x42 Q3 Update (September 26, 2019)

3 min readSep 26, 2019


Today we are happy to share with our community members an update on the project, as well as the progress our development team has made since our last update. Work continues on our tier 1 masternode, and though we know it is one of the most eagerly anticipated facets of the x42 platform, because it is the critical foundation, a level of extraordinary thoroughness is being taken. That being said, the x42 team never stops working, and we have accomplished many other achievements which we would like to highlight.

Since the last update in July, x42-lite was released. x42-lite is an alternate UI designed to view headless nodes either locally or remotely. We’re also continuing the testing of our masternode platform on the test net, which we have not yet set a definitive date on the main net. Last week, we began being tracked on Coinmarketcap. We’re currently working to have all information posted on the site, which should be complete in the coming week.

We are excited to announce that we are seeking a Marketing Lead. Visit our Discord for more information on how to actively apply for this position and demonstrate your abilities.

Our development team has been diligently working to improve the user experience, and are proud to announce we’re making improvements to the full node. You will notice connectivity and UI improvements in the near future. Many back end improvements are also being implemented as well.

Several Docker images are being developed. What is docker? Docker is a piece of software that allows applications to be run within a container. How does this benefit users? What if you could take a clean/blank Linux/Windows/OSX system and install docker AND a full node with just 2 commands? There would be no need to manually build/install software anymore. Our containers come with everything loaded and fully working to meet your needs. Docker is quickly becoming a “must have” technology within the developer space where this technology allows developers to implement pipelines that greatly increase the development speed and flexibility when developing applications/resources on the x42 network. For example, you could use docker to spin up a large local test-net in less than a minute. Truthfully, there are more possibilities this opens up than can be discussed presently, but more info will be delivered in the discord community in the coming weeks.

Gabriel has announced that he has accepted an invitation to speak as CEO of x42 at the Breaking Walls for Liberty event in Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) on November 8, 2019. This organization focuses on defeating barriers on the people’s freedoms as well as the economy. This is one of the largest student groups in the world and has been recognized with many awards. A booth will be occupied by x42 Protocol during this event, where Gabriel will be available to the patrons of the event.

The entire team would like to thank our community and supporters. We’ve faced a lot of challenges over the past twelve months, but have continued to press on to achieve the goals set out in our vision. We remain focused on releasing a product which has been vigorously tested, to ensure the security and longevity of its use.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

x42 Team

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