Following the Roadmap to Success

4 min readApr 12, 2018


Now that we are 12 days into Q2 we think it is a good time to provide an update on where we are with our development and roadmap targets.

Since we began the journey towards the ICO we have naturally been very busy. Busy getting the right team together, something which we are still working on. But mostly busy fine tuning the basic concept of the platform and how to deliver the right tokenomics for the contributors and for the content owners and users.

Specifically, we are dealing with bringing a whole new crowd of users, but also content suppliers onto the blockchain. This is a major change for many and therefore we are developing bridges between the FIAT world and the CryptoFlix Platform. We will keep communicating the developments to you as they are done. I am pretty sure that you will like what you see.

Here is an update on where we are with our roadmap targets for Q2, 2018:

1. Content Sourcing

As you read on a previous blog post, you know, that we are already working to get content on the CryptoFlix Platform. The content comes in two forms — free educational content and paid content in the form of Movies and TV.

For the free content we have already announced the first University Partnership with The University of Morelia, Mexico. More partnerships are being negotiated.

For the paid content we are already in contact with many content owners in US as well as around the world. So far, the interest in the CryptoFlix Platform has been very good and there are many content owners who have contacted us to get on the platform — amongst these are distributors in our core markets — the underdeveloped countries in Asia and we have confirmed interest in getting large libraries on the platform when we roll it out.

And local content is very important for us — because in the markets we will operate in, the domestic films have a large share of the box office.

Naturally, with 5 million+ titles available throughout the world, we will keep chasing content.

2. Regional Partnership Search

The regional partnerships are very central to our operations. We have already identified the location for our first regional HQ and we have begun talks with the authorities there. We still will need film labs as well as a network of local representatives.

3. Further Platform Development

The test platform, which is available on our website, is being updated these days so that it will be possible to access the free content, which has been made available from the University of Morelia through our partnership.

We are working on a number of things on the platform, such as:

  • Wallet integration
  • Payment systems
  • The YourDef software

The central element in the delivery of content, which is the YourDef technology will not be available until the official launch of the platform, but the free content trial mode will provide an insight into the future user experience.

4. Development Anti-Piracy Tech

The basic idea for the Anti-Piracy Tech was already developed before the announcement of the ICO. We will fine tune the idea and software after the ICO.

5. Payment Solution Partnership Search

Now payment solutions is something that I have personally spent a lot of time on, because I truthfully think that when we are going to bring hopefully millions of new users into the block chain world, then it needs to be accessible.

We are in discussions with a number of possible partners to fulfill our goals for the payment flows on the platform — from getting access to the FLIX tokens to paying content owners.

We will shortly be announcing our payment solution as a part of the tokenomics of CryptoFlix so look out for that.

6. Legal Market Due Diligence

We have identified the first 5–10 markets which we will enter with the platform and we are assembling a database of legal information to assist with the easy roll out of the platform. This includes information about content restrictions, minimum requirements, payment and tax compliance etc.

We really appreciate your support and interest — keep it up.

The ICO is set for May 15 — June 15 and we have now fixed the price to 0.0004 ETH per FLIX token. The minimum contribution is 0.1 ETH and there is no maximum contribution. There will be a bonus structure, which will be communicated before the ICO — please remember to sign up for the early bonus alert on our webpage

