More than 50 tools for your Pinterest marketing

Daniela Lazovska
7 min readJan 12, 2015


There are thousands of tools to manage and streamline your social networks. Tools for managing your Pinterest presence are no exception; some are free, others not. Which ones are the best?

Here’s a list of tools that are very useful for your social media marketing, and especially for Pinterest.

Tools for creating visual content:

1. Canva

2. PicMonkey

Everyone knows Canva and PicMonkey by now. But if you want to learn more about how to use these tools + ShareAsImage, Quozio, Recite This and Chisel check this post

3. Pinstamatic

Helps you create quotes, maps, tweets, Spotify music (you can hear on your boards) and you can turn everything into a pin.


Similar to Pinstamatic. Aside from creating quotes, you can share music from Spotify on Pinterest, select images on a web page and create a single picture.

5. ShareAsImage

6. Recite This

7. Chisel

8. Quozio

9. PinWords

10. QuotesCover

QuotesCover turns simple text into images that can be used on Pinterest.


Create free quotes. Just log in with Facebook.

Tools for contests

Remember you can no longer call your contests Pin it to Win it. Pinterest changed their brand guidelines. Read it here:

12. Woobox
Woobox offers the option to add a tab to your Facebook page and integrate the two platforms. You can also create contests.

13. WishPond
WishPond also offers to add a tab for your Facebook page. It also has an app for contests on Pinterest.

14. Votigo
With Votigo you can create contests for Pinterest.

15. Piqora

16. ShareRoot

17. Octopin

18. GoPixel

19. Rafflecopter

20. Gleam

Tools for monitoring

21. PinAlerts
PinAlerts is the Pinterest Google Alerts, a free and very useful tool that allows you to know in real time if someone is Pinning from your website. You can respond and thank those who promote your content. They send notifications (alerts) by email when someone pins from your blog. When you register you can add the urls that you want to monitor, yours, the competition, etc. and you can choose the frequency of notifications — for each pin, daily or once a week.

22. Hootsuite

Hootsuite added Pinterest monitoring in the portfolio.

23. Viralwoot

24. Curalate


Analysis Tools

25. Pinterest Analytics

26. Google Analytics

27. Tailwind App
Tailwind has a free and pais versions. With the free version you have basic statistics about your account and boards, which pins are the most popular and supports to optimize content. Paid versions will let you know your growth of followers, which users repin your content the most, which content receives the highest number of repins, which categories are most important, what followers are more influential, days and times that work best in your case, data on the competition, and also measures ROI. You can connect it with Google Analytics to track conversions and see what activity is more profitable. You can monitor brand mentions, track Pinterest followers, boards, pin stats, repins, and more. Tailwind is used by more than 20,000 brands including Nike, AOL, Walmart and Target.

Curalate is a Pinterest and Instagram tool that ‘reads’ the images and identifies what matters to fans. Also monitors keywords and hashtags, identify influencers and brand advocates, discovers engagement with your images, even if the brand is not mentioned. You can launch contests, monitor your competition, etc. Curalate clients include brands like Jetsetter, Mashable, Sephora, GAP, Better Homes, Neiman Marcus, Urban Outfitters, Swarowski, BuzzFeed,, Rebecca Minkoff, etc.

Piqora provides reports, monitors pins and influential pinners. Discovers what pins are popular. Analyzes the engagement and scope to determine the best pin on an account and website. With Piqora one can see the potential scope of the brand and the virality of content. You can also schedule pins. You can also compare pins, repins, followers and the viral activity with the competition, see what the most successful content is, which board has the highest engagement. You can create contests, sweepstakes and promotions Pinterest. It can be used to build campaigns, measure results, it can be integrated with Google Analytics. There is a feature that helps identify the most involved pinners. Piqora’s clients include brands like Sephora, Zappos, Etsy, Overstock, etc. On their website there is no information on prices but you can ask for a demo. You can identify influencers, brand advocates, trends. You can see your total revenue and return on investment from Pinterest, including revenue per pin, repin rate, and follower growth.

ShareRoot has several tools for engagement, advocacy and analysis, advertising on Pinterest, contests, accounts managenent, followers analysis (total followers, followers boards, saturation ). It has tools like Cross-Promotional Pin Creator, Pin Velocity, board covers creator, Pinterest tab for the Facebook page.

With Octopin you can obtain metrics and reports on Pinterest campaigns, manage accounts and campaigns, optimize images, monitor conversations, create quizzes, identify influential pinners, schedule pins. Octopin has clients like Volkswagen, Adobe, Heinz, Hyatt, IKEA, etc.

