Sunrise next to Jökulsárlón Glacier in Iceland | Shot by GENETICBOI

Lesson #3: What do you have to believe to succeed?

The most important lesson I’ve learned about being a creator

Cynthia Koo


I’m writing a mini MBA series to share some of the lessons I’ve learned building my Etsy store, Wonton In A Million. To start from the beginning, see Lesson #1: Does the idea matter? And to learn how I built it by doing just a little bit each day, check out my Skillshare class on “How To Start (And Finish!) Your Very Own 365 Day Project.”

In April 2015, I started Wonton In A Million.

In May 2015, I went to Iceland with a group of 8 beautiful, creative souls.

We made a film. Art director extraordinaire and creative genius Quân Mai directed it.


And I learned from my travel companions the most important lesson I’ve learned about being a creator to date:

You have to want what you want more than X.

X is: more than you care about being embarrassed.

X is: more than you care about bothering people with your social media promotion.

X is: more than you mind asking your friends to wait while you take the perfect photo.

X is: more than you mind failing.

X is: more than you want sleep.

X is: more than you want to be warm.

X is: more than anyone else.

Because when you let people see you commit, magic happens.

Because when you quit your comfortable and fulfilling tech job of 10+ years to start a fashion company, you’re giving other people permission for rebirth too.

Photographer and model: Irma of Refashion Gallery

Because when you believe unequivocally in your vision for your film, your friend will get into subzero water for you — staring down a glacier — to help you get your last, magical shot.

Nick, on something like the seventh take, getting out of the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lake, for the film REBIRTH: Iceland, directed by GENETICBOI

Because when you climb mountains, cross rivers, and scale cliffs for perfect photos — for a living — you give people permission to fight for their art too.

Left: Eskil, climbing, climbing, climbing (Instagram) | Right: Kym Pham, Ms. How Did She Get There?, among the waterfalls framing Kirkjufell Mountain (Instagram)

And when you share your poetry, your entrepreneurial prowess, your creative ingenuity, your heart — oh, the courage you gift.

And so the most important thing I know right now…

When people realize you’ll insist on figuring out how to make it, with or without them, they will want in. I promise. I’ve seen it.

Thank you Kym Pham for this once-in-a-lifetime trip — and to my travel companions for living and breathing this lesson for me.

Thank YOU for reading — and for joining me on this journey to figure out how to make it with Wonton In A Million.

Follow me on Instagram for daily dimsum goodness. Shop Etsy for products inspired by your favorite meal of the weekend. Get in touch at

Check out my Skillshare class on doing your own 365 day project for how I built the business by doing just a little bit each day.

And stay tuned for more mini MBA lessons from my year of building my Etsy business.

Other posts in this series:

  1. Lesson #1: Does the idea matter?
    Yes. Of course it does. But maybe not in the way you think.
  2. Lesson #2: How do you find the time?
    Every week, I spend at least 20 hours on Wonton In A Million. This is 20 hours outside of the work I do full-time as a designer at a fintech startup. I get asked “How do you find the time?” — a lot. Here’s how.
  3. Lesson #3: What do you have to believe? (This post)
    In May 2015, I went to Iceland with a group of 8 beautiful, creative souls, and I learned from my travel companions the most important lesson I’ve learned about being a creator to date.

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Cynthia Koo

Designer, entrepreneur, obsessive list maker. Chief Dimsum Eater at Wonton In A Million