Hackathon Journal — Day 1 summary

Dalia Simons
3 min readApr 10, 2019


[kick off post]

What a day it has been!
It started on a low note as we found out Doron has the flu :(
We picked ourselves up and started working :
9:00 — the early birds started working on creating a new site, securing it and handling security-related issues.

First team photo!!!

10:00 — First team meeting! We brainstormed on the design of our screens and decided what content the system must include for the hackathon.

11:00 — Time to start working. Nimrod started working on designing the system. He did amazing work!!!

Nimrod concentrating on designing the system

Gabi and Jonathan started reverse-engineering the Api’s from the existing system, Gil started working on connecting to the monitoring systems and I tried to figure out how to call some internal Apis.

15:00 — Houston, we have a problem :O
It turns out the old system makes an api call that returns 20MB of data. In our design, we want to manipulate and enrich this data.
A short brainstorming and we decide to use the Data capabilities of Corvid and add a DB to our site.
We will make the api call only once and will populate the DB.
We will also use Corvid capabilities of listening to events so the site will get notified when the data changes.

Mob programming — Jonathan adding a DB and everyone giving advice :D

18:30 — We have a first mockup for the system. Gil and I start working on building the site elements in Wix Editor.

Gil and I enjoying the sunset

21:30 — Time to call it a day. We made great progress, understood the main Api’s and have the basic elements of the system in place.

Our site at the end of the day

Tomorrow we will start connecting the elements to the data we’ll read from the Api’s.
Stay tuned to follow our progress…



Dalia Simons

I’m an experienced software engineer, writing backend code has been my passion and my career for the last 12 years. Currently I enjoy working for Wix.com