Random Flash Fiction #4

Samuel Roe
3 min readMay 11, 2018


Previous entry here.

Image prompt provided by InspiroBot.


Five minutes before The Benson Fish Market closed for the night, a black car pulled into the parking lot across the street. Jimmy Benson took note of it, but did not look its way. He knew it was the same car as had been there previous nights. Likely with the same two occupants as well. They came at least a few nights a week, and all they did was watch him.

He grew tired of it, but there was little he could do to change it. He knew too much to go to the cops and accuse the men of stalking him, and he knew too little to confront them. The men could be spying on him for any number of reasons, from Jimmy’s sordid past to his not-quite-so-pure present.

And so he waited and tried not to sweat.

But this time was different, as a new car pulled into the parking lot of the fish market itself. Two men climbed out of the vehicle. One was an older man, dressed plainly but carrying himself with the weight of experience. The younger man at the side seem to be carrying more than experience, his exact movements letting Jimmy know he had at least two guns on him.

They walked to the door and waited expectantly. Jimmy sighed, and realized he had no choice but to hear the man out. He went to the door open it, and said in his best businesslike voice, “can I help you? We’re close for the evening, and . . .”

“This will only take a moment, Mr. Benson,” the older man said with a smile. “Maybe come in?”

Jimmy shifted uncomfortably, but it was all an act. He knew how this would end, but he wanted to make sure he gave the men a good show first. Clandestine business required a bit of showmanship. He deliberated for only a few seconds before holding the door open for the visitors and then locking it after they were inside.

“I will cut right to the point,” the man said when they were all standing inside. “We would like to hire you for a job. You will be able to make a great deal of money.”

Of all the things Jimmy had expected, this was not it. But now that he knew the true nature of the visit, he could act with a bit more confidence. “Is that why you’ve been spying on me?”

The old man chuckled. “I know from your background that you’ve done a bit of drug smuggling in the past. I have also done my fair share, and I have a certain style. I prefer to use fishermen and fish markets. No inspector is going to check the inside of a fish for cocaine.”

Jimmy nodded, finally understanding. “So this spying was in order to determine if I could be trusted?”

The old man nodded. “So, are you ready to make a deal?”

Jimmy eyed the second man. He had two options to kill Jimmy, and that meant Jimmy had only one option to choose. He smiled in a way he hadn’t smiled since he became a reputable businessman. “Give me the details. Would you want me to do? And, most importantly, what is my cut?”


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Special thanks to my patrons for their support: Michael, Charlie, Bill, Paul, Matt, James, Shadow, Joe, Bart, John, Mark, Sam, Pete, Richmond, Scott, Frank, Amr, Haldon, Jay, Mark, Joel, Steve, Don, Jos, Peter, Chris, Heiko, Jeff, Frapsity, Raymond, Ganymedes, Jerod, Mike, Craig, Jack, Pooven, Caleb, Joseph, and YOUR NAME HERE. You’re all awesome!

Check out the next one here.

