Behold, the United States Capitol

Cyriac Biju N.
5 min readApr 28, 2020


The title is not a mistake, nope. After Niagara, our next destination was the Capital of America (Washington, D.C.), where the Capitol is situated. Confused? So was I. I will explain it down the line. After a good rest at Niagara we made our way to Washington D.C. On the way we stopped at an attraction that would be a dream come true for anybody who’s true love is chocolates…So what famous American chocolate company comes to mind? Well, it ain’t Ferrero Rocher, it’s…

Can’t say I was excited or anything…but the experience was well “crowded”.

The building itself was quite huge, with the crowd inside much more. We had a walkthrough tour of the place, explaining the history of the company and their major breakthroughs and merger with other companies. After that, we shopped chocolates (which later proved a necessity to appease friends who asked for treats). We reached only reached Washington D.C by about 6 in the evening. The guide told us to rest up as the city tour was only the next day.

Now, you see we had a relative working here and he offered to take us out during the night. Well, of course we said yes. We had a lot of catching up to do and we went to local pub. I had always noticed that Americans were quite proud of their Hamburgers, I only understood why, when I had one in front of me. Apparently, the best combo was with beer, contrary to what we thought in India(coke!). After exchanging stories, he asked if we wanted to visit any clubs, I mean real actual nightclubs that I had only seen in movies. And as real as nightclubs are, so does the fact that there exist bouncers at the entrance to the said nightclubs. Sadly, he did not allow me inside since I was not old enough while allowing my brother and our host. They said that we’ll leave then as it was not worth making me wait outside (My respect for my brother just skyrocketed I’ll tell you that). Then, he dropped us back at the hotel after few more hours of roaming the streets. He let us know that he would be free in the afternoon the next day, to call him if we were bored or anything.

We had a delicious breakfast from the hotel and checked out in the morning itself. Nedhi drove us to the National Mall. It is not a mall in the conventional sense, it is used to term the area between the Lincoln Memorial and United States Capitol Ground. We were guided by Mr. gogo. Nedhi dropped us at the Lincoln Memorial and it was such an impressive sight. I still remember the scene from Night at the Museum 2, when the statue of Uncle Abe rose and walked away. In real life here is how it looks.

Lincoln Memorial from the outside
Lincoln Memorial, from the outside

Opposite the Memorial, is yet another impressive sight: the reflecting pool and the Washington monument far away (which reminded me of the thrilling rescue scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming).

The Washington monument

After that we went to see the White House. Unfortunately, that day tourists were not allowed near the Place, so we had to satisfy ourselves by taking photos quite away from the building. Then, we went on to see the Capitol. As I owe you an explanation the United States Capitol is the home of the United states Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.

As promised — Behold, the Capitol

We then had our lunch and took a tour of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Well, ‘took a tour’ would be playing it down. Let me rephrase that to ‘utterly exhausted due to the vast expanse of exhibits coupled with so little time’. We saw designs of satellites, space shuttles, rockets, astronaut suites. In short, everything you would expect from an Air and Space Museum. Even if we did not finish seeing the exhibits (the museum was so huge), we had to come out by 4 P.M. Why? Because we had a flight to catch. Where? Vegas, Baby.

Our flight was from the Dulles International Airport, Virginia. My brother called up our relative, thanked him for the personal tour and told him that we were leaving Washington D.C. He bid farewell. Once we reached the airport, we came to the sad realisation that we longer had our awesome chauffeur, Nedhi. We bid him farewell, also inviting him to India.

I think it’s cute he’s trying to smile showing his teeth, imitating us

Well, we finally boarded the plane to McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas. We were delayed a little due to sudden rain but I got an awesome photo.

view from inside the plane

Thank you for reading, See you next time. Viva Las Vegas.



Cyriac Biju N.

I’m Cyriac and I love to code.I see myself as a jack of all trades( possibly master of none). And..I get to travel(sponsored by dad), so here goes nothing.