Should You Love Your Work?

Dan Vale
2 min readNov 23, 2022


A well-known quote of Confucius is, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” An author, Miya Tokumitsu, does not agree with Confucius. She wrote a book titled, Do What You Love: And Other Lies About Success and Happiness. In her book, she argues that this attitude has become a mantra that gives employers the power to exploit their workers, especially female workers. She writes that employers make passion a job requirement because they do not want to hear complaints about low pay, long hours, and poor working conditions.

Ms. Tokumitsu also feels that it is easier for wealthy people to insist upon work they love. She cites the example of Steve Jobs, the former Apple CEO. Steve Jobs obviously loved his job more than the thousands who labored in Apple’s factories overseas.

Another example of someone who loved his job is Tony Hawk. Mr. Hawk became a professional skateboarder at the age of 14 and has been a professional skateboarder for 24 years. He now is a 38 year old husband and father of three. A good question might be how many more years he will have the ability to continue as a professional skateboarder. He should keep in mind that there are many other jobs he could love as well.

So then, how important, and practical is it for you to love your job? It is important, at least eventually, to have a job in line with your interests. That is why those beginning their careers, or those who want to change their careers might profit from interest tests.

There also are other factors that help to increase job satisfaction. Some of these other factors are jobs that are in line with your abilities, personality, and values. Adequate compensation for your work also is a factor. One of the ways to discover how you manifest these factors is through career tests interpreted by a career counselor. There also are many additional resources for career decision making.

Hopefully, as you progress in the world of work, you will approach closer and closer to work you love. One way to love your work is to focus on how your work helps other people.

Can you think of any other factors that are important in your career decision making?

Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

