2018.03.16 — Daily Fire Update

Daily Fire
3 min readMar 16, 2018

Happy Friday all! Hope you had a good week.

These two weeks have been a pretty awesome and creative time. In the last update post I mentioned there would be a surprise this week! That surprise was a new logo 🎉. It had been in the works for a while and we were super excited to finally get it out in the wild. We did a write up about the journey.

🔥 Landing page

To showcase the new logo we put together a new landing page that shows the transition from the old logo to the new one. We are pretty excited with the result. Check it out for yourself at: https://daily-fire.com

Daily Fire landing page showcasing new logo

The landing page also serves as a place where people can register their emails to stay up to date with the progress of Daily Fire.

Monica has done an amazing job of putting together the glitchy videos and the site would not be nearly as cool without her creative contribution.

Check the live site out, its animated!! https://daily-fire.com/

Roadmap Reference.

🔥 Extract df-components


A nice technical win over the last two weeks was extracting a core library of UI components out of df-web-app. I was then able to re-use components such as Button, FormInput, Banner, etc on both df-landing-pages (daily-fire.com) and df-web-app(app.daily-fire.com) .

This made the development of the landing pages much faster as I could leverage all the work I’d already done on df-web-app.

🔥 Start on df-slackbot

I was able to get df-slackbot working in a development environment responding to valid links.

df-slackbot replying to valid links

This was a nice little win as it gives me a foundation to build that message into something more meaningful. The current plan is (from roadmap document):

df-slackbot will respond to each song posted saying the song has been saved to the group. It will have a link to view the song, and posting user on https://daily-fire.com

There is still a bit to work out around authentication and authorisation as the bot user requires more permissions than the Daily Fire slack app currently has. This means that the current installations will need to be re-authorised. I hope to make that a smooth process though as I’m sure this will come up again.

Roadmap Reference.

🔥 What’s next

Have a great weekend! ☀️🌊

P.S. We also put together some Daily Fire T-Shirts & Jumpers! https://somewheredark.co/collections/daily-fire