You can create quizzes on Pinterest, get user statistics about repins, comments, consversiones.

28. Ahalogy

It is a platform for Pinterest marketing, analytics, optimization, pin scheduling, image editing. Ahalogy has PicMonkey built into the app for image-editing as you create/schedule pins. The network includes various bloggers and content creators. Customers pay based on service fulfillment. Ahalogy’s clients include Kellogg’s, Townhouse, Eggo, Rice Krispies, Kraft, Gap, etc.

Tools for scheduling pins

29. ViralTag
It’s a tool for scheduling pins that includes analytics. You can use the bookmarklet for any visual content from websites or blogs. It can be integrated with Google Analytics to learn more about clicks and revenues of each campaign.

Tailwind App






30. Robovy Scheduling tool for pins.

Tools to find group boards

31. PinGroupie
Pingroupie is a directory for group boards on Pinterest. You can search by category, you can see the description of the board, the number of pins, collaborators and followers without having to leave PinGroupie.

32. BoardDeck
You have to register first to be able to use it but it’s another directory for group boards .

Other tools for Pinterest

33. Pinvolve
This app shares images uploaded to your Facebook account on Pinterest.

Viralwoot is a tool that helps increase followers and repins on Pinterest. You can also schedule pins free. You can create alerts to know when others pin your content and manage multiple accounts.

34. WiseStamp
It’s an application to add the icon “Follow me on Pinterest” in emails.

35. ShopIntoIt
You can create a free online store options in minutes. In these shops people sell clothes, jewelry, furniture, household items, art, photographs. If the account is connected with Pinterest, boards are added and the method of payment.

36. Loop88
Loop88 is a tool for those who want to promote Pinterest. Connects brands with influential users on Pinterest.

37. Pin4ever
Pin4ever is a dashboard with multiple tools that help protect, organize, create and upload pins. It has a free trial week. You can back up the pins and boards, you can move the pins on the boards, you can find duplicate pins. It has an option to follow or unfollow all your followers or followers of another person, unfollow all pinners who do not follow you. It lets you move, delete or copy the pins on your board. It allows you to run a back up to your pins and boards, finds broken links on your pins, so you can fix them and much, much more. It also has Pin Anything, screen capture tool. It can be used only with Mozilla Firefox.

38. Percolate

It is a tool that allows filtering and publishing great content on Pinterest.

39. url2pinit

Free tool to capture web pages that become pins.

40. PicMarkr

It is not a Pinterest tool but you can use it for your pins by adding watermark on your images.

41. Tineye

Tool that recognizes the original source of images that are shared on Pinterest.

42. PinCount

With this tool you can see the number of pins of each page, blog article.

43. HelloSociety

Content creation, curation, optimization, amplification, social expansion and analytics. HelloSociety has over 350 influential pinners. Clients include: JC Penney, Refinery 29, Sephora, TopShop, Zappos, Vogue, Disney, GAP,, Macy’s, Martha Stewart, Tommy Hilfiger, Wayfair, J.Crew, P & G, etc.

44. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is not a tool just for Pinterest but you can use it to help you curate content for your boards. You can search by content type or by date to know what is shared on Pinterest and other social networks. You can search by topic or website, identify influential people to connect with them, etc.


Pinterest allows gifs as well. creates free and easy gifs. No registration required. It can be used on Windows, Mac and Linux. The process is very simple: you upload images, put them in the order you want, you set the timing and GifMaker combines them into an animated image.

46. Storylark

Storylark develops, creates, and distributes the most beautiful and engaging visual content on the web.

47. Reachli

This tool helps you monitor Pinterest activity and engagement. However, it is now a tool that not only tracks analytics for Pinterest pins, but also helps track information about any video or picture content. It will help you see which form of content is best received by your audience, as well as what topics they find interesting.

48. Fotor

Use Fotor, PicMonkey or Canva to create collages.

Pinterest Tab on your Facebook Page




49. ShortStack App

Official Pinterest tools

50. Pin it button

51. Pin widgets

52. Profile widget

53. Board widget

54. Pinterest Follow button

55. Pinterest Analytics

56. Rich Pins

57. Promoted Pins

Don’t be surprised if you click on one of the links and find that it’s no longer available.

A lot of Pinterest tools come and go, change their names, add or remove features. I will update as soon as I notice a change.

Which tools do you use to manage your Pinterest account?

Speak your mind if you know others tools that are not listed here so I can include them.

Tweet me @Danielal007 for suggestions, tips, questions, doubts.

Pin you later ;)



Daniela Lazovska

I design customer experiences that clone clients | On a mission to convince all sceptics that CX & WOM combined with content will grow your business in no time