7 CMD/terminal Keyboard Shortcuts + Commands

That will save you a load of time.

Ashleigh Danks
1 min readNov 6, 2017

General Shortcuts




This post is part a series I have put together on saving time and increasing productivity, click the links above to check out my other posts.

Key combinations have been shown for windows and IOS.

CMD / terminal

‘cd directoryName’ ‘cd directoryName’
Change the file you are in to directoryName. This can chained i.e. ‘directoryName/anotherDirectoryName. Also ‘..’ can be used to go up into the parent folder.

‘mkdir/rmdir directoryName’ ‘mkdir/rmdir directoryName’
Allows you to make new/delete folders. NOTE that to remove a folder you may have to use -r or -rF to forcibly remove the folder and its contents. This should only be done if necessary.

‘touch directoryName.fileExtension’ ‘touch directoryName.fileExtension’
Create a file called directoryName.fileExtension

‘echo fileContent> fileName’ ‘echo fileContent> fileName’
Adds fileContent to the file fileName, it will overwrite any data currently in that file. NOTE: if the file doesn’t exist it will create the file.

‘echo fileContent >> fileName’ ‘echo fileContent >> fileName’
Appends fileContent to the file fileName, it will overwrite any data currently in that file. NOTE: if the file doesn’t exist it will create the file.

Copy selected text. For IOS ‘ctrl+u’ will cut everything backwards to beginning of line and ‘ctrl + k’ will cut everything forward to end of line.

‘shift+ins’ ‘ctrl+y’
Paste selected text.

I’ll update this list as I continue to develop and if there any great shortcuts you think I should include drop me a comment.

