JoyToken — Opening up new Possibilities in the Online Gambling Industry

Crypto Lee
2 min readMar 28, 2018


(Please read the previous article in order to get the big picture!)

Starting right off were we left, the usage of the blockchain is not the only positively affecting the transfer of players funds in a way of providing them with a fast and secures to do so, it is also affecting the functionality of the games: Games that are distributed on the JoyToken platform will be run on smart contracts, allowing people to know exactly how the games operate and if they are working the way they are supposed to work, without any hidden code sequences which favor the developers in a certain way (i.e. changing the odds for players to win). Additionally, the results can never be changed no matter what, allowing players to be 100% sure that games are being played fair and square by every party involved.

The blockchain technology implemented in the online casino industry brings along several advantages, including a secure and fair gaming environment

Another huge advantage is the possibilities that open up for individual game developers. You know, developing games using smart contracts allows them to be distributed and implemented rather easily. This means online casinos can basically use the JoyToken platform as a marketplace for games they would like to implement onto their sites, allowing game developers to get in front of the much needed audience. Additionally, they get paid in real time through the JoyToken when people are playing their games, allowing them to profit instantly from the implementation of their games in different online casinos. This helps them with the liquidity issue which often times happens in the traditional way of making business. Getting paid several weeks after delivering the product is not uncommon. By using the blockchain and the platform intern cryptocurrency JoyToken this issue won’t sustain any longer!

Addressing issues right and solving problems is the core essence of every new business idea

As you can see, JoyToken targets a lot of different problems at the same time while creating win-win situations for everyone involved. By knowing what JoyToken plans to do, we are surely in a great spot to think about a potential investment in the project. However, we are missing a crucial part: The initial coin offering information. But look no further, I will share everything you need to know about the JoyToken ICO in the next articles!

If you can’t wait for the next article, have a look at JoyToken’s website, BTN/ANN threads or shoot them a message on Telegram!

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Crypto Lee

Entrepreneur in the Morning, E-Business Expert during the day, ICO Researcher by Night; Long-term success > short-term gratification