Solution for Adopting Billions of Cryptocurrency Users

Gilang Permana
4 min readSep 26, 2018


Hello everyone, come back with me who always invites you to discuss and give you information about the development of cryptocurrency and ICO — ICO that is currently running. This time this information is critical because the ICO that I will inform will end soon and this is important for those of you who are looking for good ICO information to be your investment choice. Let’s discuss now.

You must have known about bitcoin, which has become a prima donna and promoter for cryptocurrency to emerge and develop to this day. It turns out that from its history bitcoin appears not to mean without obstacles. Starting from the whitepaper launched by Satoshi Nakamoto who proposed a new digital revolutionary currency. This is actually based on its predecessor, Hashcash, with a proof of work concept which basically emerged and was proposed by Dwork and Naor in 1992 with the aim of combating junk e-mail (spam). From this beginning the question arises why does bitcoin have more explosive economic value compared to its predecessors who only have academic value?

From a whitepaper presented, Satoshi released an open source reference implementation in 2009 with a true work system. This has received a positive response from open software developers to improve the global financial infrastructure and until now it still survives with its various refinement activities. But that does not mean that bitcoin is perfect without shortcomings or problems that face it.

The main problem that has become the current weight for bitcoin and all cryptocurrency is the absence of mainstream mainstream adoption of them. A study revealed that the number of active use of cryptocurrency has only ranged from 2.9 million to 5.8 million of the billions of people in the world. This is what makes cryptocurrency unable to run perfectly as a global financial system or infrastructure. Why is that? there are at least two big problems that cause the following below explanation.

Too Complicated
The level of complexity of adopting all kinds of cryptocurrency mechanisms such as managing a private key, public key, and the blockchain concept itself takes time to learn and all of that is far from the average user’s reach. In the next case, there are still many people who do not know in maximizing the function of a smartphone.

Not Relevant
Until now, the only thing you can buy using cryptocurrency is another cryptocurrency, in this case just as you exchange your money into another currency. Most people are not involved in this process or are not even interested in this. When the cryptocurrency can be used to buy goods that are needed even for commodities, mass adoption of billions of people is very likely.

This is where Sidera entrance offers a solution to promote mass mainstream adoption. A company that is holding an ICO and which we will discuss on this occasion. What does Sidera offer? Why are they sure they will be able to provide high bargaining value to be able to realize adpsoi to billions of people? let’s discuss next,, here in after referred to as Sidera, offers a unique platform for transacting cryptocurrency both online and offline using sophisticated technology devices and very wearable for anyone on earth. You can see it in the picture above. A watch with two different types of features equipped with DWS (Decentralized Wearable Devices) technology or decentralized tools that are very easy to use. Besides being used as a watch in general, you can use this tool to manage bitcoin and other cryptocurrency that you have safely, reliably, easily and innovatively.

With its slogan Wearing The Future, Sidera intends to offer the above products which of course have become mandatory consumption for all people in this world to use watches. But this watch is different because it is laced with the blockchain technology revolution in it. This watch has also been equipped with technology that can be linked to retail equipment that uses point-of-sale applications that are very global in retail to service consumer spending. All components of this point of sale are provided free of charge and are open to all retailers and Sidera sellers everywhere and will provide attractive incentives with initial targets around the European region first.

How about reading the information above? Is Sidera worthy of being considered for your investment? Everything depends on you. The next is information about the ICO they carry out. Their ICO will expire on 30 September 2018, which means that it will soon be finished using the token name, EQOUS. The price rate at the time of ICO is 1 USD equal to 0.5 EQUOS. Minimum investment is 100 USD to get at least 5% investment bonus and they have reached the minimum sales target. For those of you who are interested in investing in them, I suggest investing immediately because 4 more days from the time this article is published will be completed.

Just so much information from me regarding this Sidera project. For more information and more details you can go to their official link below. Hopefully useful, thank you for visiting and see you next article.




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