isolated from everyday worldly chaos.