Road-map update and QA

Continuum World
7 min readApr 5, 2024


Hi everyone,

Today we want to focus this article on clarifying all your questions and updating the road-map and development progress. We are always hearing from you on our social networks so we have collected your feedback and questions to make this post… let’s dive into it!

Road-map: First Settlers

Our initial plan for First Settlers has been reviewed in depth this week and the launch date re-estimated for Q2, aiming for May.

Assuming there would be a significant delay, we decided to make the first season more complete than we originally planned. The land ecology will be completely new; also, new systems like crafting and other buildings will be a key part of the game. For this reason, First Settlers Season 1 will be longer than First Explorers: we aim for 3 or 4 months of Season duration, so that we can also dedicate time to developing First Settlers S2 without any interruptions. First Settlers Season 1 will feel way more like a complete version of the game compared to what First Explorers felt; this way, we expect to make some noise in stores, leading to new players to know and join our community.

Kokedamas like to dance in the forest.

New Website

Initially, we planned to release the website with the launch of First Settlers, but after evaluating the plan and realizing it will take some time, we decided to launch the new website first. The web is almost ready. Our aim is to polish a few things here and there and release it next week. This will be the perfect opportunity to update the Road map, as well as the obsolete images of the game. Since the old website was released, the game and its visual style has changed quite a bit!

New web coming soon.

Roadmap: Next steps

As we have stated above, first of all the new website will be released. After that, our next milestone is launching First Settlers. Right after First Settlers, it’s our best chance to push marketing in stores to attract new users, so we will focus a bit on that. As you probably know very well by now, announcing specific dates after that is very, very tricky for us, even more before knowing how First Settlers evolves; after releasing it, we expect to be busy in patches, balancing and adding minor extra features after reviewing your feedback. For that reason, we prefer to keep new milestone dates on hold until First Settlers Season 1 is released, before Season 2 starts. This doesn’t mean we cannot share you our following milestones, which are the following:

  1. New website launch.
  2. First Settlers Season 1.
  3. First Settlers Season 1 update and Resources Marketplace launch.
  4. First Settlers Season 2: Birdum egg hatching and Legendary Gems systems.
  5. First Settlers Season 3: Birdum PVP and Ladder rewards systems.


Let’s see now which are your most requested questions. We are setting aside the ones that were about the new website and the road-map, as we have already explained those above.

Could you compensate the community somehow for roadmap delays?

We always do our best to plan our road-maps, but it’s very hard to nail them; re-adapting is a key aspect of any game development. Because of that, as we re-plan, re-adapt and move the development forward, we are always planning how to compensate, in value, to our most veteran players. For example, by making exclusive NFT rewards in each season, those players who have been with us from the beginning, will see how the value of those NFT increases over time, and how veteran players differentiate from new players more and more in terms of profit and game possibilities in new releases.

Tell us more about the current Continuum World’s marketing plan.

As we have already stated, First Settlers Season 1 launch is our best chance to make noise and boost the game visibility to attract new players, as well as promoting the game with new agreements. Once we reach that and have a solid player base, we plan on pushing the visibility further with digital ADS in social media, game and crypto-game digital platforms. That being said, the truth is our marketing inversion is limited at the moment; this means that, beyond that, our marketing growth will highly depend on viral actions (we are quite sure our game has a lot of potential here, as we have invested a lot of resources in improving the visual aspect and other viral elements of the game these last months) or closing inversion or promotion deals with publishers.

Can you share more detailed information about NFTs volume?

Sure. Here you have Continuum World’s NFT minting volume depending on the NFT rarity:

  • Uncommon: 1500.
  • Rare: 1000.
  • Epic: 600.
  • Legendary: 300.
  • Ancestral: 200.

These numbers mean those are the minted NFT of each rarity, but it doesn’t mean all of them have been given at the current time, keep that into account. That highly depends on how the different seasons develop (player volume, etc.).

Can you share how many NFT have been burned using the newly added burning system? What about the ones that have been leveled up, and the levelum points obtained by players?

Sure thing. The new NFT burning and leveling systems have been adopted by the community quite quickly, as the following numbers indicate.

Burned NFT

  • Clothing NFT: 1910.
  • Decorations NFT: 1850.
  • Birdum eggs NFT: 359.
  • Lands NFT: 12.

Leveled NFT

  • Clothing level 2: 266.
  • Clothing level 3: 110.
  • Clothing level 4: 4.
  • Clothing level 5: 85.
  • Clothing level 6: 4.
  • Decorations level 2: 200.
  • Decorations level 3: 18.

Levelum points

  • Obtained: 65750.
  • Used: 55672.

We are aware it would be very useful for players to display the exact number of existing NFT next to each NFT. The improvement is already being noted and will be developed after more priority tasks are finished.

When will you share with the community the key decisions of the game?

If you are referring to DAO, it’s something we can start to develop once the base features of the game are implemented and the Seasons structure is more stable. Once First Settlers is launched and working steadily, we can think about ways to include more of the community, especially veteran players, in game development and decisions.

What’s, specifically, the reason behind the new re-planning? Which measures have been taken, which are your solutions and when can we expect it to be solved?

There is not a specific reason that goes beyond the difficulty and unpredictability of developing a game, more even if it is an online-crypto-live game (what a combo!); especially, by our current team size, which is very small. The obvious measure that has been already taken is to reevaluate milestones and pending work and adequate it. We are confident that, as the game development progresses, our estimations will become more and more accurate. First Settlers is a huge step towards that stability.

How is the association with Epic Games going? Any launching date?

Our plan is to release the game in Hyperplay and Epic Store once First Settlers is available and stable. Luckily for us, the adapting process to these stores is relatively quickly, but we want to be confident about First Settlers stability before anything else (balancing, bugs, etc.). We expect to be in stores 3 or 4 weeks after First Settlers release, approximately.

We don’t want new Deities…

After inquiring with the community, new deities are not coming back for First Settlers. They might come back in the future, but not in the near one. The development team is focused on other types of content for the next season, just as you requested!

And… until here our QA! Thanks everyone for being as active as always. It gives us a lot of strength to see you are always there. We hope this QA has shed some light on your most urgent questions. See you in the next one!

All bugs ready!

In the last post, the new bugs for Forest, Grassland and Glacial biomes were showcased. Today… here you have the remaining biomes: Rocky spiders, Volcanic crabs and Mystical slugs! A few of these insects will be common to all rarities, but every rarity will have one exclusive as well.

Dune Spider, Obelisk Spider, Crab Spider, Asteroid Spider, White Widow Spide
Spider Crab, Vulkan Crab, Magcrab, Croob (^-^), Ruby Crab
Mauve Slug, Viridescent Slug, Chalky Slug, Sunken Slug, Radioactive Slug

What do you think about First Settlers introducing, apart from birdums, new wildlife to the Continuum World? Which species is your favorite? And inside the species, which one do you like the most? Let us know in our Social Media or comments below.

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