Do you want to live forever? — Valeria, Conan the Barbarian

Daniel Buchta
1 min readAug 18, 2019


All I want to share with you are these four sentences

Enthusiasm leads to expectation. Expectation leads to energy. Energy leads to experience. Experience leads to enthusiasm.

I have to add that expectation is often described by expression.

This construction is recursive and distributed as it can be shared at every level.

As an architect, I use this principle as Infinite data experience.

Now let’s add an orientation vector — positive or negative, into these four sentences as Master Yoda did

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
– Yoda, fear mode

“Confidence is the path to the Force. Confidence leads to pleasure. Pleasure leads to love. Love leads to happiness.”
– Yoda, confident mode

Do you want to live forever? I definitely not. I want to find the Force as fear is anything else.



Daniel Buchta

Architect | Data & AI/ML Enthusiast🚀 | Quantum Computing Pioneer🛸 | Chaos Theory PhD.