BTS Project Lesson #2 — d3.js read and display text data

Craig Oda
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2018

Read in text data from a csv file with d3.js and display it to a SVG Viewport

Previous Lesson

Lesson #1 — Project setup

Learning Resources

Read in Data from csv file

Step 1: use d3.csv to read in data.

Step 2: chain a promise to the end of d3.csv(filename)

hint: use .then(anonymous function)

The anonymous function receives a variable, normally called, data.

Step 3: print out the data with console.log

d3.csv('data/bts-profiles.csv').then((data) => {

Get Value From Button Press

Replace the console.log(data); line with this code.

Step 1: detect buttons change

Step 2: when a change is detected run an anonymous function

Step 3: in the anonymous function, assign the constant memberName to the value of the button that was pressed

Step 4: print out the value of the button pressed

d3.csv('data/bts-profiles.csv').then((data) => {
buttons.on('change', function(data) {

Create Functions to Show Image and Data

Step 1: create function showData(memberName, data) {...

Put console.log(‘show member data’) into the function.

Step 2: create function showImage(memberName) { …

Add console.log('show member image')

Step 3: run the functions when the button is pressed

Step 4: Add a constant for memberName to the event handler function that runs when the button is pressed.

Step 5: Modify console.log to print out the name of the member selected by the button.

d3.csv('data/bts-profiles.csv').then((data) => {
buttons.on('change', function() {
const memberName = this.value;
showData(memberName, data);
function showData(memberName, data) {
console.log(`Showing data for ${memberName}`);
function showImage(memberName) {
console.log(`Showing image for ${memberName}`);


Step 1: selectAll text and remove


Step 2: loop through each element of the array data and print out the name of each member.

function showData(memberName, data) {
data.forEach(element => {

Step 3: Check for a match between the value of the button press (memberName) and for the object of each BTS member. Use an if statement. If there is a match, print out a message similar to “you selected Kim Namjoon”

data.forEach(element => {
if ( == memberName) {
console.log(`you have selected ${}`);

Step 5: create a variable yPosition and set it to 50. This is the position we will start to draw the text.

Step 6: use a “for…in” loop to go through the properties of each member object. The syntax is for (var in object).

for…in information on MDN

Step 7: create a variable called, memberValue and assign it to the value of the property. The property is the variable you set in the loop. You can get the value of a property with objectName[propertyName].

Step 8: print out the property and value for the data on the member when the buttons is selected.

data.forEach(element => {
if ( == memberName) {
let yPosition = 50;
for (var memberInfo in element) {
let memberValue = element[memberInfo];
console.log(`${memberInfo}: ${memberValue}`);

Step 9: add text to the screen

Review Concepts

  • use the svg viewport called, “profileListing”.
  • append (‘text’)
  • set x attribute to 50
  • set y attribute to yPosition
  • set .text(... to property: value (the same information you printed to the console in the previous step)

Step 10: increase yPosition by 50

data.forEach(element => {
if ( == memberName) {
let yPosition = 50;
for (var memberInfo in element) {
let memberValue = element[memberInfo];
.attr('x', 50)
.attr('y', yPosition)
.text(`${memberInfo}: ${memberValue}`);
yPosition += 50;

Next Lesson

Lesson #3: Add BTS member images



Craig Oda

open source advocate, writer, Flutter developer, father, husband, fly fisherman, surfer