How to play in the Cryptower. Part 3.

4 min readJan 15, 2020


Part 3: First game.

Previous articles:

Part 1: Preparations for playing. Metamask installation.

Part 2: Registration. Game UI.

First game

Let’s start the first game and build the first block!

The main goal of the game is to build and destroy blocks in order to gain profit.

Accordance to the guidance from Part 2, select the tower based on the current height of the tower and the minimum rate (rate).

Join the selected tower.


Parameters of the selected tower:

Height — 2
Bank — 0.003 ETH
The price of a new block is 0.003 ETH
Rate — 0.001 ETH

Price of a new block = (current tower height + 1) * rate

Construction of the first block

We don’t have any blocks built in the tower yet so the only available action for the player is to build a new block.

Build action

To order to build a new block in the tower, the player must pay 0.003 ETH + 1% commission. The transaction amount will be calculated automatically, the player only needs to confirm the transaction.

The player can also increase the amount of Gas to increase the chances of completing a transaction in Ethereum.

To build a block, select the number of blocks you want to build and click the “Confirm” button.

A Metamask transaction confirmation window will appear.

Transaction confirmation

After the confirmation, the transaction will be included in the “Pending Actions” list.

The Ropsten network does not always display the transactions correctly with the “Pending” status, in which case the transaction can be evaluated in Metamask.

The transaction will have the “Pending Action” status for about 15 seconds and shortly after it goes into the “Unconfirmed Action” status while the tower is blocked for sending the new transactions.

Of all the transactions sent, only one will be selected by the miners.

After execution, until the final completion of the action in the tower, will take additionally about 30 more seconds until the 3rd Ethereum block is mined. The transaction will receive the status of “Last Confirmed Action” and the tower will be available again for new actions.

Building blocks

Now let’s wait while the other players build blocks in the tower.

After building the blocks by other players, the height of the tower rises to 11 blocks.

Tower height is 11 blocks

Parameters of the block built earlier:

Tower height during block construction - 2
Amount spent on the construction of the block - 0.003 ETH
Balance in Metamask before the construction of the 1.5 ETH block

Current tower parameters:

Height - 11
Bank - 0.066 ETH
The price of a new block is 0.012 ETH

You can calculate the amount that will be received when the destruction of 1 block in the tower:

Payout upon destruction of a block = (current tower height - 1) * rate
In our case, the payout is 0.011 ETH

A payout is also displayed when a block is destroyed in the “Destroy” action of the tower interface. You can always evaluate the benefits of breaking a block at the moment.

Block destruction

In the right information section of the tower we can see the number of blocks for each player, also we can see how many blocks we have in the selected tower.


We have 1 block in the selected tower that we built earlier. Let’s destroy it and get paid.

Destroy action

Similar to the case of the construction of the block, you must confirm the transaction. Only instead of debiting, we will receive the funds in the wallet minus 1% commission. Similar to the case of the construction of the block, you can change the amount of Gas to increase the chances of passing the transaction.

Transaction confirmation

This action also takes about 45 seconds. After confirming the destruction, the tower will be available for new actions, and its height will be 1 block less.


In this part, we built our first block and destroyed it, let’s calculate the final result of these operations:

When building 1 block, we paid 0.003 ETH
Upon the destruction of the block, the payout was 0.011 ETH
0.011 ETH - 0.003 ETH = 0.008 ETH
The final result is +0.008 ETH

The result does not include transaction fees and 1% commission platform.

The balance In Metamask remains minus all costs.

Wallet balance in Metamask

Congratulations on your first victory!

You managed to earn 0.0043 ETH with a maximum risk of 0.003 ETH.



Part 4: Building of the new tower.




A game that allows players to earn ETH using their skills.