13 min readJun 19, 2019

CSC – A Guide to First Fleet & Unique Ships

One of the most asked questions in the CSC Discord is about First Fleet (this is usually shortened to FF) Ships.

First Fleet Destroyer — Only 25 ever available.

It usually leads to questions such as these:

What are they? How many are there? What are the advantages to owning one? How much are they currently? Is a First Fleet ship good value?

These are lots of legitimate questions, so I’m going to try and break down the facts about First Fleet Ships in the CSC Universe, and through this deep dive I should have the answers for all of these questions.

Let’s start at the beginning about First Fleet Ships. The easiest concept I use to explain FF to new players is that the FF Ships in CSC are their equivalent of a Gen0 NFT from other games (Made popular by CryptoKitties as an example). They were the first ships available to purchase on the CSC website (Sold by the Galactic Federation to keep with the lore) between April and November 2018 (Including the Halloween Ships).

Infographic of all known ships in CSC so far (June 2019)

The First Fleet Ships were originally described (The following 2 lines were on the CSC Website in 2018) as:

These First Fleet Edition ships are among the rarest in the Galaxy. These ships include a lifetime Galactic Federation Insurance Policy that will replace your destroyed ship.

A Screenshot from the Original Sale of the Harvester/Cruiser/Interceptor FF Ships in 2018

The prices and numbers varied for each ship originally, depending on the size/class, whether they had a limited number & whether they were unique or in a series. Below is a table that I’ve collated to list all First Fleet Ships, the table is searchable and allows you to sort too. I’ll update this table in the future to keep it accurate.

Why is a First Fleet Ship better than a Mass Produced Version?

The CSC Catalog pages give us the ability to compare the Base Stats of a FF ship compared to it’s Mass Produced (MP) version. Using the Vulcan Harvester as an example, the screenshot below shows the attributes of the FF and the MP version (changes have been made in later versions):

Comparison of the 2 Vulcan Harvester Ships using the CSC Catalog

The differences are:

The Harvester FF is slightly heavier, the Base FTL (Faster Than Light) for the FF is considerably higher 1.75 compared to 0.5 (A huge 3.5x increase). All FF ships have 150 BluePrint (BP) Points compared to the MP version with 5 points. The Base Cargo Capacity is slightly increased in the FF version. The FF ship has 10 Hardpoints compared to 8 for the MP version (allows the FF to have 2 extra mining lasers). Then the big difference, the Unlimited Replication, which is the lifetime Galactic Federation Insurance Policy that will replace a destroyed ship (mentioned above in the Quote from the CSC Website).

My personal opinion is that any FF ship will be a tremendous asset to any player in CSC. With the Unlimited Replication and the benefits listed above, then there is the added allure for collectors that they are and will always be scarce. I have been personally accumulating and trading First Fleet Ships for a while now. Owning more than 1 of the same ship, will also give a commander a tremendous advantage in BluePrint knowledge to begin crafting T2 version of the same ship (an MP version). I plan to write an article regarding crafting at a future date.

Each First Fleet Ship currently have differing skill sets and stats. The following is an individual discussion about each FF ship. I’ll mention the role of the ship in the game, the scarcity, the original price in ETH (if I know that). Please bear in mind that at the time of the original sales in 2018 the $ price of ETH was significantly higher. All First Fleet Ships are now at a much higher price in ETH compared to the original purchase price, but often the $ price is not as high an increase. I have also provided a direct link to OpenSea so you can see the current lowest price, should you wish to make a purchase.

Reaper Interceptor FF — Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Interceptor FF is a Intrepid Class ship, made for speed. It has a Base FTL of 4 LPH, it has 10 module slots, which due to it’s small size, is quite good. I see this ship as primarily a scout. I intend to have 1 or 2 of them in the hangar of a larger ship to go and scout around, hunt NPCs etc. The Interceptor FF is the most populous of all the First Fleet Ships. 381 were minted in total with an increasing price in ETH during the initial sale (the price increased by 0.002 ETH with every 10 ships sold). The starting price was 0.003 ETH, and the Maximum Price paid was therefore 0.081 ETH.

Phoenix Cruiser FF— Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Cruiser FF is a Corsair size ship and is a great all-rounder. With 26 module slots, 6 hardpoints it is classed as a Frigate in the CSC notes. It has a base FTL of 2.5 LPH, which is more than double the LPH of it’s MP counterpart. The Cruiser FF was in the same initial sale as the Interceptor FF and the Harvester FF. There was 154 minted, and the price in ETH increased by 0.01 ETH with every 10 ships sold. The starting price was 0.1 ETH, and the Maximum Price paid was therefore 0.25 ETH.

Vulcan Harvester FF— Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Harvester FF is my favourite ship!! It is a Prometheus Class ships that boasts 76 module slots and 10 Hardpoints. The best mining ship in the CSC Galaxy and I have highlighted the differences between the FF and the MP versions above. I’d highly recommend anyone who is planning on being a miner (like me) to consider these for a purchase. There was 123 minted, and the price in ETH increased by 0.05 ETH with every 10 ships sold. The starting price was 0.25 ETH, and the Maximum Price paid was therefore 0.85 ETH.

