How to Work with Not Having Ideas

Costin Pavel
3 min readFeb 17, 2023


if you don’t have ideas… read
if you have ideas, but can’t articulate them… write
if you have ideas and the clarity to execute… built, expand, organize, and focus your mind until your craziest ideas become reality

Dan Koe

So, I was like, “Hey, I totally noticed this a while ago. "I should write about it!” So, yeah, here we go. In this series of articles, I’m going to break down some of the viral videos I’ve seen that I think have a fantastic message that a lot of people should hear.

if you don’t have ideas… read

If you’re having trouble being creative, why not try reading? There are books, magazines, and articles to explore — and you never know what you’ll come up with. Find what you enjoy reading, and you’ll be more engaged. For example, I love reading philosophy, but I don’t find philosophical novels as enjoyable.

So if you’re feeling uninspired, try reading. Discover which genres you like best and see what ideas you can get from them. It’s a success if you’re left with just one thought after you finish a book!

if you have ideas, but can’t articulate them… write

I’m so proud of the writing skills I’ve gained over the past three years, especially in the last couple of months. It’s been a great help to me as English isn’t my first language, allowing me to express more ideas than ever before.

I just love trying out new stuff and finding innovative ways to solve issues. Writing helps me stay organized and motivated, and it’s also a very enjoyable way to express my thoughts and feelings.

if you have ideas and the clarity to execute… built, expand, organize, and focus your mind until your craziest ideas become reality

When you have the drive and focus to turn your ideas into reality, it can be incredibly rewarding. I remember when I first decided to take on a big project, I was a little intimidated but I knew I was passionate and driven enough to make it happen.

I broke down the project into smaller, manageable tasks, created a timeline to stay on track, and set realistic goals for myself. It was important to stay focused and not let myself get distracted, and I gave myself time to reflect and check in to make sure I was still passionate about the project.

I also took a risk and wasn’t afraid to put my ideas out there. Even though it was scary, it ended up paying off, and I was so glad I didn’t give up on my project.

So if you believe in your ideas and are willing to work hard and stay focused, don’t be afraid to take the risk and put yourself out there. It could be a great opportunity, and you never know what amazing things you can achieve!

Finally, don’t forget to take a look at other similar articles down below! There are plenty of inspiring blogs and articles out there that can help you come up with unique ideas, as well as provide valuable insight into how to create space for your own ideas. So don’t be afraid to explore and get creative!

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Costin Pavel

I write about the intersection of mind and body with a grain of salt from philosophy.