Design Report — October 2018

Daniel Korpai
4 min readNov 12, 2018


I started these monthly design reports back in last year to challenge my UI/UX design skills and grow as a designer. The main purpose of these side projects is to try out new techniques, plugins, prototyping tools and solve design challenges I’m interested in.

This article is a collection of my work created in October 2018 combined with my favorite design inspirations.

InVision Studio — Apple Pencil Charging Animation

I’m super excited about the new iPad Pro devices, so while waiting for delivery I recreated this small animation when charging the new Apple Pencil.

The goal of this post was to showcase the power of Studio by recreating an existing animation entirely inside the InVision Studio app.

Oh, and yes, this was my first .mp4 shot on Dribbble! Still can’t believe it’s finally happening! 🎉

This was also my first shot posted in the InVision Dribbble account and at the end of the day, it was the 3rd most popular post on the Dribbble homepage, which was a huge thing for me personally.

Later this post was also shared by the Dribbble team on their Twitter and Instagram accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers for which I’m super grateful, thank you! :)

Pricing Design — Pricing your design work and dealing with price objections

This month I wrote a detailed article about pricing design work and dealing with price objections.

Writing about pricing was a challenging task since this is one of those topics, which everybody is interested in, but most of the designers are afraid to talk about it.

In this article, my goal was to summarize all the different pricing techniques I used during the past years. This way you can also experiment with these pricing methods to see which fits your needs the best.

As a bonus, at the end of this article, I listed the most common pricing objections I’ve met with, alongside with my responses to them.

The article was featured in the Medium publication as well as in their amazing newsletter.

HeyDesigner also featured the article at the first place in their Business category! :)

You can read the full article here:

Making my photos available on Unsplash

Since I’m already shooting custom images for my Instagram profile, I decided to publish these on Unsplash too, so others can also use them if they want.

Honestly, I was expecting that a couple hundred people will view and download these photos and would have never imagined that more than 5 million people will view my images with tens of thousands of downloads in a month!

Look around on my Unsplash profile —

I’m still amazed by the Unsplash community and these crazy numbers, so I will definitely continue uploading new shots there, stay tuned!

See you in a month 👋

I hope you learned something from this article and got pumped up with new design inspirations.

In case you have any questions or just want to talk about design, feel free to reach out on Twitter, Instagram or send me an email. Currently, I reply to all my emails within 1–2 working days.

Thanks for the 50 clap 👏 if you enjoyed this article! Every clap, share, tweet and response is a huge motivation for me to keep writing and share more behind the scenes insights with you!

I also redesigned my monthly newsletter from scratch, so I recommend you to check it out as well. 👇