Phoenix Breeze FF— Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Phoenix Breeze FF smallest FF ship available, it is in the Scout Class. Only 20 of these ships were sold from a Dutch Auction Format. 5 have been kept by the Galactic Federation for future Events/Rewards/Giveaways. In my opinion, this ship doesn’t have much functionality, but it is very attractive for collectors due to it’s scarcity (much like the Tradestar Nomad FF and the Reaper Destroyer FF, all of which were in the same Pre-Sale Tranche)

Tradestar Nomad FF- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Tradestar Nomad FF is a Corsair sized ship, it has a base FTL of 3 LPH, 26 module slots and 6 Hardpoints (the MP version has a base FTL of 1.25 LPH and only 5 Hardpoints). As the name suggests, this ship was created for supply and transport activities. It is again quite scarce, and in my opinion there are better FF ship currently available in the game. However, the OpenSea prices are have remained high due to the scarcity. 20 were sold originally and 5 held back by the Galactic Federation.

Reaper Destroyer FF- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Destroyer FF is a ship of war and offensive capability. Like the Nomad and Breeze, only 20 are currently in players hands, so they are highly sought after and the prices on OpenSea reflect this. On average they have been sold for approx 15 ETH. It is by far the most powerful Prometheus Ship, and built for combat. It has a massive 80 module slots, 12 Hardpoints and a Base FTL of 1.15 LPH. It is also equipped with Active Ablative Hull Armour in the standard loadout. In the Alpha trying to go 1 vs 1 against a Destroyer FF is tough if you don’t have one yourself. If war/combat/pirating is your game, then this ship is ideal.

Phoenix Frostsaber FF- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Frostsaber FF is a relatively recent release. It has only been available as a low % chance when buying the Crates from the CSC Website . It’s function in the game, is a mining vessel, that is specifically designed for Ice Mining (not fully implemented into the Alpha). It’s a cool looking ship, and currently has a lower amount minted than the Vulcan Harvester FF, which in my opinion is it’s direct competition. The Frostsaber FF is totally capable of mining any substance, but Ice Mining will be it’s unique selling point. The prices on OpenSea currently reflect this, as there are approximately 4 times as many Harvester FFs in existence (Frostsabers are more scarce, so the ETH floor is higher than the Harvesters, even if in my opinion a Harvester is a better mining ship). It has 10 Hardpoints, 80 Module Slots and a Base FTL of 1.8 LPH.

Reaper Dominator FF- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

Currently not available, this FF ship will be only attainable from a future Crate Sale (just as the Crusader is, I’ll update this post when more details are known). What is known, is that the Dominator is a FF retrofit version of the Vanquisher. It is a ship for combat, albeit a smaller class than the Destroyer FF (the Dominator is a Corsair). It is relatively slow for a Corsair (0.85 LPH — I think that this figure could be incorrect, and I’ll update if it changes), but has a massive 11 Hardpoints, even with only 20 Module Slots. For combat orientated players, I think that this ship will be popular.

Vulcan Crusader FF- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

Currently not available, the Vulcan Crusader FF will be only attainable from a future Crate Sale (just as the Dominator is, I’ll update this post when more details are known). Again, like the Dominator not a lot is known, but from the Catalog, this ship is a FF version of the Packer ship. It is made for transport, but as a Prometheus ship it has enough module space (74) and Hardpoints (5) to be happy at any task. It has a Base FTL of 1.8 LPH.

Reaper Eliminator HE- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Reaper Eliminator HE is the smallest of the 3 Halloween Edition ships, which all look totally awesome (Sold for Halloween 2018). 27 total were minted, 25 sold to players in a Dutch Auction Style, so these ships are scarce and the OpenSea prices reflect this. Whilst not technically being a First Fleet Ship, they have the same benefits, higher stats than the MP counterparts, Unlimited Insurance Replication and Scarcity. It is a small Intrepid Class Fighter ship and the stats are great, it has a Base FTL of 4 LPH.

Vulcan Voyager HE- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Vulcan Voyager HE is the mid-sized version of the 3 Halloween Edition ships (Sold for Halloween 2018). 17 total were minted, 15 sold to players in a Dutch Auction Style, so these ships are scarce and the OpenSea prices reflect this. Whilst not technically being a First Fleet Ship, they have the same benefits, higher stats than the MP counterparts, Unlimited Insurance Replication and Scarcity. It is a Corsair Class ship, with 8 Hardpoints, a large Cargo Capacity, 26 Module Slots and a Base FTL of 2 LPH.

