Whispers on the Shadow Wind — Daily Flash Story: Chapter 10

Samuel Roe
5 min readDec 10, 2017


Each chapter will be written by improvisation and inspired by a random InspiroBot poster until we reach a natural end. I hope you enjoy it!

Click the chapter to link to other segments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25


The door opened and Austin looked up with his one functional eye to see a familiar face enter the room. He was glad that the doctor had removed most of the bandages on the left side of his face, allowing him to see Lucas and recognize him.

“Hey, buddy,” Austin said, grinning as Lucas came to sit down next to him. “What are you doing here?”

“Duh,” Lucas said, taking Austin’s hand and holding it for a moment. “I flew in as soon as I heard. Shannon was nice enough to let me know that, you know . . . man, what the hell happened?”

“They say I got hit by a train,” Austin replied. “Guess I was disoriented or something.”

“Is Shannon around?” Lucas asked. Austin shook his head. “Good,” Lucas continued. “Not that I think she’s a bad person, but I still get uncomfortable around her, you know?”

“Why?” I asked.

Lucas gave Austin an incredulous look. “You know why. Wait, are you . . . are you okay? Did you lose anything when you hit your head?”

Austin sighed. Lucas was supposed to be his best friend, so maybe he was someone Austin could trust? “I’m having some memory issues, yeah,” Austin admitted. “What’s the deal between you and Shannon?”

“I’ve always thought she married you for money,” Lucas replied. “For the most part, she’s never been particularly loving or affectionate. You know, it’s almost like you bought her friendship just because your family is rich. I’m not trying to accuse you, don’t get me wrong, I just think her position in your life is . . . convenient.”

Austin chuckled, earning him a concerned look from his best friend. “Man, I don’t know what’s convenient or not anymore. You’d think by being a Fairmont I’d have a better idea of what’s going on. Twenty years of satellite technology including government contracting to help with surveillance and I don’t even know what’s happening in my personal life.”

“To be fair, you don’t exactly participate in your family business,” Lucas said, grinning. “And what guy knows what’s happening with his wife?”

“You and Tara having problems?” Austin asked.

Lucas sighed. “Well, she’ll never be you.”

Austin raised an eyebrow, recoiling from the strange statement. “Um, I know this sounds terrible, but did we . . . did you and I have . . . a thing?”

Lucas smirked at the question and said, “Not unless you suddenly turned bisexual, which I’d certainly see as a blessing for me if head injuries could do that.” He shook his head ruefully and then added, “Man, you must have memory issues. I came onto you all through junior high and high school until you finally had enough of me. Thankfully, you’ve never minded me staying around as a friend. And that isn’t so bad, much as I wish things were different.”

“Deathbed confessions, eh?” Austin asked. “I really don’t mind. I don’t remember why I did or didn’t reject your advances, so I can’t really answer your concerns there.” He attempted to shrug but it pulled at his ribs and he thought better of it. “Either way, I’m glad you’re here. I suppose that means you’re not a friend I bought?”

“Why would I be?” Lucas asked, grinning. “We went to the same prep school, Austin. My family’s well off, not as well off as yours, but I’ve never been wanting for things I couldn’t have, other than one.”


“Nah, you’ve given me that, too,” Lucas replied sadly. “As much as you can, anyway, and so how could I ask for more? Now, the real question is, how are we going to make you better? How can I pay you back?”

“Be here. Help me through this. Help me remember why you’re my best friend so that I can be sure of some things in this world,” Austin replied.

Lucas smiled, and for the first time in a long while, Austin felt comforted. “I’ll be here as long as you need. The company can survive without me, and Tara definitely can. First, what’s the earliest thing you don’t remember?”

“What kind of a question is that?” Austin asked.

“One to spark an interesting conversation,” Lucas replied. “We’ve had a lot of those over the years. I think the important thing to ask is, do you remember being a psychic?”

“You know?” Austin replied.

Lucas’ grin widened further. “Oh, Austin . . . man, I know all your dirty secrets. You introduced me to porn and pot, do you really think you’d hold back your psychic abilities from me?”

Austin shook his head, glad that he finally had someone he could talk to about what was really going on. But this didn’t feel like the place for that conversation. “I suppose not. And yes, I remember, but could we talk about something else first? Tell me how we met, and some of our adventures. I want to be comforted, and something tells me you’re exactly the medicine I need.”

“Then open up and we’ll pour some down the hatch,” Lucas replied, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “I’ll fill you up with so much Lucas you’ll wonder how you ever forgot me.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you for reading! I write fiction for a living, and I’m currently trying make ends meet. If you like this short story and would like to read my other work, find out more at Patreon or email me at Samuel.D.Roe@gmail.com.

This story brought to you by my Patreon supporters: Michael, Bill, Charles, Amr, Don, James, Joe, Jos, Mark, Mark, Paul, Steve, John, Matthieu, Frank, Sam, Jay, Scott, Lachlan, Matt, Haldon, Darren, Richmond, and Pete.


