Hackathon Journal — Day 2 summary

Dalia Simons
3 min readApr 11, 2019


or when things can go wrong they will…
After the great day we had yesterday, we had a disappointing day today :(

Morning coffee with a view, things looked great

9:00 — We started the morning optimistic, we had all the components in place and divided the tasks:
Gabi finished writing the script to poll all the data we want to put in our Corvid DB.
I started working on enhancing a Wix service so that we can listen to its events via Corvid events.
Gil and Jonathan started connecting the components.
And Nimrod continued improving our design.

11:30— It turns out another team is doing the same project as us :O
We met with them, understood they are improving the current UI and no re-writing the entire system. We decided to continue our project as planned.

Our guest today

12:30 — A major problem!!! This is what I was worried about all along. A service We’re calling needs a specific cookie, but Corvid blocks the use of cookies. Major problem.
We went to consult with a few people to understand how we can work around it.

13:30 — Nimrod helps us to refactor the components on the site to have the correct fonts, colors, pixel size. It looks much more professional now!

14:30 — We decide we have to create a local server to proxy the calls using tokens.
We divide into 2 teams:
Gil and Jonathan connect the api’s to mock data, while Gabi and I start creating a server.

Gabi is trying to figure out what’s wrong

16:30 — After 2 hour of not understanding why out test don’t run we find a stupid mistake. At least we have a version of the server we think works.

18:00 — We deployed 2 versions already but we keep getting blocked.

19:00 — We decide to call it a day. Half the components are connected to mock data, but our server still doesn’t work. We will try to look at it a bit later at home.

End of the day pic

Not a great progress today, but we’re having great fun working with each other and we’re optimistic we will have a working system by Monday morning.



Dalia Simons

I’m an experienced software engineer, writing backend code has been my passion and my career for the last 12 years. Currently I enjoy working for Wix.com