Evolution Coffee Break

Daily Moron
Daily Moron
Published in
7 min readFeb 6, 2018

We are living the same as in the ancient times. Nowadays, we are animals called “human”. I can assure you that we have to evolve to super-humans. If you don’t like this word, try non-animal human (do many people remember Nietzsche? Nazi guys said that their ideas were based on his super-human one. Bullshit!). Biologists can argue with me, saying that we were created like animals. Yes, but I am sure that mind, which we have got, is much more important than other limbs. I will try to explain what I mean.

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Let’s get off subjectivity and imagine humanity like object (only for this conversation). And here we’ve got the first miss: about which part of it we are talking? Women? Men? Children? Afros? Whites? Americans? Russians? Like different kinds of animals, we are trying to annihilate each other thousands of years. And here is our first point. The first step on the way of evolution is to feel ourselves as a part of humanity, not nation, race or gender. You can stop me here and ask: “What about religious fanatics? What about patriotic war-guys?” It is simple. They are just little stones on the rails of evolution. Old-minded people will destroy themselves by their own. In the 20th century, there was an idea that “new people” (communists, fascists, Nazis, etc.) already came and they had to force everybody to become alike. However, the time showed that it was wrong. Know your rights and know that you are right. Don’t try to force somebody to think or live like you. If you are right, people will “buy” your lifestyle; if you are wrong, you will change your mind. Everything is so simple, but we always try to make our lives more complicated. You can listen what you have been told, but check it. You have a powerful weapon: two questions “Why?” and “What’s the reason?”

Moreover, there are no borders at all. Working immigration has already done fifty percent of the job, another fifty is in your mind. It is necessary to travel and migrate. Eastern Europeans and other third-world population try to immigrate to the USA, “Old Europe” or Japan, because they want to increase their wealth level. They run from corruption and restrictions of freedom. However, western people also, with their mindset, can find opportunities in corruption, local laws and low level of infrastructure when they go to third world countries. Borders do not exist. We have to talk about right-winged ideas, patriotism, and Nazism. Why is it still so popular all over the world? Cause it is idea of useless people, and there are lots of them. Let’s say, you are Ivan Ivanov, and you work for a couple of bucks doing a useless job, mmm… trash packer. Everybody knows, and you know, that you are a piece of shit. But your president of “Big bone Republic” told that “big boners” (just joking), are the best people on the whole planet, and, jeez! You are already not a piece of shit — you become one of the best persons in the world. Stupid, isn’t it? It can be used to smash all non-tolerant ideas (you are not shitty Willy Schwartz, but only-one-true-god-chosen-straight-white-cool guy William).

Open-mindedness first, a will to self-improvement second, more than average level of intelligence third and talent fourth — these are criteria of a bunch of new people. Feeling as a citizen of a planet the Earth (as we haven’t discovered other planets inhabitants yet, we don’t know if they are ready to be citizens of the universe like we’re or not), that is a straight result of a multiverse, fourth dimension, and existentialistic ideas, in my opinion.

What does it mean to live like an animal?

Living in a flat world doing only three activities: eating, sleeping, fucking. Do you want to analyze your life? Are you doing more?

First one is eating. Billions of people in the world are starving. Rich countries sending humanitarian aid to poor regions, but is it really needed to be done? We’re already living in a world with a high level of scientific development. Look at Tesla cars- they’ve got proof -you don’t need people to produce cars, machines do everything. Modified food is next day opportunity. We don’t have to work every day to produce food. Is it healthy you’ll ask? I can answer you — who cares?! You can provide every man and woman on the planet food which they really need. Screw humanitarian aid just builds enough factories of producing chemical food on money you spending for UNESCO and UNICEF missions. As for long living, I really don’t think that long life is as important as we think about it now. What is really important is living a productive life. “Productive” here does not depend on how a lot of shit you produced. Look, Sid Vicious died at 21 of “H”, he did nothing, he was a junkie, and he was an awful bass player, but his life was important. He caught his time, and he gave millions of people a thought that they can live another way. His life was productive. Tesla, Einstein, Pavlov, Whitman — this list can be very long. In my opinion, it is better to stay alive for 25 years of productive life (and one more time! it doesn’t mean working in it common understanding) than 80 years for just eating, f*cking and sleeping. One more important thing is that life can be productive only if it satisfies you.

