Design Report

October 2017

Daniel Korpai
4 min readNov 5, 2017

Few months ago I decided to put aside at least 2–3 hours every week to work on my design skills, try out new techniques, plugins, prototyping tools and solve design challenges I’m interested in.

With these monthly design reports my goal is to share every experience I gain during these months as a designer, so we can learn together along the way.

This article is a collection of my design work created in October 2017 combined with my favorite design inspirations.

iPhone X Web Navigation Idea

I started October experimenting with a new website navigation idea. The goal was to create a mobile website navigation, which is easy-to-use with one hand on bigger mobile devices as well.

Based on my experience, most of the websites still use a hamburger menu button at the top left or right corner, which is really hard to reach with one hand.

As a solution, I created a floating menu button at the bottom of the screen, which looks good either on the iPhone X or on older devices.

After tapping the ‘Quick Menu’ button you can access all the necessary navigation elements with one hand or you can access the most important contact information with a tap, for example start a call, send an email or start navigation to a location.

After publishing my idea on a few design focused forums and sites the feedbacks I got were amazing.

You can read a more detailed article about the process and ideas behind the iPhone X Web Navigation Concept here.

Brand Identity Guidelines 2.0

I created my first brand identity guidelines more than a year ago. Since it got thousands of downloads over the year I decided to refresh and extend it with a new look&feel as a free update.

You can download it for free under my Dribbble post.

Brand Identity Guidelines 2.0 — Dark Mode

I’m also considering recreating the Brand Identity Guidelines 2.0 in dark mode as well, if I see that designers are interested and would use it. :)

Top 5 Design Inspirations in October 2017

1. Framer Voyage UI Kit — Overview

The design team at Framer is one of the best, when it comes to releasing new updates and new free content regurarly. Definitely keep them on your notification list and follow their amazing work, because you can learn a lot from them.

2. Introducing InVision Design System Manager

3. Social applications

4. Error Illustrations — Empty States Vol 02

5. iPhone X — Calendar App Concept

See you in a month 👋

I hope you learned something from this article and got pumped up with new design inspirations.

Every clap, share, tweet and response is a huge motivation for me to keep writing and share more behind the scenes techniques with you!

You can read the previous Design Reports here:

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