Event Open! Trick or NFT?

Continuum World
3 min readOct 31, 2023


Hi everyone,

Are you already gathering pumpkins? The Halloween event is open. Remember the rules:

  • 6 exclusive NFT. A new reward will appear every 8 hours.
  • Reward units are limited, if they run out you can still pick Mystery Boxes with UMs (10–500), Chips (5–500) and Battery Packs (2–10).
  • All rewards require pumpkins, which is the resource found in Volcanic Rarity II only.
  • The Halloween Pumpkin costume grants the MAXIMUM bonus (+3 and double drop +30.15%), and the Halloween Cultist costume grants max drop +3 and double drop +10%.
  • The event ends on November 2nd at 12 UTC.
  • The inventory will be reset before Season 3 so don’t waste your time picking extra resources, better to pick Mystery Boxes instead.
  • Additionally, as a last minute idea we are adding that the “Perfect” gathering will grant 5 extra pumpkins (The “Great” will give you 1 extra pumpkin). This will be added in an update later today.

Play here: https://play.continuum.world

Happy Halloween event to everyone!

Season 3 update

The Halloween event is just a small prelude of Season 3, which will finally start next Monday 6th of November at 12 UTC. This Friday, we will update the Shop with the Starter Pack, and the Encyclopedium website with all economy and information so you can prepare for the new Season during the Weekend.

The Birdums eggs are the main focus on this new season. You will be able to “catch” wild Birdums by completing a mini game on the map. Birdums are smart and will run away, so you just can grab some feathers. With these feathers you will be ranked in 3-days leader boards with exclusive eggs and Egg coins rewards. An egg coin is like a voucher that you can use in the Gashapon Egg machine and obtain a random Birdum egg.

So then what can you do with all these eggs? Nothing yet. Each Egg contains a future Birdum and in future versions you will be able to hatch them and get a Birdum. For the moment you can already trade them in the market as they are NFTs too.

Some of the new features in the works will be added later during the Season: Burning NFTs, Invite friends, and login with username.

First Settlers progress

The next iteration of the game, after Season 3, will be the playable lands. In Season 1 of First Settlers you will be able to explore the lands with your UMi, gathering using the vacuumi and place and manage your decorations and buildings in the land. Then, on each Season update we will be adding more mechanics and content in the same way that we have done during First Explorers Seasons. Last week we shared some gameplay videos with the community in Telegram. You can check them here too:

Community feedback & questions

We are happy of the discussion and proposals from you in our network channels, after Season 3 release we will run an AMA. But please, don’t wait to send your questions already, this week we will review and reply the ones that we missed last week. Any help from you with marketing is welcome! What can you do to help the project?

  • Participate in the community and the game.
  • Share our tweets and medium posts.
  • Talk to your friends about the game.
  • Partnership proposals can be sent to community at gamemotion dot com.

UM bull run is coming? We don’t know but it’s a good time to do get your Season 3 and Halloween event rewards!

Thank you!

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