“Oh, and what about family and kids? You can’t live a full life when you are pregnant, or your kids are too young.” Of course you can’t, but who told you that you need kids? I think it’s not a right, but a privilege to have kids. Prove that your life interesting enough to continue it. Oh, I’m not talking about population control, no way. Prove it to yourself. And when you have done something, for example, you play really nice music, go on — have kids, if you want, of course. But think on what will you give to them. I’m not talking about money — it means nothing. I’m a child of the 90s in Russia, believe me, money means nothing in a job called “kid growing”. Family, love and smart parents — that’s it.

One more thing is that we need a place to stay. We need our apartments according to the social unwritten rules. Honestly, it’s not true. For example, a house in NY costs much more than in Vietnam, and you pay for the location. But when you do not work primarily for money, do you really think that so many people would have been living in huge cities?

So what activities are really important for humanity?

As I said before, first thing that we have to leave in the past is racial and national differentiation. We are Earth-men, that’s it. Most of the right-winged ideas are stupid (and I have already shown it before). However, we should keep in mind the fact that Nazism and fascism are not same as the idea of home improvement. The wonder of making you homeland better is great, but without making everybody around you worse. So, Earth-men, what are the primary-level problems? First one is clear to understand: we’re going to die. Our home star, the Sun, in 4.5 billion years will grow so big, that we will die (more likely even sooner). That means that we have to find a new home. Of course, 4.5 billion years is not so soon for us, but we haven’t left our solar system yet as well. Even our space machines, which are not affected by solar wind, have not done it yet. Jeez, we have to do so many things!

You can say: “Why do we have to think about it? The fourth dimension is waiting for us!”

Yeah, true, but we’re not hypocritical Christians who’re talking about true life in heaven, but still scared of death (which is their real goal, according to their manual-book).

So, what do we need? Fully automatically production of food, clothes and all stuff needed. It means that science is very important, especially chemistry and physics now (and their branches as microbiology, electronics, etc.) Also, we need good economic ideas because our living is not just earning money for self-supplying.

The second one is self-improvement. As I said the world of three dimensions is needed for us to find the best way of thinking, best way of living. As we have to change an axiological paradigm we need philosophy (but not like a science branch because it is not the same!). Also we need astrophysics for space research. All kinds of arts are needed as well. If you ask me about modern arts, which sometimes are really awful, I can say that it exists only because of a low cultural level of people, when they are not interested in the meaning of arts, just in name. In a competitive field, arts are becoming more and more complicated and interesting, but visitors have to see different types and variations of them to understand and find best ones. Education is what we need. It has to be different of modern one; we will talk about it later.

We need tons of activities. It may be easier to tell what we do not need. We do not need any restrictions (ANY!). Restrictions kill progress. There’s no general morality or ethics, so educated people can freely choose abortions, lethal drugs, and weapons. Go on! Stupid people will die faster. I’m not trying to be a Hitler-guy, let everybody lives. But if someone decides to die, stop disturbing them. You know if you get information that “h” kills you, but you still wanna try, it’s your choice, come and do it, genius.

We are surely not interested in military services guys, f*ck ’em. Really. They are useless. Police is not the same. A man with a punishing stick is not the same as ak-47 guy or man with a red nuclear button.

As for religion, there is no need to demolish churches, just give people philosophical world-understanding, give them education, and soon churches will become punk-squats. Of course, dumbs will believe in this shit, but only for one or two generations more. Possess religion as anti-humanistic activity (f. e. cannibalism). Life-prolonging ideas are useless; there is nothing frightening in death.

