BTS Project Lesson #3 — Using D3.js to Show Images

Craig Oda
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2018

Change image based on button press. Use D3.js update pattern

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In the top viewport, divide program into two logical structures
Show Text Data about Each Member
Show image data


  • modify code in showImage function
  • create variable imageFile and assign to name of image file on disk based on the value of the button pressed
  • apply D3.js data update pattern


Note: we are using the 6 step data update pattern for practice. As there is only one data element in the array you are updating, you can use an easier method in a real-world project

  1. select image assign the result of selectAll('...') to a constant called images
  2. data — chain the data command to the line above. The data is a single element array called holding imageFile. Bind the array to the constant images with .data([...]);
  3. exit — chain to the constant images add .remove() to delete the original image file. Example: images.exit().remove()
  4. update — chain to the constant images. Update is not a keyword command. It is a step in the process where you update the data that has changed. The main data that changed is the location of the image file to display. Example: images.attr(‘xlink:href’, location of file’)
  5. enter chain to the constant images
  6. append — chain append to the line above. The HTML element to append is image Example: .append(‘image’

Image Attributes

  • x: 300
  • y: 50
  • height: 150
  • width: 150
  • xlink:href: location of file
HTML is generated from your JavaScript file. This is not the code to type in.

Add in transitions.

Next Lesson

Lesson #4 — statistic chart setup



Craig Oda

open source advocate, writer, Flutter developer, father, husband, fly fisherman, surfer