Phoenix Carrier HE- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Phoenix Carrier HE is the largest of the 3 Halloween Edition ships (Sold for Halloween 2018). Only 7 total were minted, 5 sold to players in a Dutch Auction Style, so these ships are scarce and the OpenSea prices reflect this. Whilst not technically being a First Fleet Ship, they have the same benefits, higher stats than the MP counterparts, Unlimited Insurance Replication and Scarcity. As the name suggests, this ship is aimed at being a Carrier/Transport ship. It is a Prometheus Size with 10 Hardpoints, 76 Module Slots and a Base FTL of 1.55 LPH.

D.A.R.A. Oscillator- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

There are 5 Oscillators in existence, so not technically Unique, but they will certainly be rare. It has an experimental EMP Pulse Generator on board, which is not available to any other ship currently. It is classed as a Frigate type and a Corsair Class ship. It’s speedy at 4 LPH, with 8 Hardpoints and 28 Module Slots. These ships don’t often appear on OpenSea, but when they do the price is high.

CCB Pallas- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

A truly unique ship. The CCB Pallas is one of a kind. It is termed as an experimental combat ship with the agility and speed of an Intrepid Class ship, but the size/attacking ability of a Corsair ship. Like the Reaper Destroyer FF, it is fitted with the experimental Active Ablative Hull Armour. It also has a very high FTL Base speed of 5.5 LPH, with 10 Hardpoints and 24 module slots.

CGP Peregrine Frigate- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The CGP Peregrine Frigate is a unique fast cargo frigate ship. It is in the Corsair Class and has a very large Cargo Hold. The Base FTL is set at 5 LPH and is classed in the CSC Catalog as a Blockade Runner. It has 6 Hardpoints and 28 Module Slots

Hayato Cruiser- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

Another unique ship, the Hayato Cruiser is the fastest ship in the game currently by a wide margin. It has a base FTL speed of 10 LPH. Another Blockade Runner, it is also a Corsair sized ship, like the CGP Peregrine Frigate. It has 10 Hardpoints and 26 Module Slots.

Sigma Battlecruiser- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The only Dreadnought Class ship currently in the game, the Sigma Battlecruiser is a true behemoth! It has it’s own Quantum Jump Drive installed, so doesn’t need to use a Jump Gate! The range is said to be 20 Light Years, which it would be able to jump almost instantly. It truly dwarfs every other known ship in the game due to it’s size, and is rightly in the classification as a Capital Ship. It has 15 Hardpoints and an awe dropping amount of Module Slots (320!!) In the original sale the details are available and can be verified that it cost 41.56 ETH (At the time approximately $25,000). Other Dreadnought ships will eventually be crafted in the CSC Universe, but until then, this ship will be the dominant force. Check out if the Sigma Battlecruiser is for sale on OpenSea here.

Proxima Outpost- Click here for OpenSea Direct Link

The Proxima Trading Outpost is the only Player Controlled Space Station in the CSC Universe (eventually there may be more, but that is going to take a lot of resources and crafting skill to achieve). The CSC Blog post on Medium here has a lot of details about it. It is the Rarest Item in CSC, and in the blog post Lucid Sight specifically state that another Outpost like this will never be sold again. Understandably, during the Auction for this item it was sold for a hefty sum (83.12 ETH, which was approximately $54,000 at the time). The owner/s of the station will have governor rights on the Proxima Ethereum contract. This would allow that player to set rates and fees (even the ability to undercut our prices), collecting 95% of all revenue generated. In all outpost ownership scenarios, their will be a 5% fixed Galactic Federation franchise fee that is applied to all outpost fees collected in Core or Fringe Space. The CSC article does a great job of explaining the possibilities.

The Proxima Access Card on OpenSea

Since this initial sale though the original owner CocoBear has worked with Lucid Sight to breakdown the station into 200 Individual Share Certificates of ownership to the station. So 1 Share of the Proxima Access Card is worth 0.5% of all the benefits. This truly is a unique opportunity to own a piece of the biggest Asset in the game and I personally have invested into this. Eventually when live the Proxima Shareholders will have their own access module within the game to govern the running of the Proxima Trading Outpost! I for one, took this opportunity and am really looking forward to the longterm benefits of being a holder.

The Shares have been steady at holding their value between 2 and 2.5 ETH, so if you’re serious and passionate about this game, I’d encourage all players to consider this. This is the link for OpenSea to check out the available Proxima Access Cards

The End Notes!

This article has become way bigger than I anticipated, but I really wanted to collate all the correct information for the community in one place. I hope that I’ve achieved that and that you have enjoyed this article.. Please consider signing up to CSC through my link in this article, as I receive a 5% referral —

I have had a request to add a ETH Donation/Tip address. If you would like to Tip me my ETH address is: 0x57c877020427b9a772256979ffd7Df68c249A3b7

Please Clap, Follow me here on Medium, Follow on Twitter etc. My Social Details are below. I’m also active in the CSC Discord Channel and will happily help any player who requires any further information for how to play, what to buy, valuations of ships/modules etc.

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Blockchain gaming writer & analyst. Writing a “What is…” Blockchain Game Review Series & guides for CSC & Battle Racers. Also writing for CryptoAssault Medium.