Random Flash Fiction #3

Samuel Roe
3 min readMay 10, 2018


Previous entry here.

Image prompt provided by InspiroBot.

The Job

“So,” Danielle said quietly, staring at the running camera in front of her, “what exactly do you want me to do again?”
The bearded cameraman grunted in annoyance as his employer stepped up to his side. The employer didn’t look as Danielle had ever expected a porn executive to look, though it wasn’t as if she had much experience dealing with them — she was very new to this industry, after all — his clean cut and professional appearance caught her off guard. He’d introduced himself as Jake, and would not give her any other detail.
“We’ve been over this several times, Dani,” Jake said forcefully. “You strip, take that cord, and you choke yourself. I don’t care how you do it, but make it erotic.”
“But you don’t mean I have to actually choke myself, right?” Danielle said. “It just has to look like it, right?”
Jake shook his head. “This has to be real. Real autoerotic asphyxiation, or my viewers will know. Do it, or you won’t get paid.”
“So you want me to risk killing myself on camera just for you to get paid?” Danielle replied skeptically.
“That’s the job, take it or leave it,” Jake said.
Sirens wailed all around them, and heavy boots thundered outside as the police sought entry to the abandoned building. Jake looked up in surprise. “Are you wearing a wire, Dani! You’ve ruined me!”
Danielle chuckled softly as the policeman charged in. One of them bound Jake’s hands and said, “Jacob Fredrickson, you’re under arrest for the murders of Stacey Granger and Samantha Williams . . .” He continued the litany of rights as he escorted Jake from the room. The cameraman then followed, and Danielle’s commanding officer, Frank, approached her, smiling warmly.
“You did great for your first undercover gig,” Frank said casually. “That hunch of yours proved correct after all. He didn’t strangle the women personally, just encouraged them to do it to themselves.”
“I wonder how stupid he’ll feel when he finds out I wasn’t wearing a wire, and you guys were just timed to come in?” Danielle asked, smiling at the guys from evidence who were bagging up the camera. “It’s all on his own tapes. I bet we’ll find a lot more when we raid his house.”
“Come on, Dani,” Frank said, smiling. “Lets get out of here.”


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Next story here.

