Our Achievements Post ICO and Daneel’s Marketing Direction

Daneel Assistant
Daneel Corporate
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2018

Our Community Has Spoken

We hear you. Over the past few weeks Daneel’s community has expressed concern over our current marketing strategy. Since the ICO we have focused almost entirely on product development, as creating a great product is our primary goal.

It has been 80 days since Daneel’s ICO, and we now have a more precise vision on the release date of the product and are beginning to refocus efforts on marketing and adoption.

What Have we Accomplished Since the ICO?

On March 5th we successfully completed our ICO, and have since achieved many important steps to develop the company, the product, and our token. We have listed DAN on new exchanges, acquired multiple partnerships, attended blockchain expositions and events, and heavily grew our development team.

Exchanges listing

Immediately following the ICO, DAN token was listed on just a few decentralized exchanges and tier exchanges. The first and the biggest to list was HitBTC with a daily volume of more than 250M. We followed with IDEX, Etherdelta, DDEX and later FUBT and BANCOR Network. Listing DAN on Coinmarketcap was challenging, as we needed over $100k USD in daily volume to get listed. Adding DAN to multiple exchanges and the support of our community helped us achieve that goal. In the next few weeks we will hold a vote for YOU, our community, to choose one of several new exchanges to list DAN. Moreover, a contest is currently underway with Bitfineon, the community voting to list new tokens starts on May 31st.


In addition to our partner Amon, we have partnered with Cryptorobotics. You can find much more information regarding our partnerships on our Medium page, linked above. We will announce more partners in the artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency fields in June.

Product development

Our dev team is nearly complete, and as such development is moving at a quick pace. The product will be launched as expected by Q4 2018, with an accompanying launch event to take place in Paris in October. A product demo has been released on Youtube showcasing new features being developed within GoogleHome. Post launch event we will publish an article including an updated roadmap and product status, along with information concerning the event itself.

You can already apply to become a Beta Tester on our website.


The Daneel team has participated in cryptocurrency, blockchain, and artificial intelligence expositions and events including:

March 2018 — The Blockchain, Crypto and AI Conference in Paris. Here we met and networked with Cryptorobotics, one of our current partners.

April 2018 — The Blockchain Summit Frankfurt where we met with IBM and acquired a new partner in the AI field that will be announced as soon as we have settled our partnership agreement.

Last week (May 24–25) — we were at the Latitude59 event in Estonia where we networked with a variety of exciting projects and teams. We are working on a detailed report highlighting the success of this event.

What about our marketing strategy?

Up until now we have focused on product development and growth of our technical team. We firmly believe marketing Daneel without a working product is a waste of time and money. Our goal is not to create temporary hype and short term excitement. Daneel is a long term project, and as such we plan for the long run.

With that said, our development team is nearly complete and we are initiating phase one of our marketing campaign.

We are currently in discussion with different marketing agencies specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain environment. We are working on a marketing budget, with the key strategy being built around our Q4 product launch in Paris later this year. Our marketing goals are as follows:

  • Grow Daneel’s social media channels prior to launch event.
  • Acquire beta testers and active users for the Daneel platform.
  • Increase our level of communication and customer support within the platform to better serve our users.

The main purpose of this campaign is to increase Daneel’s notoriety and grow our community and our customer data base upstream before the launching event. Thus, after product launch our communication and marketing strategy will be better adapted to respond to the specificities of a startup in the cryptocurrency sector. We are hiring a full time marketing team to spearhead this campaign.

Announcement schedule

Here is a non-exhaustive announcement roadmap for the coming months:

Regarding marketing, our suggestion box is still open, feel free to add your comments and ideas here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKmi6oSeZddinBDWDBnNY23hDK2jnuBJKuAjZyaWaSqJeFmQ/viewform

We will be releasing more content covering exchanges and partnerships in the coming weeks. To keep up to date, please follow our social media channels :

Twitter: https://twitter.com/daneelproject
Telegram: t.me/DaneelCommunity
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daneelproject
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/11348931/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Daneel_Project/

